Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 1392: Super Daddy (101)

Lakeside manor.

The black car slowly entered the open door and stopped in front of the villa door.

Xu Yang, standing on the steps, walked down the steps, pulled the door open, and together with the driver Lao Zheng, took the old man from the back seat and got off the bus.

"Xiaohan?" Gu Wenhou asked.

Xu Yang took a look at the direction of the second floor, "Upstairs."

Gu Wenhou stepped on the steps. "How is the child?"

" Still sleeping." Xu Yang answered.

Gu Wenhou nodded lightly and walked into the living room, looking around.

Because of the addition of a little guy, the original neat living room is now a bit messy, especially on the coffee table. In the morning, Xicheng was so anxious that he had not had time to clean it up. He also sprinkled a piece of milk powder and two diapers were dropped under the coffee table.

Xu Yang rushed over and quickly grabbed the diaper on the floor.

"You sit!"

Gu Wenhou came over and sat sideways. From this angle, the restaurant was just visible. The lunch on the table was still untouched and moved.

"Has he eaten?"

Xu Yang shook his head. "How to persuade not to eat."

The old man looked dull, "Let him down."

"Okay, wait a moment!"

Xu Yang promised, grabbed the diaper in his hand, turned to the floor, and gently pushed open the bedroom door.

On the bedside, Xicheng sat on the carpet, and the back leaned against the bed, playing with a slender gold chain in his hand.


Xu Yang screamed at him, but he did not hear it at all, but he still kept his posture.

Going forward to the front of him, Xu Yang reached out his palm and gently touched his arm.

"The valley is coming, just downstairs."

Xicheng returned to the gods, and the fingers held the necklace in his hand. "You look at the child."

"Okay." Xu Yang nodded, saw him get up, and quickly grabbed his arm. "You don't want to be impulsive!"

Knowing that Xicheng is in a bad mood, Xu Yang only worried that if the old man in the valley said something heavy, he would not control his temper.

Xicheng nodded lightly, "I know!"

Looking at his son from the side, he put the necklace in his pocket and walked downstairs.

On the sofa, I heard footsteps, Gu Wenhou slightly sideways face, eyes and everywhere, I saw his son's face slightly pale, a pair of eyes with obvious congestion, his face revealing a bit of decadence and exhaustion.

Go to the sofa and stop at Xicheng.


"Hey!" Gu Wenhou scorned. "Do you have my father in your eyes?"

Say what the child will be when he is, and what to say for his health... In fact, they are lying!

Xicheng frowned and didn't make a sound. He made such a big noise at the airport. His father couldn't hear the wind.

Looking at his son, Gu Wenhou was angry again.


The old man is really angry and has plenty of reasons to be angry, not only because of the deception of Xicheng, but also because of his impulsive actions at the airport. "Have you ever thought about the impact of this incident?"

Xicheng is the family of the Gu family, or a star once famous in the world. If this news goes out, it will inevitably be a storm in the city.

The behavior of the son is very much recognized by the elderly.

Xicheng hangs his face, no refutation, and no explanation.


Of course, he also knows that this thing he is too arrogant and exaggerated, will definitely bring bad influence, but at that time this is his only way.

It’s a pity that even if he did things so well, that person still left...


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