Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 1258: [番]恍If the stars in the night sky (3)

The man is serious, "It’s not the first time, don't be embarrassed."

Ning Xiaofei stunned, and then remembered that when they were just together, he pretended that she was pregnant, and suddenly laughed.

Mu Tianye squatted, looked at her, guessed what she thought of, but also a smile, Ning Xiaofei became more and more blushing, raised his hand and pushed him outside the bathroom, directly closing the door to lock.

All examination results are within the normal range, except for a few blood tests, the results cannot be made.

The doctor carefully made a record for Ning Xiaofei. "After the remaining results, I will inform a few people. Ning Xiaofei is in good health and does not want to come. If the test results are normal, two months later. Come back to the inspection."

"Does there anything that needs attention? For example, there is nothing in the food that can't be eaten or can't be drunk..." Mu Tianye was busy asking, without the experience of his father, he was naturally "not ashamed to ask."

People who have never loved to talk a lot, asked left and asked more than twenty questions.

The doctors answered the questions one by one, and finally they laughed and summed up.

"Pay attention to nutritional balance, don't do too much action, keep a happy mood... Others don't have to be too deliberate."

Several people said goodbye to the doctor and went to the elevator. Mu Tianye suddenly stopped.

"I remember that there is still one thing left!"

Ning Xiaofei just turned his face, and the man has made a big step back to the doctor's office.


She opened her mouth to stop, but was stopped by Chu Xinning, watching the far-away son, Chu Xinning's lips swelled and smiled.

"Don't worry about him, let him go! He wants to be a good father, give him a chance!"

Since childhood, the family is incomplete. Mu Tianye has always beenhave in a manner that does not dislike any marriage and family. In fact, he has a strong desire to be at home. Now he is going to be a father right away. Naturally, he hopes that he can do his best. No matter how small, they are serious and concerned.

This is not only a care for Ning Xiaofei and his children, but also a filling of his innermost desires.

With the deep meaning of the mother-in-law, Ning Xiaofei nodded gently.

A few people went downstairs first, and for a while, Mu Tianye came out of the building and sat back in the car.

When I saw Ning Xiaofei, I immediately blamed it.

"How can I still not eat?"

Ning Xiaofei spit out his tongue.

"Sorry, forgot!"

Chu Xinning looked at his son-in-law's intimate relaxation and smiled.

"Then I will go back first, Xiao Fei, what are you calling me at any time?"

"it is good."

Ning Xiaofei took over the breakfast that Mu Tianye handed over, and saw Chu Xinning turned to go, Mu Tianye chased it again, and whispered a few words with her.

Chu Xinning looked at the direction of Ning Xiaofei, gently nodded and took the car to leave.

Watching her car go far, Mu Tianye came back.

"How do I feel that you are a little mysterious today?" Ning Xiaofei raised his face from the incubator. "You are not carrying me on what to plan?"

Remove the paper towel to help her wipe off a little porridge stain on the back of the hand, Mu Tianye smiled and said, "Of course, because I want to take you away!"

Ning Xiaofei got a laugh and said, "You don't have to turn, you wave your hand, go to the knife mountain, and under the fire, I will follow."

She was just a joke, didn't care, and Mu Tianye's eyes flashed a smile.

He won't let her go to the sea of ​​the knife, but "mountain" and "sea"... but it can be!



In the past few days, the amount of updates has been slightly reduced, and the time may be affected. The little princesses know well~! ~

Good afternoon.

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