Invited to attend this banquet, Xicheng deliberately came over and wanted to find a chance to chat with Xu Yanqing about the winery and their cooperation.

He had already seen Gu Yu, just to avoid the cockroaches never appearing until the rain came to power. At first he was really able to repent for Gu Yu, but he did not expect the result to make him sad.

"I..." Gu Yu’s chest was violently undulating. "I am dark and mean? Yes, I am dark and mean. I used to treat me at the banquet. Did you see it? How do everyone laugh at me? Do you know?" These are all thanks to the Ning Xiaofei you like. If it wasn't for her, why did Ji Jing target her like this? If it weren't for her, would you do this to me? I just hate her, I just want her to come down to Taiwan. I just want her to taste the humiliation of being in public..."


The right face was slammed, and there was a squeak in the ears of Gu Yu. Then she felt the lips cracked and the blood overflowed. She took two steps back in control to stabilize her figure.

Raised his face and looked at Xicheng, standing not far away, his eyes were full of incredible colors.

" hit me?!"

Look at his palm, Xicheng's face is also full of pain, his body swaying, he is unable to back two steps, gently shaking his head.

"You shouldn't be back, you shouldn't go back to China..."

If she doesn't come back, if she doesn't return home, or she will be the kind sister she impressed...

Whispered, he suddenly turned and went crazy through the corridor and disappeared.

"Little cold!"

Gu Yu called out his name loudly, but only her echo in the corridor.

Raise his finger and gently touch the face that was hit by him. The rain was sad and wronged.

Grabbing the handbag that fell on the ground, she swayed through the corridor and into the elevator.

In the elevator, there was a couple who took the children down the stairs and saw her. The family of three took the initiative to retreat to the side. Gu Yu was afraid that others would find her face and lifted the handbag to block it.

This action attracted the child's attention, and looked at her with a small face curiously. Gu Yu was on the air and immediately sipped.

"Get out!"

The child was so scared that he was white and was busy retreating to the side of his mother.

The mother hugged her own child and glanced at the rain. "It is unreasonable."

The elevator doors were separated, and Gu Yu immediately stepped up and rushed out of the elevator.

The doorman politely greeted her to ask if she needed a car, and she was drunk aside and rushed out of the hotel. She didn't want the assistant to see her like a wolf, and stopped a taxi and hurried into the back seat.

"Miss, where are you going?"

"You control me, drive forward!" Gu Yu yelled.

The taxi driver stunned and couldn't help but change his face. When the car was parked on the side of the road, "Please get off!"

"Hey!" Gu Yu pulled the handbag and pulled out two banknotes to throw it into the front seat. "Is it just asking for money, give it!"

"I am working!"

"You... you are refusing to carry, I am complaining to you!

"Whenever I go down from my car, I don't know who I am when I drink two cats. I have money, I don't want to pull it, go down!"

The taxi driver stopped the car, walked over and pulled the door open, grabbed the two bills, pulled her off the car, and slammed the money on her, and went away.

Gu Yuqi had to lift his foot and kick it, and the high heels on his feet made him fall to the ground.

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