"Not self-respect, too self-respecting! I reminded you before, the girl must be self-respecting, you just don't listen, if you didn't play outside like that, you are not a small Philippine, but now you are married to Mu Tianye. It’s not going to make such a scandal, it’s really... the door is unfortunate!”

When this incident came out, Ji Jiada lost his face, and Ji Jing’s reputation is naturally not likely to be good.

It is very difficult to marry someone later. Imagine, who would be willing to marry a woman who has been pregnant with such a scandal?

"What do I do when I see you? If there is such a thing, whoever dares to marry you, you will quickly dispose of the wild species in my stomach. It is really... shameful!"

"Okay, let's say a few words!" Bai Qiuling helped her daughter to manage her hair. "Xiao Jing is also a victim. Why are you doing it for me? I want to say that all of them are Chen Ziming's unconscionable white-eyed wolf!"

"Hey! You are so embarrassed to say!" Ji Zichuan snorted. "If you tell me these things early, things may have a turn, look at the present... how to end?"

Ji Jing sat on the bed and cried.

At first Bai Qiuling also advised her on the side, listening to her husband more and more difficult to listen, her anger rose.

"I will tell you earlier, tell you useful early?" Standing up from the bed, she pointed out that Ji Zichuan retorted loudly. "If you have the ability, you still have to use our mother and daughter to toss, you have in your heart." Do you have a daughter? I think about the wild species all day long. If you put your mind on Xiaojing, can you not know?"

"What does this matter have to do with Xiaomo? Which pot does not open which pot!"

"It's still a little ink, it's really kind, you and your son have gone!"


The more the two people are more fierce and fierce, the matter has been noisy from Ji Jing’s derailment to Ji Zichuan.

The season father couldn’t listen to it. He went downstairs and slammed the door.

"If you want to quarrel, you will give me a gossip, solve the problem if something goes wrong, so what is the use of the quarrel!"

Both husband and wife closed their mouths at the same time, and the season sighed and went downstairs.

Bai Qiuling sat back on the bed and held her daughter. Ji Zichuan sighed and sat down on the small sofa.

For a moment, he raised his face and made a decision.

"Don't say anything else, dispose of this child, and let Xiao Jing go abroad for two years. When everyone forgets this thing, we will help her find a boyfriend again."

This drags on, the fetus is getting bigger and bigger, and the longer it is dragged, the more unfavorable it is for Ji Jing.

Bai Qiuling also knows that this is the best way at the moment. Chen Ziming’s **** is impossible to marry Ji Jing.

After three simple discussions, Ji Zichuan got up and went to find a phone to help Ji Jing contact the doctor.

Outside the door, the servant happened to go upstairs.

"The two policemen came and said that they wanted to talk to Miss Ji."

As soon as I heard the police, Ji Jing suddenly became a guilty conscience and was busy shrinking behind her mother.

"I don't go... I won't go!"

Before, she still naively thought that Chen Ziming’s medicine was really a “medical medicine”. She deliberately let Chen Ziming and Gu Yu drink it, just wanting the two to tell the bad things they had done, and think of the two of them later. I will almost stage a reality show in public.

Although Ji Jing is generally knowledgeable, he has heard a lot of things in the wrong way. He can feel that things are not right. So after the incident, she immediately fled home from the scene and now I heard that the police came to the door, naturally it was a guilty conscience. Do not dare to see.

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