Qin Zhaoyang raised his eyebrows and was a little confused. "Xin Ning, I... What am I doing wrong?"

Chu Xinning waved to Lin Zifan and motioned him to go out. Lin Zifan quitted the door with great interest, and she hurriedly came over.

"You are still very embarrassed to ask?"

Since the surgery, Chu Xinning has been gentle to Qin Zhaoyang. This time, he suddenly turned his temper on his eyes. In fact, he was a little bit surprised by Qin Zhaoyang. He couldn’t remember where he was doing something wrong. He was embarrassed and busy. She apologized.

"Sorry, I... I don't need to know where I am wrong, but I still apologize to you first, then... Can you tell me where I am getting angry?"

Chu Xinning originally looked at him unpleasantly, watching the man look at her like a look, suddenly browed, and laughed and laughed.

Qin Zhaoyang became more and more confused. "What happened?"

"I won't tell you!"

Chu Xinning lips a sigh, rarely play a small temper, obviously already a grandmother, the expression on his face is like a teenage girl.

A strong woman, in the face of a man who loves himself, will also have a second when the girl becomes a little girl.

For example, Chu Xinning at the moment.

The phone call was actually the one that she contacted before.

Knowing that Mu Tianye’s company has passed the crisis, the funds she borrowed from the mortgage will not come in handy. Chu Xinning specifically told Lin Zifan to return the money. The money was originally Qin Zhaoyang’s money, but he made a fake document. Bankers naturally can't accept the money, so they simply tell Chu Xinning the truth.

She sprinkled a random, but let Qin Zhaoyang listen to the fog, asked her not to say, apologize does not work...

Looking at Qin Zhaoyang's confused face, Chu Xinning did not have the heart to tease him again, and immediately smiled.

"Forget it, this time I don't care about you, I will dare to lie to me next time, I will..." Originally, I wanted to say something, but I couldn't bear it. I looked at the insulation box on the table. "I will never give you dumplings again!"

"But... I really haven't lied to you!"

"Don't lie?" Chu Xinning scorned, "Where is my 200 million?"

Qin Zhaoyang is completely understandable. It turned out to be this matter.

"Xin Ning, this... I... I was also..."

"Okay!" Chu Xinning held the insulated bucket and dumped all the dumplings into his bowl. "Eat dumplings, remember, I will forgive you when I finish eating!"

Her tone was a bit sullen, but her smile on her face had already betrayed her true emotions. She knew that she was not really angry, and Qin Zhaoyang also smiled.

"Do not worry, guarantee that there is no one left!"

Picking up a dumpling and sending it to his mouth, he chewed it in a big mouth, because the food was a little anxious, the juice dripped into his throat and suddenly coughed up.

Chu Xinning was worried about getting up and helping him to caress his chest and looked worried.

"How, better?"

"Nothing, just accidentally."

"You... don't slow down?!"


Chu Xinning acted with a paper towel to help him gently wipe the lips, Qin Zhaoyang holding the bowl, listening to the woman slightly stunned, but not a bit of disgust.

For so many years, she first became cold to him, then turned into awe... but rarely like other ordinary couples.

At this moment, she is as jealous as an ordinary woman, while helping him deal with the endgame, his eyes are full of tenderness, this is the usual husband and wife he longs for.

He has done wrong things in his life and he has been punished. He will have such an opportunity in the latter half of his life. God has already treated him.

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