At this time, another police officer opened the door and retired from Chen Ziming's room. He shook his head to the Li team and said that he did not find it.

"That..." Li team was slightly indulged. "We will go to the venue to check it out and see what is going on. When the two parties wake up, you can contact us again to find out what is going on." ”

"Good." Xicheng nodded gratefully, "Working hard!"

He also wants to figure this out.

Two police officers left, Xicheng turned back to the ward and sat down at the bed of Gu Yu. He shook his head and sighed.

It was not until the early hours of the morning that Gu Yu was awake and uncovered the quilt. She was about to get up when she was swaying. Xicheng was busy holding her arm.

"Xiaohan?" Gu Yu's mind is still not quite clear. Seeing that he is just confused, "How are you in my room?"

"This is a hospital." Xicheng helped her pull the skirt. "Where are you uncomfortable?"

Gu Yu looked around and his eyes fell on his face again.


Xicheng took the water bottle and wanted to help her pour water. She grabbed the water bottle and snorted and sipped in the middle of the night.

Looking at her swallowing without grace, Xicheng became more and more convinced that the drugs in her body were the same as hiss. I remember that night, he also felt very thirsty.

Put the whole bottle of water into the stomach, put the water bottle down in the rain, and look at it again.

"How can I be in the hospital?"

Under the stimulation of cold water, she has been much clearer.

"Sister!" Xicheng held her palm. "You tell me the truth, have you taken drugs?"


Gu Yu instinctively shook his head.

"Is it really?"

Gu Yu unhappyly opened his palm, "Where do you treat me!"

"Do you know why you were sent to the hospital?" Xicheng asked.

Gu Yu turned his face again and looked at him. His face showed a thoughtful expression, but he couldn’t remember what he had done. “What happened?”

At this point, Xicheng did not conceal. When she was about to move her at the venue, she told her directly that Gu Yu heard that she and Chen Ziming had kissed each other and took off their clothes in so many faces. The expression on her face was like Swallow a few flies.

"I know!" She suddenly raised her face. "It must be Ji Jing. It must be her... It must have been in her glass of wine!"

"You mean... Ji Jing's daughter Ji Jing of Ji Jichuan?" asked Xicheng.

"It's her!" Gu Yu's eyes flashed with anger. "She threatened me before. This time I must want to avenge me, so I deliberately started with me and wanted me to be ugly in front of everyone."

Xicheng became more and more confused. "Why should she retaliate against you?"

"Why can you, not because of Chen Ziming's bastard!" Gu Yu became more excited, and he opened the quilt and got out of bed. "I want to kill them, I want to kill them both!"

Such a shameful thing will surely be known to everyone tomorrow. What face does she have? !

"Sister! You calm down!" Xicheng grabbed her and pushed her back to the bed. Gu Yu was just struggling like a madman, kicking him unknowingly. "You are all bastards... let me go, let me Going to death... I just died!"

Chen Ziming lie to her, Ji Jing made this kind of thing to her, she lost her face in front of everyone...

Think about this, a woman who has always been proud of being strong, and now she is already suffering.

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