Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 1239: Holding hands, and carrying old (15)

Ning Xiaofei frowned at the photos that had fallen on the ground, and the mother's font gradually blurred.

She always thought that this was the growing photo album that her mother had arranged for her. It turned out that she was wrong. These photos have always been left for the mother.

She always thought that the mother hated the man. It turned out that she was wrong. The mother never hated him, but she always loved the man. No wonder the mother would let her surname Ning instead of the surname.




The assistant came over with the processed boarding pass. "Ning always, you can go!"

Sitting in the VIP waiting room, Ning Zhiqiu, as if not heard, did not react.

“Ning total?” The assistant raised the tone.

I know that Qiu finally came back to God and looked at him. "What happened?"

"We should be on the plane." Assistant.

"Oh, good!" Ning Zhiqiu slowly stood up and said, "It's time to go... it's time to go!"

The assistant knows that his boss is reluctant to leave here and is reluctant to leave his daughter, but...

The assistant's gaze passed over the man's face, and he sighed in his heart.

As soon as the two men passed through the first class passage, the flight attendants politely introduced Ning Zhiqiu to his position, looking sideways, looking at the city outside the window, knowing that the brow was wrinkled and finally regained his gaze.

The passengers in the cabin will continue to enter and enter the seat... The plane will take off soon.

I know that I took out my mobile phone and took a look at it, and then I fixed it on the screen.

On the screen is a photo of Ning Xiaofei, who copied it from the news page and stored it on his mobile phone.

In the photo, Ning Xiaofei and Mu Tianye took part in a photo of the event. The girl raised her lips and smiled very brightly. The man next to her face was cold, and the palm of her hand was full of concern... ...

In any case, the daughter has a good home, he can also leave with confidence, but in the future, afraid that she can only pay attention to her in the news...

Raise your finger and gently stroke the photo over Ning Xiaofei's face. I know that the ear of the autumn will flash her crying again.

"Xiao Fei, I am sorry."

Lifting his right hand to support his forehead, the man closed his eyes in pain.


The cell phone in the palm suddenly vibrated. He was shocked. He opened his throat and looked at it. He saw that the two words on the screen were moving.


Xiao Fei? !

In a few seconds, I know that autumn almost thinks that I am seeing an illusion, but in my palm, the phone is still shaking, proving that it is not a dream.

Is there anything that Xiaofei has...

The heart suddenly tightened, and I knew that the phone would be connected to the ear in the autumn and panic.

"What happened to Xiaofei?"

In his opinion, Ning Xiaofei is unlikely to call him. The only explanation is that Ning Xiaofei has something to do, and Mu Tianye uses her mobile phone to call it.

Therefore, his tone is also extremely urgent.

"I..." At the end of the phone, there were some low-pitched female voices, "I'm fine!"

"Xiaofei?!" Recognized that it was the voice of her daughter. I knew that Qiu’s face was immediately surprised. In the next second, he had already straightened his back. "What are you doing... No... I am Say... you don't have to have anything... you can call me at any time, you... you say!"

At the end of the phone, Ning Xiaofei was silent for a few seconds.

"The day after tomorrow... Amano has a birthday, I want to... Please come over to eat together, if you have time."

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