"My little beauty, I really can't wait to take you home now. Go ahead, wait for this thing to end, I will take you home, and let you enjoy the happiness of happiness tonight!"

Chen Ziming only wants to be happy with Ji Jing, so that she can do things for herself, so she tries to show her love for her.

He played hard, but did not notice that in the crowd not far away, a pair of eyes were watching him and Ji Jing angrily.

This person is not someone else, it is the rain that rushed to the scene.

She originally thought that Chen Ziming pursued himself for so many years and would certainly not make such a thing to pedal two ships. It must be that Ji Jing had a affiliation with Chen Ziming, and he would deliberately target her again and again.

The facts gave Gu Yu a big slap in the face. In the distance, she saw two people in one place. Later, Chen Ziming took the initiative to kiss Ji Jing, and she embraced her interactive look.

"Hate!" Ji Jing was stunned by his body and slammed him back into a wink. "Well... then I will try it!"

"Mu Tianye is on the side of the rostrum. I remember that I must tell him alone, and... you have to prepare a glass of wine yourself, saving him from being suspicious."

Carefully licking the season, he raised his hand and patted her on the ****. "Go, I am waiting for your good news!"

Quietly nodded, and went to the side of the stage.

Chen Ziming looked at her from afar, and when she was about to keep up, I reached out and grabbed his arm.

Suddenly turned his face and saw the face of Gu Yu in front of him, Chen Ziming could not help but hold it.

"Light rain?!"


Gu Yu’s right hand raised, and the whole body’s strength was slap in the face of Chen Ziming’s face.

"Chen Ziming, you are a mean and shameless villain, you... you dare to do this to me!"

At that time, Mu Tianye was at most ignoring her, but Chen Ziming?

What has been said for so many years has been waiting for him, saying that she is only sincere to her alone, she even forgives the impulse of his drunkenness...only because it is touched by his "truth", but the facts?

Losing her pressure from her father and brother, she turned over 100 million yuan to him. The **** carried her and kissed me and other women.

A slap in the face will also slap Chen Ziming for a few seconds, watching Gu Yu anger go away, he is busy rushing to pull her.

"Light rain, you listen to me!" Seeing that many people around him have seen it, Chen Ziming immediately grabbed Gu Yu’s arm and dragged her to a pillar to avoid people’s ears. "Light rain, things are not what you think." That way, you misunderstood!"

"Misunderstanding?" Gu Yu tried to open his palm. "I just saw you and her hug or misunderstanding. Do you want me to catch you when you go to bed?"

"I was just playing on the scene just now!" Chen Ziming was afraid that she would leave under misunderstanding. If she did not explain to her tonight, I was afraid that it would be more difficult to recover in the future. Gu Yu is a woman he has longed for for many years. With the solid backing of Gujia, he can't give up her anyway. "I do it for our future!"

"Shut up!" Where does Gu Yu believe in his nonsense? "For our future, you have to be intimate with other women. Do you think that I am a three-year-old child, will you be stupid enough to believe you?"

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