Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 1051: Figure a good color! (3)

"It's delicious?" Aunt asked.

"Well." Mu Tianye raised his lips and said, "It's delicious."

Aunt smiled happily. "Hey... this guy is so handsome, Ning girl is also a beauty of the first-class, and it will be a fairy-tale fairy if you give birth to a doll!"

After listening to everyone, they all laughed and Mu Tianye smiled.

"Let you say goodbye!"

At this point, Ji Mo had already handled the matter at hand and returned to the side of the crowd. Everyone got on the bus and Mu Tianye held the peach in his hand.

When the car drove to the city, he ate the peach in his hand.

Ning Xiaofei saw his movements on his side and couldn’t help but smile.

"Husband, are you not hungry?"

In the impression, he took the whole fruit and ate it for the first time. Just when he gave the aunt a face, he thought that this was still addictive.

"No." Mu Tianye gently shook his head. "That is... a good color!"

The man’s voice is casual, but Ning Xiaofei’s heart is shocked – this guy, I didn’t expect to care about this.

Look at the peach that her aunt gave her, and she raised her lips and sent the peach to her mouth.

The flowers blossomed and the white head carries the old--well, she also wants to make a good color.

When the car returned to the city, the peaches of both of them had already been eaten, and the car returned to Lanting Apartment. Ning Xiaofei specially prepared Liu Wei to give the wind to Ji Mo and Ye Qiao. It was not an outsider. It was better to eat at home. Feel free to be busy.

I briefly talked about this trip to the United States. After a full meal, Mu Tianye arranged for the driver to send them back and personally send the two to the elevator.

Seeing the truth in times of trouble, after all these things, he has already sincerely agreed with Ji Mo and Ye Qiao.

After sending Ji Mo and Ye Qiao to leave, Ning Xiaofei and Mu Tianye returned to the apartment and took the initiative to help Liu Wei to clean up, but she was stopped by her smile.

"You are busy with work. Just give these little things to me. Go upstairs and take a shower and rest, don't let our little baby get tired!"

Ning Xiaofei had no choice but to go upstairs with Mu Tianye.

When she was in the locker room, she asked him about real estate sales and stocks.

Mu Tianye helped her pull the zipper behind the skirt. "The opening situation is good today. There are more than one hundred sets of nets. It should be better tomorrow."

Ning Xiaofei’s face immediately showed a happy color. One hundred sets were not too much, but it was also a good start. After the next promotion and promotion work, the sales volume will definitely increase significantly.

I was chatting, and the overseas phone call from the land was called.

"Opening the door is open, but... Chen Ziming seems to have nothing to do on the other side!"

"Don't worry!" Mu Tianye stretched a palm to help Ning Xiaofei pull the long hair out of the nightgown. Then he turned and walked out of the cloakroom. "The bow does not turn back. I know him, he won't endure too much." old!"

Lu was smirked on the phone. "So, he should be worried about the money, then we will wait for him!"



As Lu Li and Mu Tianye expected, at this time Chen Ziming was squatting in the study over and over again, his face full of irritating expressions.

Before talking to Gu Yu, she will let the funds in place at the latest. Tonight, the M-country stock market has already opened, but she has no movement at all. He is inevitably somewhat unsettled.

In front of the window, another round trip, the phone on the other side of the M country called again to ask for money, Chen Ziming finally could not help, went to the table and took the phone, dialing Gu Yu's phone.

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