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Chapter 1215: The last madness (19)

On the upside lane a few kilometers away, Xicheng carefully drove the car and turned his eyes to look at the rain on the passenger seat.

On this road, Gu Yu did not speak, and his face was still calm.

Although she has already dispelled her thoughts of being suicidal, Xicheng is still a bit uneasy.

He knows the personality of his sister. This incident is a huge blow to her. It is also a big problem to let her calmly face everything.

Or, after his father was discharged from the hospital, he should take her abroad to go away...

In front of it is a corner, Xicheng retracted the line of sight and drove carefully. Just after passing the corner, I saw a figure rushing out from the forest next to it.


Xicheng exclaimed, slamming the steering wheel and stepping on the brakes.

The car turned sideways and stopped at a distance of four or five meters from the person who rushed out.

The two brothers and sisters were still a little scared. The people on the road were already struggling to get up. Xicheng turned to look at it. By the light, he recognized it as Ning Xiaofei.

Noticing the arms behind her being tied, he could not help but exclaim.

"Xiaofei!" A tearing off the seat belt, Xicheng quickly opened the door and jumped out of the car, striding forward to Ning Xiaofei, will be difficult to hold up Ning Xiaofei Fuzheng, "What is going on? ?"

"West City?" Seeing the familiar face in front of him, Ning Xiaofei’s eyes showed a happy color, and the ear caught the sound of the motor on the hillside. A touch of surprise in her eyes instantly turned into a sorrowful color. "Fast... Go away... Get out of here, he I will chase it soon!"

Xicheng raised his face and looked in the direction of the sound. He saw that two lights were approaching from the **** on the side of the **** toward them.

Although he did not know what was going on, he guessed that the situation was not good from the current situation. He refused to help Ning Xiaofei solve the tie on his wrist and helped her to walk in the direction of the car.

Ning Xiaofei refused to explain, but just walked in the direction of the car, and yelled loudly.

"Get on the bus!"


With the sound of the car chassis smashing in the road, a black Mercedes-Benz has rushed from the mountain road next to it, slamming in the direction of blocking a few people's way, the bright lights of the few people.

Xicheng stopped and turned to look at the direction of the car. One arm stretched out and Ning Xiaofei was behind him. Sitting in the passenger seat, Gu Yu was also curious to see the car, trying to figure out what it was. It’s going on.

"Get on the bus, get on the bus!" Ning Xiaofei twitched and pushed his arm with his elbow, "Go!"

"Want to go?!" The door opened and Chen Ziming smirked and jumped out of the car. "It's not that easy!"

"Chen Ziming?!"

Xicheng blinked and looked at the familiar voice.

"Yes, it's me!" Chen Ziming grabbed the gun and walked over it. His right arm was lifted, pointing to the direction of Xicheng and Ning Xiaofei. "Gu Han?! Ha... It’s really narrow!"

"You don't want to hurt him!" Ning Xiaofei worriedly got out of Xicheng and stood in front of Xicheng. "This is our grievance. It has nothing to do with him. You let him go, I... I will go back with you!"

Chen Ziming sneered, "Ning Xiaofei, can't see it, you are quite courageous, well, since you care about him so much, then I will let you die together, ha..."

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