As soon as I saw this photo, Ji Jing suddenly changed his face, and then carefully looked at it and suddenly became angry.


Here, she risked the dangers discovered by Mu Tianye to help Chen Ziming. He fell down, and kissed me with Gu Yu there - too angry, Ji Jing did not see it at all, Chen Ziming and Gu Yu’s status is not like a pro. Kiss me and me.

Regardless of the reason Mu Tianye, Ji Jing turned and wanted to go.

"Miss Ji!" Mu Tianye reached out and stopped her. "This impulse will not solve the problem. If it is me, I will carefully figure out what is going on, maybe... is it a misunderstanding?"

Ji Jing stopped and asked to look at Mu Tianye. "You... what do you mean?"

Mu Tianye smiled. "Sneak past, listen to what they said, and then come to a conclusion."

After that, Mu Tianye faintly retracted his arm, and the season calmly grabbed two glasses of wine through the venue, and he raised his lips in evil.

Chen Ziming, want to play with me, you are still far away!

Through the venue, Ji Jing originally wanted to sin in the past, and remembered what Mu Tianye had said. It felt very reasonable. In case, if she misunderstood Chen Ziming, would Gu Yu entangle him?

In this way, she unknowingly slowed down and quietly came to Chen Ziming and Gu Yu, hiding behind the pillars, and the two ears stood up and listened carefully.



On the other side of the column, Chen Ziming is pulling Gu Yu’s loyalty and not paying attention to another party in his mouth. He is listening at a distance.

"Light rain, you can't really be the woman that I would like to be Jing Jing?! How can my taste be so bad, how can I really feel it for you for so many years?"

"Hey!" Gu Yu snorted and was unmoved. "You don't care if you say it, I won't believe you. You will return the money that I transferred to you tomorrow morning, and I will never show up again." In front of me!"

"Little rain!" Chen Ziming eagerly rushed to stop her. "You listen to me and finish the conversation. The reason why I called her over this time is my purpose! Really..." Look at Gu Yu or not, he simply My own ideas came together. "You also know that she and Ning Xiaofei are sisters. The reason why I brought her over is that I want to use her to inquire about some news from Ning Xiaofei. Now Mu's situation is unknown. I am just worried that if the incident is not handled well, wouldn't you have to pay for the money you have invested? If you don't believe it, after a while she completes the task, I will show off with you in front of you, and then draw with her. Qingjie line! I know that I am not doing this very well, but this is also for your future.... Now it is a very special time to use some very good means, isn’t it...”

Chen Ziming swears from time to time, and Shir explained that he used his three-inch tongue to spit the lotus and tried to excuse himself. Gu Yu saw that he was very arrogant and angry.

Behind the pillar, Ji Jing has begun to bite his teeth.

This Chen Ziming, who still said that she wants to marry her, wants to raise a child with her, but she just wants to use her!

Hate is born, she wants to rush out to ask questions, take a step forward and stop.


If she goes out now, it is not the right intention of Chen Ziming, she will be able to get rid of her, he will be able to win the joy of Gu Yu.


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