Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 358: Such a wild side

Xu Yang was puzzled in his heart, but he knew what he should not ask. He promised to drive the car out of the manor gate.




Gu Yu stood by the window and watched the Xicheng car go far. He sighed softly and took out the phone and dialed his assistant's phone.

"You bring a few workers to come over and deal with the manor on the side of Xiaohan. Remember to find someone who is reliable in your company. Don't miss the news."

Xicheng is a public figure. If this kind of thing is known to reporters, then it is afraid that it will be a nonsense.

I put the phone back into the handbag and noticed that some of the left-hand cuffs were turned up. She immediately stretched her fingers and carefully pulled the sleeves down to cover the entire back of the hand.

Half a squat, and moved over the finger, holding the wrist in the compartment, gently rubbing the wrist with the belly of the hand, through the thin fabric, you can clearly feel the obvious hard scar on the wrist.

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, overlooking the calm lake, her thoughts have already drifted away.

Obviously watching the lake surface reflecting the waves, the eyes saw the handsome young boy who was the old horse in the same year...

She first sighed her lips, then tweeted her eyebrows, and finally she was stained with water.

"My sister's feelings for that person, where can you understand?"

As soon as he speaks, Gu Yu is silent again, and people fall into memories.


The assistant who came over increased the voice, and Gu Yu took his memory back to reality.

Unlocking the palm of her left wrist, she turned her face and smiled at the assistant.

"I will hand it over to you, I will return to the company first."

The assistant respectfully nodded and asked half a word.

Carrying the handbag, elegant downstairs, Gu Yu's face is already nothing to be quiet, and the girl who just stood by the window and lost her mind has already been judged.

The white high heels stepped on the ground and noticed the paper flying up on the grass. She looked at the side.


Recognizing that it was a check, Gu Yu could not help but shake his head.

"This child..."

Going over, she bent over and picked up the check, and glanced at it casually, only one glance, but she was shocked.

That signature, the stiff and elegant font, the familiar three words...

In an instant, the squatting on her face was broken, and the thin check was pinched. Gu Yu’s face was full of shock, and the fingers holding the check were shaking.

Do not!

She could not admit his signature.

It is him, it must be his handwriting.

However, how can I have a check signed by him here, and it is still today's date!

Is it...

She raised her face violently, her eyes swept over the door that was lying on the ground, sweeping the wolf on the ground, sweeping through the stained glass door... and finally falling back into the check.


"What good is he, why do you fall in love with this bastard?!"

"What do you think I am talking about? I am talking about Mu Tianye's bastard!"


The roar of Xicheng rang in his ear, and Gu Yu tightened his lips apart because of his surprise.

Grab the check and stride to the side of his car, pull the door and sit on the driver's seat.


With the engine roaring, the white Maserati rushed out and headed for the manor gate.

In the living room door, the assistant could not confidently blink his eyes.

After five years with Gu Yu, this is the first time she saw her own female boss driving fast.

The assistant blew a whistle and the man shook his head and sighed.

"I really can't see it, you still have such a wild side!"

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