Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 1063: It won't be poison (3)

The so-called "no **** or not business."

Above the mall, it depends on wisdom.

Mu Tianye is undoubtedly a business wizard, which is also an important reason why he can manage Muhammad in such a short period of ten years.

The most difficult thing is that such a person can maintain an initial heart in life, sincerely treat his lover and friends... This is the most rare!

"Everyone must pay attention to the six figures on your wristband. We will take these six figures in the course of the draw. Of course, in addition to this grand prize, we have prepared a set of three-bedroom and two-bedroom two. There are also six sets of one-bedroom apartments. Every hour we will have a lottery. Don’t leave! Now, please don’t hesitate to enjoy our food and carnival!”

The host took the stage and invited the guests to take the stage to participate in the carefully prepared fruit-related activities.

What giant chopsticks clip the grape race, what two people together to move the watermelon...

There were laughter from time to time on the stage, and the atmosphere was very warm. The guests who just wanted to take a picture were also attracted by the grand prize. They all wanted to dismiss the idea of ​​leaving early, or enjoy the food, or Is attending an event, or chatting in twos and threes...

The banquet began so long, no one left, this is a miracle in a similar event.

Mu Tianye and Ning Xiaofei stepped down, and immediately there were a lot of guests coming over, or congratulating them on the success of the event, or thanking the two and Muhammad for their hospitality.

Mu's stocks rebounded, and the sales of the township resurgence, and Mu Tianye’s return to management rights has already gone.

All of this implies that Mu Tianye’s position is bound to return to the peak, and of course everyone will take the initiative to show him good.

Looking at the timing, Chen Ziming took a glass of wine and sneaked to the back of the person, took out the small paper bag on his body and looked at the two pills inside. He thought about simply putting all the two into the wine.

Stirring by hand, the pill quickly melted. He licked his fingers at random, and looked around. He noticed that Ji Jing, who was chatting with several familiar Miss Fu Jia, immediately walked over.

"Xiao Jing!"

"Zi Ming!" Ji Jing saw him, and immediately greeted him with joy and took his arm. "I am telling you about it, come here... I will tell you, this is the daughter of Mingde Logistics. This is the daughter of the chairman of Song-style Cement... This is what I mentioned to you, my boyfriend Chen Ziming!"

Finally, there is an opportunity to show off to everyone, and Ji Jing will certainly not miss it.

“Zi Ming is not only the president of Goldman Sachs Group, but also the chairman of Muhammad!”

"No!" A girl immediately unveiled the scam. "How do I hear my father say that Mu Tianye has re-sit back to the position of chairman?"

"Nonsense!" Ji Jing immediately took Chen Ziming, "Zi Ming, you tell them."

Chen Ziming only wanted to find a place to sneak in, and immediately reluctantly smiled. "Let's talk, we still have things, first missed."

After that, pull Zhai Jing and drag her to the distance.

"You slow down, my skirt..." Ji Jingla pulled the skirt on the floor, and some unhappyly complained, "Why, you suddenly walked away, they thought I was bragging!"

Originally, I wanted to blow the cows to show up to the little friends. As a result, I was beaten by the other party. Chen Ziming not only did not explain but also pulled her away. Ji Jing is naturally not very happy.

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