Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 1290: [番] Let's get married (15)

"Good-looking?" Ye Qiao asked.

Ji Mo nodded. "I feel very good. I wanted to surprise you. I didn't ask your opinion. If you don't like it, when we are going to the wedding, buy another wedding ring. Pick it yourself!"

"Don't!" Ye Qiao said, "Isn't that a waste of money? It's enough to have this one."

In fact, they are not short of money now.

For Ye Qiao, it doesn't matter how big the diamond is on the ring and how expensive the ring is. The important thing is how much the person who sent her ring has true heart.

Ji Mo laughed.

Ye Qiao has already stretched his arm, holding the neck of the ink in front of her, and whispering in his neck. "Thank you, Ji Mo! I am so unreasonable, you also condone me."

Ji Mo smiled and hugged her. "It should be me, thank you!"

"Thank me for what?" Leaning on his shoulder, she looked at him and smiled.

"Of course, thank you for giving me a chance to form a family." Ji Modao.

Ye Qiao gently pointed his short hair with his fingers. "So... when are we going to have a wedding?"

"After the ski resort, talk to your parents, I think, wait for the new house to be renovated, let them move together, we will marry over there, live in the city, and go home in the weekend. live together."

If you live in the suburbs, after all, it is not convenient to go to work. Their work will often work overtime. It will be a little tired to go home too late.


Ye Qiao raised his face from his shoulder and smiled at him for a moment, and came over and kissed him on his neck.

The heart is full of happiness, she is expressing her emotions in this way.

Her casual little tricks made Ji Mo's heart sway.

The arm holding her back was unconsciously tightened. The man originally stroked the palm of her back, and the strength was also a little bit aggravated, and the breathing was also unreasonably heavy.

Feeling his strange, Ye Qiao licked, and then he licked his lips.

As the arm tightened him, she raised her face slightly and moved her lip from his neck to the ear, and kissed it without a ride.

The palm of his hand was lifted up, and he got in from his robe collar and landed on his left chest.

"Mr. Ji, your heartbeat seems a little anxious?!"

Ji Mo raised his hand and held her palm in the coat.

"I will help you change some water!"

If I continue, he is afraid that he will not be able to endure it. Don't want to sleep this evening. He will catch the plane early tomorrow morning. I am afraid that she will not get up.

"Don't!" She tightened her arms and held his neck. The little teeth smacked on his ear porch, "unless you hold me over!"

The man's back is tight, and the desire to move is instantly inflated.

One tightened her, he got up and took her up from the carpet, strode to the bedroom and put her on the bed.

"Don't you say you want to take a shower?" Ye Qiao smirked and asked, "Would you like to go to bed?"

"Know your knowledge!"

Ji Mo raised his hand, pinched the blanket on her body and pulled it open.

"What is the name of the unknown?" Ye Qiao huddled. "I am a student. This is not a shame."

Ji Mo reached out and grabbed the palm of her body, pulled it to the side, and the man overturned and approached her. "The teacher will answer you personally!"

Ye Qiao chuckled. "I didn't find it before, you are so drooling!"

Ji Mo also laughed, raised his palm and opened her long hair.

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