"Then why don't you say it early!"

Awkwardly, Bai Qiuling hurried forward.

"Madam, here!"

The servant was busy pulling her and pointing to the operating room diagonally opposite. Bai Qiuling turned and quickly rushed over, regardless of whether she would rush to the door.

"what happened!"

The police officer who was on the side immediately rushed over and stopped her.

"You let me go, I want to let my daughter?"

"This is the operating room!" The police officer looked harsh. "You calm down first, the surgery has not been completed, no one can go in!"

The driver held Bai Qiuling's arm and took her to the side. Bai Qiuling had already been crying at this time. "Xiao Jing, my little quiet... Chen Ziming, who is a thousand knives... I dare to do this to you, Mom must not Will let her go..."

She was still crying, and Ji Zichuan also rushed in. After seeing Bai Qiuling, he immediately rushed over.

"How about Xiao Jing?"

Bai Qiuling complained in a hurry, "How come you come!"

On the other hand, the driver responded on his own initiative. "Miss is still in the operating room. We don't know how the situation is?"

"It must be Chen Ziming's bastard!" Bai Qiuling turned sharply and grabbed the arm of the police officer around him. "You are going to fight against him, that is the bastard."

"You calm down!" The police officer frowned and pulled his arm. "We won't catch people until things are not clear."

"How does this matter relate to Chen Ziming?" Ji Zichuan asked inexplicably.


Bai Qiuling suddenly had a guilty conscience. These things are her personal opinions. I didn’t discuss with Ji Zichuan, I wanted to help my daughter find some face, and took the opportunity to swindle money from Chen Ziming. Now her daughter is out of trouble, of course she I dare not say more.

After marrying her for many years, Ji Zichuan also guessed a few points, and immediately screamed.

"say something!"

"Yes...I let me go quietly." Bai Qiuling raised her face. "I... I am also here for Xiao Jing. For our family, the good-end daughter is pregnant, the other is still like this... I... Of course I can't afford Chen Ziming cheaply! I just want Xiao Jing to give him a look at the color, so just let Xiao Ji go to Chen Ziming's house to pick up things!"

Speaking of the back, she is also a loss, the voice is getting smaller and smaller.

"You... you are really... confused!" Ji Zichuan was full of tremors, and his hand was slap in the face. After the fight, his fingers were still pointing at Bai Qiuling. "If Xiaojing has three long and two short, I... ...I will never let you go!"

Although Ji Jing has been spoiled, but his daughter is in any case, it is still good to go out in the morning, but he is already lying in the emergency operating room of the hospital in one day, and his father’s nature is also distressed.

"You...do you dare to beat me?" Bai Qiuling lifted his face unwillingly. "Ji Zichuan, you have a long way to do it. You know me now, do you go early... If you have a father like you, Can Xiao Jing become like this?... Now I’m blaming, I’m coming, how... I didn’t give you a son, is it... you go to find your wild species!”

"How do you get involved in this matter, this is two things, you are... stupid!"

"You said that I am stupid, you are smart, then how are you..."

The two were arguing that the door of the emergency room had been pushed open by the door and a doctor came out.

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