Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 1247: Hold the hand, and bring the old (23)

Mu Tianye laughed and walked to the bathroom with a paper bag.

"Zhou Tao, you can help me with the work, I will leave soon."

"it is good!"

When Zhou Tao promised, Mu Tianye had already walked into the bathroom, simply washed and put on the clothes that Ning Xiaofei helped him to prepare - a simple white T-shirt and plain blue jeans.

Looking down at the clothes on his body, he looked up at himself in the mirror. The man in the mirror was slightly wet and slightly messy. It was not as usual. And lazy.

The simple clothing is wrapped in a beautiful inverted triangle body, comfortable and beautiful, soft cotton fabric, which makes people feel very relaxed.

He took over the company from the age of 19, and for many years he has been wearing a formal suit and has not worn jeans for many years.

He raised his hand and grabbed his hair. He smiled and didn't sort out him. He walked out of the bathroom at random.

In the office, Zhou Tao just sorted out the documents on the table, heard the sound, and turned his face instinctively.

At first glance, I suddenly stopped.

After being with Mu Tianye for so many years, this is the first time Zhou Tao saw him wearing this.


Mu Tianye has a light cough.

Zhou Tao realized his gaffe and was busy regaining his gaze.

Mu Tianye raised his hand to caress his hair, grabbed the mobile phone on the table and went to the exit. After two steps, he stopped and turned to look at Zhou Tao.

"Zhou Tao!"

"Well?!" Zhou Tao turned his face. "Do you have any instructions?"

"No. I am just..." Mu Tianye stretched his hand and pulled a T-shirt. "I wear this, is it... a bit strange?"

"Weird?" Zhou Tao stunned, for a moment, reflecting his meaning, and immediately shook his head with a smile. "Nothing, I just saw you, just thought... so handsome, so amazing. The lady has a good eye, this The clothes are perfect for you, simple and generous and handsome, giving people a particularly young and special feeling."

Mu Tianye relaxed, turned to the door, and stopped.

"So, I used to wear a suit that is old?"

"Ah... no, no!" Zhou Tao almost bit his tongue. "I mean, you are also very handsome in a suit. It's just a different style. Different styles are definitely not old. You are not old at all. ......"

Looking at Zhou Tao's look of embarrassment, Mu Tianye raised his lips and laughed loudly.

"You are fooled, I am teasing you!"

After that, Mu Tianye smiled and turned and walked out of the office.

Zhou Tao stunned, then raised his hand to wipe the cold sweat of the forehead.

"Okay, you won!"

Then he laughed too.

The man who is serious and only makes people feel terrible, even learns to make jokes, it is a little scary, but... quite cute!

Of course, this adjective Zhou Tao is thinking in his heart. If his own big BOSS knows that he describes him with "cute", the consequences are only unimaginable.

At this time, Mu Tianye had walked out of the office all the way through the corridor, leaving only the female assistants who were surprised and open-mouthed in the outside to stare at the place.

Until the man took the elevator downstairs, Zhou Tao walked out of the room, and several assistants came back to the side of Zhou Tao.

"Week assistant, what are you doing today?"

"Yeah, I looked back at him wearing jeans and I was so dead!"

"Yeah, yeah, I almost didn't recognize him!"

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