"Great... great!" Chen Ziming’s excited voice trembled. "Okay, then I will wait for your call."

“Happy cooperation!”

“Happy cooperation!”

Landing down the phone, lazily hang up the phone, blinking at Mu Tianye, "How is my accent learning?"

Mu Tianye is still poisonous tongue. "The tongue is sounded in general, and it is stupid!"

"It’s enough to be able to stupid." Lu did not mind, leaning back on the chair, "How about the little princess?"


"Let's have dinner together at night, I miss her."

The voice just fell, and the nephew of Mu Tianye on the side seat had already looked at it with a bit of sharpness.

Lu Yi laughed, and finally did not forget.

"Azusa, if I really have to be a little princess with you, will you fight with me?"

Mu Tianye didn't have a bit of anger on his face, but he did not agree with it. "I don't have to shoot at all, why should I spend that effort?"

The little woman in their family is very clear about him. He is very clear. Even if he is charming again, he can’t take away the woman who loves him. At this point, Mu Tianye has absolute confidence.

"So confident!" Lu smirked, "Don't worry, I am not interested in your little princess, but she is interested in this information!"

He gently raised his chin, and the butler held a cowhide bag in his hands and sent it to Mu Tianye.

Mu Tianye untied the seal of the document bag and took out the documents inside.

"These are all that I can find. Some of them are listening to the informed population of the year. I can't be sure about how much authenticity there is."

Open the file and Mu Tianye holds the file in both hands and carefully checks it.

When the car drove to the hotel where he was staying, he also read a piece of information carefully, and put the information in his hand back into the file bag. He looked at the land in a positive color.

"Working hard."

Shrugging shoulders, "Would you like to go up for a drink?"

"I have to go back to the company to have a meeting, go to my house tomorrow night, we will have a good drink."

Lu Tian nodded lightly, Mu Tianye pushed the door open, the butler and the driver together to get off the wheelchair, this time, Zhou Tao, who has been behind, also drove the car.

The back of the sight disappeared into the lobby door, and Mu Tianye grabbed the paper bag and sat in Zhou Tao’s car.

"back office!"

The car went forward, Mu Tianye's big hand patted the file bag on his knee, slightly sinking, took out the phone and dialed Ning Xiaofei's phone.

The phone was called and it was quickly connected. The person answering the phone was not Ning Xiaofei, but Su Ying.

"Mu Zong, Ning Xiaofei is participating in an interview. Will you call again later, or let me tell you?"

“How long does she last?”

"It's about two hours or so."

"What arrangements does she have in the afternoon?"

"The afternoon... there is no special work."

"Well, wait for her to attend the interview and send her home directly. I am waiting for her in the apartment."


Su Ying promised to hang up and return to the live broadcast site.

This time, Ning Xiaofei came to participate in an exclusive interview with her on a TV station. Sitting at the guest seat, she was able to cope with it. From time to time, she would have some laughter or thought-provoking words. The atmosphere at the event was also very it is good.

"The next question..." The host took a glance at the big screen. "Oh, this is a netizen who calls himself ‘美美’. She wants to ask Miss Ning, is CK president really your father?

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