Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 1285: [番] Let's get married (10)

Looking up the time, he turned and walked into the kitchen. He came back in a moment, pulled out the box of the medicine, and then went into the kitchen and took a hot water.

This time, five minutes have passed, he reached the palm of his hand and took the thermometer, and sent it to the eyes to take a look at the degree.

"36.5 degrees, normal."

The man’s face was obviously relieved and he raised his hand and gave the cup to her. “Is nothing uncomfortable?”

"Really not!" Ye Qiao reluctantly answered.

"Does the head hurt?"

She shook her head.

"What about the throat?"

She still shakes her head.

"That's good!" Ji Mo's face reappeared with a smile. "Hot a cup of hot water, take a hot bath, and take a good sleep."

"It's too early, it's less than eleven."

"We have to go out tomorrow, we have to go to bed early today."

"Going out?" Ye Qiao raised his face from the cup. "Where?"

"Oh..." Ji Mo collected the medicine box on the table. "There is an activity on the S city, you must go!"

"But..." Ye Qiao raised his eyebrows. "I just came back! This is who helped me get the job, why didn't you tell me!"

I went to M country a few days ago. It was ten days. I came back last night and I have to go tomorrow... She didn’t stay with him for two days.

"I picked it up." Ji Mo answered.

"You?!" Ye Qiao couldn't believe his eyes wide open. "Why?"

"Because this event is very important to you."

Ye Qiao drummed the drums and held the pillows and rested on the back of the sofa.

"It's just work, what's very important, I won't go!"

She had already arranged it. This time she came back to rest for a few days and stayed with him. As a result, he was good, and he did not appreciate it and arranged a new job for her. What is this?

Doesn't he want to stay with her for a few more days?

Still wish that she is not there!

Everyone said that the seven-year itch between lovers, is it that they just got tired of being together for two years?

When I think about it, I feel that the man is a bit strange.

In the past, she or he was on a business trip. After he came back, he would show a feeling of longing for her, but this time, she came back in the middle of the night yesterday. He just had a hot pot with her and let her rest in bed. she was.

Let her bathe and sleep again this evening, and go to work tomorrow morning... I don’t want to touch her.

It is said that men are full of food outside, and they are not interested at home.

Is he...he has an affair?

No, Ji Mo is not that kind of person.

That is why, is it really that she didn’t feel it...

Put the blanket in her arms, and the ink is warm and open.

"Go ahead, the water is cold for a while, I will handle the file."

Sure enough, I would rather work than to be intimate with her.

Ye Qiao licked his lips and stood up from the sofa.

"Zi Mo, you stand for me!"

Ji Mo stopped and turned to look at her.

Ye Qiao licked his lips and walked forward.

"You...you honestly, don't you love me?"

Ji Mo squatted and turned to her direction, raising his eyebrows in confusion. "How can I ask?"

"Because..." Ye Qiao said halfway, stopped again, and finally bite his teeth and said the latter part of the sentence, "Because you are completely uninterested in me now, from yesterday to now, you... you have never touched Me! If you don't feel anything to me, you will say straight, I will never be entangled in you."

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