Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 1230: Hold the hand, and bring the old (6)

Ning Xiaofei did not respond. Outside the door, Mutianye had already brought the thermos back. He saw the autumn standing on the side of the bed, and he stepped into the room.

Capturing the worried look on the man's face, Mu Tianye licked his lips and did not explain to him the situation of Ning Xiaofei.

Ning Xiaofei was awakened from his dreams by Ning Xiaofei. He opened his eyes in confusion and saw a figure looking at her with concern.

She blinked her eyes and saw the face of Ning Zhiqiu.

Seeing that she woke up, I would rather know that Qiu Xinyi was happy and asked, "Xiao Fei, how are you?"

"You..." Ning Xiaofei blinked in surprise. "How come you?"

Ning Zhiqiu did not feel the mood and explained this to her, just clasped her hand and hurriedly asked, "Come tell me, if you are injured, say it!"

"I am fine." Ning Xiaofei whispered back.

"I have done a full-body examination. No... Yes... The child... The child has nothing..."

"It's all right." Ning Xiaofei answered.

I know that autumn is still not assured, "Really?"

Ning Xiaofei nodded gently.

The man raised his face and looked at Mu Tianye, across the bed, and asked in his eyes. It seemed that he was afraid that Ning Xiaofei did not tell the truth.

Mu Tianye said the details. "All the checks have been done. She is fine. She just didn't rest well, she was a little weak, and the children didn't have any problems."

The heart that is carrying this is completely grounded. I know that the expression of the tight autumn is slightly relaxed. "That's good, nothing is fine!"

Mu Tianye’s gaze swept swiftly on the faces of his father and daughter. “I will help her buy some food. Can you take care of her for me?”

"Good!" Ning Zhiqiu did not think about it and agreed to it.

"Hey, wait for me to come back!" Reaching for the face of Ning Xiaofei, Mu Tianye left the ward again.

"Heaven..." Ning Xiaofei Zhang Zhang Xiaozui wants to call him, summoned half and swallowed his stomach, a little uncomfortable to glance at Ning Zhiqiu, "That... thank you for coming to see me."

Hearing the politeness and alienation in her tone, I know that the autumn eyes flashed a bitter look, and a smile appeared for a moment.

“Is there any uncomfortable?”

Ning Xiaofei shook his head.

"Want to drink water?"

Ning Xiaofei still shakes his head.

"That... hungry is not hungry... No, I mean..." For many years, I walked around the mall, and the sleek characters suddenly became stupid and stupid. In the face of her daughter stuttering, she didn’t know what to say. "Sorry." I... I didn't mean to bother you, I just... I heard that you have an accident, so come over and wait, wait a moment, Amano will come back and I will leave."

Before hearing the news of her accident, he didn’t think much about anything else at the time, just wanted to see her immediately...

Now she finds that she is fine, but she does not know how to be good!

So get along with him alone, Ning Xiaofei also feels a bit awkward.

The other party is obviously a good intention. Seeing that he is sweaty, she is not too patient...

"You... sit down!"

"Ah... Ok, thank you!"

I know that the autumn short body sat on the chair, took out the handkerchief to wipe the sweat on the forehead, and ran all the way, he still has some slight asthma.

Quietly glanced at the man, remembering the information that Mu Tianye had shown to her before, Ning Xiaofei bite her lip and stop talking.

At this point, I know that the autumn has calmed down again, and the expression on the face has returned to the usual elegant and expensive posture.

"Last night... was it scared?"

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