Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 1217: The last madness (21)

"Chen Ziming!" Seeing that Chen Ziming would hold Ning Xiaofei, Xicheng frowned. "You still want to die..."


A rush of car flute interrupted the question of Xicheng, and the bright lights cast over, reflecting the figures of several people.

In the driver's seat, Mu Tianye once again pressed the horn, just saw the light there. He originally urged the other party to let the road open so as not to affect his progress.

When I thought of my eyes, I saw a few familiar figures. Mu Tianye suddenly jumped and bounced hard.

The dark blue car screamed at the central stop of the road, the car has not stopped, Mu Tianye has pushed the door open and jumped out of the car.

"Xiao Fei?!"

Seeing that the other party stopped the car, Chen Ziming immediately sideways, pulling Ning Xiaofei in front of her, blocking her with her body, holding her hand in one hand and holding her head in her hand.

When I saw the figure who jumped from the car, Chen Ziming immediately laughed.

"Mu Tianye, you are coming at the right time!"

"Chen Ziming!" Mu Tianye stopped at a place not far from the two. "There is a head, a debtor, and you are the one who harms you. You don't want to hurt her. You want to avenge me with you, and one." Can't you go through a woman, are you still a man?"

"Okay, then I will give you a man's death!" Chen Ziming slid his hand over Ning Xiaofei's throat, then raised his gun and aimed at him. "You are a man, I will kill first." You, then kill her... No, don't hurry to kill, such a little beauty, of course I have to have fun..."

Yin smiled, he lowered his head and came close to Ning Xiaofei's back neck.

Seeing that he was light and thin to Ning Xiaofei, Mu Tianye was only angry and secretly biting his teeth, but he did not dare to act rashly.

Xicheng is also frowning, can not bear to look straight, regain his gaze, see the rain in the arms that have been fainted in the past, he is busy shaking her body.

"Sister, sister... don't sleep, sister!"

Chen Ziming’s gaze instinctively entered the direction of Gu Yu, Mu Tianye saw the opportunity and rushed to Ning Xiaofei.

Looking back, Mu Tianye rushed over, and Chen Ziming raised his gun and aimed at him.


Ning Xiaofei screamed and jerked his shoulders up against Chen Ziming’s palm.


Two gunshots, shaking her ears, two bullets, a hair rubbing Mu Tianye passed over the rocks not far away, one directly pierced into the night sky.

A pair of tight throats of Ning Xiaofei, Chen Ziming forced back to the gun to resist her head.


Mu Tianye, who has already rushed to the front of the two men, is busy and stands up.

"Don't come over, otherwise I will kill her when I stand!"

When Chen Ziming threatened, Ning Xiaofei quickly fled back.

There is only one bullet left in the gun, and he dare not take any more risks.

Mu Tianye’s rodent-like device can only be stopped in the same place. On the side, Xicheng is holding the rain in his arms. People have already been hoarse.

"Sister, sister... you promised me, sister!"

Retiring to the side of the car, Chen Ziming pushed Ning Xiaofei into the passenger seat and drilled into the driver's seat. He pointed the gun at her to start the car and quickly headed forward.

Upon seeing, Mu Tianye was also busy running back to jump into the car he was driving. When he started the car and bypassed Xicheng and Guyu, he glanced sideways and glanced at the window, and his eyes passed over the chest full of blood.

"What are you waiting for, send her to the hospital!"

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