Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 1049: Figure a good color! (1)

As soon as this news was released, many international media were paying attention to this event.

Such a grand event, Ning Xiaofei did not dare to take it lightly. He personally refused to say it. He also called the Indian phone several times and asked him about the matters needing attention.

Notice that the sign was a bit biased, she immediately grabbed the megaphone, "left...slow on the left!"

Su Yingsheng was afraid that she was tired. When she put down the loudspeaker, she immediately sent the water bottle. "Ning, drink some water, cool it in the car for a while, don't heat up in such a hot weather!"

"Nothing!" Ning Xiaofei took a sip of water and immediately grabbed the megaphone again. "The right side is a little higher!"

Looking at her energetic look, Su Ying just smiled and shook her head.

In the distance, there was a team driving in, stopping for a moment on the side of the road, the door opened, and a man and a woman jumped from both sides of the car.

Both of them are very young, the handsome face of the man is handsome and refined, but the girl is revealing a bit of publicity. It is the Ji Mo and Ye Qiao who just returned from the M country.

After leaving the plane, the two did not answer immediately, but rushed to the scene at the first time.

Looking around, the girl’s gaze was immediately settled on Ning Xiaofei’s body.

"I know that she is here! We used to give her a surprise."

Ji Mo smiled and followed her into the orchard.

The two men crossed the fruit forest together and went to the vicinity of the event. Su Ying turned to face and saw them, but she was shocked and stunned. According to the original plan, they should arrive tomorrow.

Ye Qiao put a finger on the lips to Su Ying, indicating that Su Ying was quiet, and she came to Ning Xiaofei.

"Ning, are you hungry?"

"You should eat first, I will wait for you to install this." Ning Xiaofei was only his own hand at first, and he did not say it back. When he said half of it, he suddenly felt that it was wrong. He lowered the megaphone in his hand. Face, seeing them two immediately revealed a smile, "skunk girl, how come you come back in advance?"

"I am not afraid that you are too busy to come alone, come back to work for the boss in advance!" Ye Qiao smiled and teased.

Ji Mo explained gently. "There is only some finishing work left there. There is no need for us to stay there. Xiao Qiao is worried that you are too busy to come, so we come back in advance, how are we going to have something to do? of?"

"Don't!" Ning Xiaofei raised her hands and smiled and held the arms of the two men. "You guys... go home first, take a rest, take a shower and fall, take a rest and come over!"

All the way to the boat, for more than ten hours, she has the heart to let them work on the plane.

Her voice just fell, and Ji Mo had already reached the palm of his hand and took the loudspeaker.

"Okay, give it to me, you and Xiao Qiao talk to the car!"


Ning Xiaofei will stop him again, Ye Qiao has reached out and grabbed her arm.

"Let's go, show me the photos I took!"

Ye Qiao took Ning Xiaofei to the air-conditioned commercial vehicle not far away, and Ji Mo walked to the scene and directed the workers to arrange the venue.

This time, Ji Mo and Ye Qiao specially came back in advance, that is, they worried that Ning Xiaofei’s body could not be eaten.

Ji Mo has hosted several large-scale events. In this respect, he has more experience than Ning Xiaofei. The activities have been planned from the initial planning to the final site layout. Ning Xiaofei has consulted him in all aspects, so Ji Mo for this time. The activity is also well-known, and it is not necessary for her introduction to enter the state soon.


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