Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 1260: [番]恍If the stars in the night sky (5)

Ning Xiaofei and Mu Tianye returned to the car and immediately "reported" their holiday situation.

"I have arranged my work, when are we going?"

Mu Tianye is slightly addicted, "That tomorrow!"

He is so anxious, it seems to be a very urgent job.

"Okay, then I will pack my luggage at night."

"No!" Mu Tianye smiled faintly. "I am ready for you."

Ning Xiaofei can only shrug his shoulders, "Okay!"

After several business trips, he helped her prepare the luggage. Ning Xiaofei has become accustomed to it. It is not surprising.

That night, the two returned to Lanting Apartment for a good night's rest.

Early the next morning, Ning Xiaofei originally thought that Mu Tianye would wake her up early, but when she woke up, it was already more than nine o'clock in the morning - the alarm clock did not ring, and Mu Tianye did not ask her to get up.

Looking at the time is not early, she is busy dressing downstairs, downstairs Mu Tianye is standing in front of the sofa to call, after seeing her, smiled and immediately ordered the receiver.

"Come and pick me up after an hour!"

Ning Xiaofei saw that he would pick up the phone, and then asked, "Is the plane in the afternoon?"

"Airplane?" Mu Tianye shook his head. "No... this time I don't fly."

Not flying, is it a short-term job in China, and recently did not say where he started a new market...

Ning Xiaofei is still thinking, Mu Tianye has already held her shoulder, "Go, go eat first!"

Forget it!

Anyway, she is going with him, where to go, where do you want to do so?

Ning Xiaofei thinks so, it is relieved.

So, the two of them ate together. When they finished eating, Zhou Tao’s phone called and told Mu Tianye that the driver was downstairs.

After simply tidying up, the two went upstairs and got on the car. The driver immediately started the car and drove out of the apartment.

Sure enough, instead of going to the airport, I went all the way out to the highway to B.

In the past few days, because of handling the work market, Ning Xiaofei has been busy, and she has no time to go out of town except for the last birthday of Mu Tianye.

When the time is midsummer, the roadside is green, it is rare to have a sunny day, the blue sky is like a wash, but it is also very eye-catching.

Leaning on the shoulders of Mu Tianye, watching the scenery passing by the window, Ning Xiaofei relaxed his body.

He is also busy, she is also busy, even if it is such a time to sit on the car to see the scenery is very rare, she also enjoys such a moment.

Mu Tianye raised his palm and held her shoulder. There was a long hair around her that didn't take a ride. It was also very relaxing.

The car drove all the way through the city of B, and did not enter the city center, but continued to move forward.

Looking at the road sign passing by the road, Ning Xiaofei turned his face in confusion.

"Are we not going to the B city?"


The man smiled.

The car continued to move forward and drove up to the beach apartment. Ning Xiaofei sat up excitedly. She had never seen the sea since she was so big. This is the first time.

"Is this time at the seaside?"

She asked again, looking at her look, Mu Tianye just raised his lips and did not answer.

The car continued to move forward, and it was not big, and it had already turned into a dock.

This is a deep-water port. There are some large cruise ships on the roadside. Ning Xiaofei is looking forward to the West.

After a while, the car stopped in an open space near the pier. As soon as the car stopped, Ning Xiaofei could not wait to drill out of the car and breathe deeply.

In the air, there is a hint of astringency - that is the taste of the sea.

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