"Ah!" Ji Jing exaggeratedly screamed, "Calling people... killing!"

Anyway, she is the victim today, that is, to let the dogs and men lose their lives.

Take off the suit and wrap it on the waist of the valley, Chen Ziming pulls her away, the crowd separates, Mu Tianye has come with Ning Xiaofei and others.

A glance at the three wolverines, he frowned coldly.

"what happened?!"

"Tianye, Xiaofei... You must be the master of me, these two bastards, they bully me, Chen Ziming began to abandon, and Gu Yu... is a little boy..."

Ji Jing also knows that Chen Ziming and Mu Tianye are family members, and they are very eager to get up and rush to Ning Xiaofei to seek refuge.

The female bodyguard stepped forward and blocked her. She did not rush to Ning Xiaofei and rushed into the arms of the female bodyguard.

"Chen Chen!" Mu Tianye stretched his arm and pulled Ning Xiaofei to his side. "What the **** is going on?"

The turning point of the matter came too suddenly, and Chen Ziming was silent for a while. For a moment, he reacted and wanted to bite Mu Tianye.

"Hey, why should Mu always wear garlic? These are not all of you..."

When the words were not finished, I heard a sudden "giggle" strange laughter behind him. He turned his face in confusion, and saw that Gu Yu was squinting, his face with a weird expression, and he was smiling at him.

That smile is weird.

Originally, she was still clutching his suit, and she had already loosened her fingers and looked at him with gaze.

"Zi Ming... Zi Ming..."

Her voice is also weird, and that feeling is like teasing.

Chen Ziming looked at her in confusion, "Little rain, you?!"

Her appearance, how it feels like taking poison, Chen Ziming suddenly surprised, turned his face to look at Ji Jing, is she giving Mu Tianye's wine to Gu Yu?


At this time, Gu Yu had already smiled and approached him. Chen Ziming still kept the last reason. She took her and wanted to take it to the crowd. Her hands and feet gradually became soft and lost. The fire in her mind seemed to be open, and the reason was quickly Drug phagocytosis.

He stopped and laughed like a rain.

Gu Yu laughed with him, and the man instinctively approached him. He felt her touch. Chen Ziming also turned his face. Then the two people were like estrus beasts, holding each other and kissing, while kissing. Also pulling the other's clothes...

Chen Ziming was a shirt, and Gu Yu couldn’t pull it for a while. She was just a suspender skirt, and the skirt was pulled down, and she immediately showed a large piece of skin.

Suddenly this happened, and everyone around me was confused. Even Mu Tianye was confused and frowned.

These two... Is this crazy? !

"Sister!" After the crowd, Xicheng quickly separated the crowd and quickly took off his coat and put it on Gu Yu. He pulled her away from Chen Ziming. "Come... send them to the hospital, fast!"

In the mouth, he grabbed Gu Yu and took her to the side.

Everyone also saw that the situation was wrong. Mu Tianye waved his hand. Immediately, several security guards rushed over and seized Chen Ziming who wanted to work on a female guest. The other two helped Xicheng seize the crazy struggle of Gu Yu. The two were taken out of the venue and put in the car and taken to the hospital.

On the way to the hospital, Xicheng firmly held Gu Yu and grabbed her hands. Gu Yu struggled hard, smiled and approached his body, and was controlled by drugs. She had already lost her mind.

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