Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 332: go home with me

Song about the last chapter, explain that song called "glass", author: Cao Hui Juan, forgot to indicate the source.

In addition, the result of stepping on the building has been released, and the girl who participated in the event is reviewed in the comment area.



When he heard the footsteps, Ning Xiaofei raised his hand and wiped his face in a panic, holding the piano and standing up.

"Sorry, I will leave right away."

Only when the security guard came in to see it, she didn't want the other party to see her wolverine eyes, so she kept her head down and pretended to organize the guitar bag.

"go home with me!"

Above the head, the man's voice was slightly hoarse, but still clearly told her the master of the voice.

Ning Xiaofei raised her face and her eyes fell on the face of Mu Tianye with some uncertainty.

Immediately, he was busy and lowered his head.

"When you handle it well, let Zhou Assistant give me the divorce certificate."

Turning around and mentioning his backpack, Ning Xiaofei walked quickly to the door and didn't want him to see her crying eyes.

Fall in love with him, she confessed.

However, she also has his self-respect and pride.

"Ning Xiaofei!" The man chased him and took her before she got out of the door. "Go home with me."

The same four words, the tone is not as strong as it was just now.

Ning Xiaofei helped the palm of the door to tremble slightly, then he regained his grip.

"Please let go."

"Do not let go!"

"Let's let go!"

Ning Xiaofei slammed a hand, Mu Tianye's arm hit the corner of the door frame, but still clasped her wrist did not relax.

"go home with me!"

The man said these three words for the third time, and there is already a bit of pleading in the tone.

Turning around, staring at him, Ning Xiaofei’s voice was angry and wronged.

"Why? Why should I go with you?"

"You are my wife!"

She is angry.

"We are going to divorce soon, we are no longer husband and wife."

"I disagree."

"I don't want your money."

"It has nothing to do with money."

"I want a divorce."


"You!" Ning Xiaofei was so angry that his chest was violently up and down. "Mu Tianye, I warn you, you will let go immediately, otherwise I... I am welcome to you!"

The man’s nephew groaned and held her palms tight.

"I will give you a ring now!"

Pulling her out of the rehearsal room, he strode towards the elevator.

She is not that he did not buy a ring for her, he will supply her now!


Not to mention this is fine, mentioning this, Ning Xiaofei has more temper.


Knowing that she found the ring, so she ran to want to make up for her?

He thought she was what she wanted, just a ring?

"Enough!" Ning Xiaofei tried his best to open him. "I Ning Xiaofei is poor, I like money, but I will not sell my feelings for money, even if you buy me a hundred diamond rings, one Ten thousand cars... I will not share the man I love with other women. Don't think that I like you, you can do whatever you want. Tell you, starting today, I am with you...

After the vent was finished, she turned and ran.

This time, she must be a little bit guilty about herself, and she must never indulge her feelings for him, otherwise she will only follow the footsteps of her mother.

"Ning Xiaofei!"

"Ning Xiaofei, you stand!"

"Ning Xiaofei, stupid, you stand for me!"


She ran, ran hard, put all the strength and courage, the elevator was closed, she ran to the safety ladder, listening to the man chasing over, she will run faster.

It seems that this is the only way to avoid being framed in front of him again.

In the narrow dim safety ladder, the girl ran down.

"Ning Xiaofei!" Listening to her intricate footsteps, Mu Tianye was angry and anxious and worried. "I don't chase you, can you listen to me and say no?"

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