Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 1235: Hold the hand, and bring the old (11)

When the family walked into the living room, Liu Wei immediately sent the prepared fruit to prepare the refreshments for everyone.

"I have dinner here at noon today, and Liu Yicai is ready." Mu’s father smiled and could see that he was very happy. Last night, he listened to Chu Xinning to explain her reconciliation with Mu Tianye. The old man was happy all night. I haven't fallen asleep. For the first time, this is the first time that my daughter-in-law and my grandson have been sitting together happily.

"Yes, right, left!" Chu Xinning smiled and stood up. "Today at noon, I cook, everyone tastes my craft."

"Then I will not leave, follow Xiaofei's dim!" Ye Qiao smiled and stood up. "Of course, I can't just eat and work, I am still washing a dish!"

"And me!" Ji Mo also laughed and got up.

"You don't have to!" Mu Muzi smiled and stopped the two. "You don't have to do it all."

"Yeah, sit down, the family will be welcome, you chat with the elderly, the food will be right." She said, she will press Ji Mo and Ye Qiao back to the sofa, and Liu Wei walked into the kitchen together. .

The lunch was very rich, the dishes were all on the table, and there was nothing too extravagant. They were some homemade dishes, but everyone was very happy.

Mu’s father naturally let Liu Wei drunk, except Ning Xiaofei, who drank more or less.

While eating and chatting, I have been eating until the afternoon, Liu Wei is ready to stuff the stuffing. Everyone joins the dumplings together and eats the dinner together. It is more than eight o'clock in the night. This is the end of the song.

Mu Tianye arranged for the driver to send Ji Mo and Ye Qiao and others to leave. Liu Wei and the nanny together packed up the coffee table. When several people re-entered, there were no outsiders on the side of the coffee table.

In the end, Chu Xinning still remembers Qin Zhaoyang. He is afraid that he will be alone, and he will stand up for a while.

"It's not too late, you have to rest early, I will... go back first."

Ning Xiaofei got up with Mu Tianye and sent her to the door. Lin Zifan had already called the driver. When several people came out, the car had stopped not far away.

A few people sent Chu Xinning to the car, the car drove away from the old house, stopped under the tree not far away, waiting for Qin Zhaoyang to sit there in the car - afraid that Mu Tianye saw him unhappy, he did not follow all the way Going to the old house to pick up - to understand the man's thoughtful mood, Chu Xinning reached out and held his arm.

"When you wait at the hotel, why do you have to come in person?"

"Isn't it possible to see you earlier?"

Chu Xinning, a sigh, immediately smile, "You ah ... old and old, but the mouth is sweet."

Qin Zhaoyang did not speak, just smiled and smiled.

Those who didn’t have a good time to say when they were young, now he has to make up one by one.



Old house.

Liu Wei had already packed up Mu Tianye’s room. Mu Tianye sent Ning Xiaofei upstairs and went downstairs to help her get the milk. He noticed that the room where the parents lived was lit, and he paused in doubt. Push the door open.

I saw the table where my father’s photo was taken. Mu’s father was pouring wine in a glass of wine, and put the glass of the wine on his son’s body. The old man whispered.

"Daddy also has a drink with you today. For so many years, this is the first time Dad is so happy. Don't blame Dad. In the past few years, Xin Ning is not easy. To put it bluntly, we are sorry for the Mu family. It is rare that she also has a good time. Going home, Dad can rest assured!"

Saying, the old man gently touched his cup with the table and drank it in his neck.


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