"I..." Knowing that this is going on, there is no way to continue the topic. Xicheng is trying to suppress the anger. "I will go back to talk to my father about this matter. I will not allow you to move from Gufeng before I get permission from my father." funds!"

"Now the wings are hard, learn to use my father to press me?" Gu Yu angrily pointed at the direction of the door, "Go, go tell you, go out!"

The words were not speculative, and it was said to be useless. Xicheng turned and strode out of her office. Gu Yu angrily dropped the pen on the table and sat back in the chair.



Outside the high-end villa community where Jijia lived, far away from the scene of Ji Jing, Chen Ziming immediately came down from the car and smiled and greeted her.

Seeing him, Ji Jing also stepped up.

"Zi Ming!"

Reaching out to hold her waist, Chen Ziming smiled and kissed her cheek, "Go on the bus and say."

Putting her in the passenger seat, Chen Ziming sat in the driver's seat and immediately sent a small paper bag on the back seat to her hand.

"Look, do you like it?"

Quietly unfolds the pocket, draws a delicate box from the inside, opens the package, and sees a delicate gemstone necklace inside, sparkling on the black velvet.

Ji Jing is aware of the goods, do not have to look at things, just look at the paper bag to know the value is high, and then see the diamond necklace inside, suddenly opened a smile.

This is the first time Chen Ziming sent her a gift, still so expensive, Ji Jing is inevitably somewhat flattered.

"Wow, so beautiful!" Holding the necklace in front of the neck, she immediately turned to Chen Ziming, "Help me wear it?"

After reaching out to take the necklace, Chen Ziming smiled and put the necklace on her neck. She stepped back and looked back. "Well, I felt very suitable for you when I saw this necklace, as I expected." ”

"You didn't buy it this morning?" Ji Jing asked the necklace.

"In fact, after we had a fight that day, I regretted it, so I wanted to buy a gift for you, and I said sorry to you, just..." Chen Ziming started the car and looked at her sideways. "You know, I am People sometimes die to face, so..."

"I know!" Ji Jing smiled with a look of tolerance. "As long as you have me in my heart, I will be satisfied. In fact, that day, I... I am also a bit too impulsive, you don't be angry with me."

"It's normal. If I see you with a man, I will definitely be jealous." Chen Ziming held the steering wheel with one hand and reached the palm of her hand with the other hand. "I will take you to the hospital first. Let's talk a little bit about the next thing."

Seeing him giving gifts again, and being so considerate, Ji Jing has already been full of enthusiasm, naturally it is compliant with him.

The two soon came to a private hospital. The doctor carefully examined Ji Jing and left the nurse to help her collect blood. She went outside.

Chen Ziming gently lifted his chin inward, and the doctor immediately lowered his voice.

"It is indeed pregnant."

"If you can do the flow now?"

"The fetus should not be more than a month old and there is no problem at all."

Chen Ziming nodded in a relaxed position, watching Ji Jing being helped by the nurse, and immediately greeted him with a smile. The nurse sent the blood to the laboratory, and he took Ji Jing to the outside chair.

"Xiao Jing!" Knocked in front of her, his hands on her knees. "I really didn't think that I would be a father."

Ji Jing caressed his lower abdomen. "I think he must be a boy. He will be as smart as Dad and inherit your career."

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