His heart was ecstatic, and Chen Ziming could hardly control his emotions. He raised his hand and rubbed his face. He turned and walked to the bathroom.

Going forward two steps, I couldn't help but raise my palm and learn the conductor's appearance in mid-air to do an end, then turn around and squat into the space.

That feeling is like mastering the whole world.

With a low laugh, he straightened up into the bathroom, stood in front of the mirror and glanced at some embarrassing self, frowned, and shrugged his shoulders for a moment.

As long as you succeed in taking down Muhammad, it is nothing to pay for it. As for the huge debts owed, you can use Mu's funds to make up the hole.

Smiling and staring at his face in the mirror, Chen Ziming couldn't help his inner narcissism.

"Chen Ziming, you are a genius, and it is a powerful genius!"

If it wasn't for the decision made last night, how could he get it all night, think about it, and his decision last night was really wise.

"The so-called "the sky will be reduced to the people of the S., but also must first bitter their minds, labor and bones, hungry their skin, empty their bodies, and do what they do..."

As he untied his clothes, he shook his head and recited the verse. He only regarded him as a test before him was successful.

Take off the clothes and stand under the shower, turn on the faucet, and the water splashes out. The original smug Chen Ziming screams and jumps out from the water.

"Mom, I am dying of me!"

I don't know if the guests who checked out before did not adjust the faucet, or the water supply from this hotel, the water flowed out, it was directly taking the hot water, only the face and shoulders of Chen Ziming were hot and painful.

He took cold water and rinsed the parts that were burnt. Chen Ziming, who was in a good mood, did not take this matter too seriously, and he rejoiced to the shower.

Bathing, shaving... Put on the shirt and suit that had been ironed from the laundry room, and stand on the floor shot to look at yourself. Chen Ziming raised his lips with satisfaction.

"Hello, Chairman Chen!"

Going back to the bed, he pressed the inside line to order a breakfast for the food and beverage department, and then called his assistant.

"I will inform all the media you know immediately, let them go downstairs to Mu’s downstairs and wait for the press conference. This morning, I will officially take over Muhammad!"

The assistant glanced, "You... what do you say?"

Chen Ziming slowed down. "Today, I will officially take over Muhammad. That is to say, in a few hours, Muhammad will fall completely in my hands. Do you understand?"

The assistant was silent for two seconds at the end of the phone. This responded, "Yes, Mr. Chen!"

"Wrong." Chen Ziming did not hang up the phone immediately as in the past, but a serious reminder, "From now on, don't call me Chen."

"Ah...Yes, Chen Zong... No, Chairman Chen!" The assistant quickly corrected his own slip.

Chen Ziming smiled with satisfaction. "Good, go do your thing!"

When the door knocked, Chen Ziming walked over and opened the door. Please send the meal to the clerk and take two whole banknotes from the wallet and hand it to him.

"This is your tip!"

"Thank you, thank you, sir!"

The waiter who delivered the meal took the tip and left with great gratitude. Chen Ziming went to the table and unfolded the napkin on his knee.


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