Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 1026: Too creative!

Of course, he also knows that they will definitely be more convincing in the past, but she is pregnant and can't afford such a toss. After that, it has not been developed yet, and the facilities are not perfect. He can't let her go. Suffering, and not safe enough.

However, the second best.

When he was on the road, he already thought about it. He would do an activity like picking an orchard tea party. Since she wanted to help him, she would give her a chance. She could also rely on Ning Xiaofei’s studio and website. The platform plays a propaganda role, and it can also help Ning Xiaofei's studios and websites to achieve a win-win situation.

“Picking, tea party...” Ning Xiaofei frowned and thought about it. Suddenly, her eyes lit up. “Yes, when we get the celebrities in the city, we will immediately think about it. Long, all gone, Wang Huaizhen certainly has no pollution problems! Husband, you are too creative?"

Mu Tianye smiled. "I am also inspired by you!"

This sentence is not to make her happy, in fact, this thought was thought after he saw her show.

"Hey!" Ning Xiaofei leaned against him. "Of course, your wife is also very smart!"

Already used to see her "self-selling boast", Mu Tianye just laughed and said nothing.

When the company is busy again, as long as you get home, once you see this little thing, it seems that all the fatigue and unhappiness are not worth mentioning.

Gently holding her shoulders and taking her to her side, Mu Tianye caressed her long hair, and her tone was full of apologies.

"Apologize, this time has been delayed for so long, and when these things are settled, I must be with you."

She promised her before, to make up her honeymoon and take her out to have fun. When these things happened, he went wherever he went.

The little girl raised her face and smiled cute. "Are you not already with me now?"

Sideways, Mu Tianye raised his big hand and gently fell on her lower abdomen.

"What is the baby today?"

"Of course, our baby is very smart and sensible!" Ning Xiaofei raised his palm and gently covered his back. "I haven’t spit it in the past few days. Liu Wei said that, like this, My hardest days have passed."

Mentioned Liu Wei, Ning Xiaofei sat up straight.

"Right, hungry, I will help you to eat something?"

Mu Tianye immediately shook his head. "No, I have eaten."

Ning Xiaofei frowned, "is it another takeaway?"

The man smiled. "Just eat it, I am not like you."

"But..." Ning Xiaofei flashed a smirk in his eyes. "I am hungry. Can you accompany me for a good meal?"

These days, he is busy every day, will be one after another, noon, noon and dinner are solved in the company, nothing more than a variety of takeaway fast food and other things, she only worried that his body can not afford, every day also find a way Give him a meal.

Seeing her legs stretched over the slippers, Mu Tianye reached out and caught her wrist.

"I do!"

She is a pregnant woman, and it should have been his care for her.

"Forget it!" Ning Xiaofei stood up. "I don't want you to burn my kitchen!"

He has this kind of thought enough. As for cooking, this is still a problem, she has never seen him cook.

Mu Tianye came over. "I really have to cook."

"Yes, then what do you listen to and do?" Ning Xiaofei asked slyly.

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