On the chair outside the door, the driver didn't sleep in the middle of the night, and he couldn't hold it any longer. He was leaning on the chair and dozing off.

Ning Xiaofei did not bother him. He walked lightly to the intensive care unit at the other end. He just went to the medical office, and the nurse responsible for her happened to come out. She immediately saw her helplessly frowning. "Miss Ning, how did you sneak out?"

"I... I am four walks." Ning Xiaofei accompanied the other person with a smile, and he said, "I will go to the intensive care unit over there and take a look, OK? I promise, just take a look, a few minutes!"

Waiting for the nurse to answer, the nurse in charge of Mu Tianye has raised his face from the computer screen.

"You don't have to go, Mu Tianye has been discharged a few hours ago."


Ning Xiaofei was shocked, and immediately ran to the intensive care unit to open the door, and she was already a strange new patient.

She turned back and grabbed the young nurse who was going to help the patient change medicine.

"Why are you going to let him go to the hospital? Isn't he just doing surgery?"

"We don't want to, his mother has to take her away, what can we do?" The young nurse glanced at her with sympathy. "You still have to go back to the room and have a rest!"

Ning Xiaofei has to ask again, the driver who is snoring outside the door has been awakened by the passing patient. He heard the voice of Ning Xiaofei here and immediately strode over.

"Little lady."

"Where is Amano going?" Ning Xiaofei asked.

Knowing that things couldn’t stand, the driver took her back to the ward and told him about it.

"Zhou assistant has gone to check the clues, you can go back to the room first, we can definitely find it!"

Ning Xiaofei frowned in the room and took a few steps. She grabbed the phone on the table and dialed Zhou Tao’s phone. The other party just told her that there is no clue now. I am afraid that Ning Xiaofei is not at ease. Zhou Tao did not forget the comfort.

"In any case, she is the mother of Mu, the most is to hide him, you don't have to worry about medical treatment."

Ning Xiaofei lightly slammed, holding the palm of his mobile phone, biting his lip for a moment, and looking up at the driver again.

"Mobile phone to borrow me!"

The driver didn't know what she was going to do, or took the initiative to hand over the phone. Ning Xiaofei went to the nurse station to borrow paper and pen. She immediately sat down and took action, used the mobile phone to find the hospital phone, and then called.

"What is the XX hospital surgery? Excuse me, did you have a patient named Mu Tianye last night, and the waist and leg were injured... Ok, thank you!"

"The emergency center is right, may I ask, did you have a patient named Mu Tianye last night..."

Called one by one, the names of each one are crossed out...

Ning Xiaofei almost asked most of the big hospitals in the city of A. Most of the hospitals had information about Mu Tianye.

At this time, Zhou Tao also refused to worry about her, returned to the hospital, seeing Ning Xiaofei, who was still checking the phone, he could not bear to reach out and hold the phone screen.

"I have tried all kinds of methods. There are no public hospitals above the top three. She should have brought Mr. Mu to a private hospital for confidential arrangements, so I can't find it!"

Ning Xiaofei bites her lip and thinks for a moment.

"Do you have her phone number?"

Zhou Tao guessed her mind and carefully considered the tone so as not to hurt her heart.

"Since she took Mr. Mu away, I would definitely not agree with you to see him. You will only ask for it."

The girl’s dark eyes are full of persistence.

"At least, I want to know how he is doing now?"



No amnesia, no separation for a few years, I know that you can’t see it three times, just say it again.

good night.

~! ~

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