Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 383: Do you think it is worth it?


Gu Yu's face changed greatly, reaching out and grabbing the mouse to open the news.

The opening of the news is a huge photo.

In the photo, there is a pair of men and women who embrace each other. The male is her younger brother Xicheng. She is no stranger to the woman. She is the actress Judy who had passed the scandal with Xicheng.

The half face of Xicheng was buried in Judy's long hair. It seemed to be kissing the other's hair. If you look closely at his eyes, you can find that there is no joy and joy in his nephew. Judy's arm looks stiff and his back is tight.

In comparison, Judy is very happy, his right arm is holding his waist, his face is stuck on the chest of Xicheng. It seems that he is afraid that the reporter can't take his face, and his left hand lifts his hair, right. With the lens, the silver ring on the left hand finger sparkles.


The news text did not look at it. Gu Yu had already grabbed the phone call from Xicheng, and the female voice in the receiver was mildly reminded.

"Sorry, the call you made has been turned off."

Pushing the chair behind him, Gu Yuqi got up and grabbed his handbag and rushed out of the office.

The assistant immediately greeted him, "Valley."

"Let the driver wait for me downstairs!"

Commanded to the other party, Gu Yu had transferred Xu Yang’s phone and dialed it. As a result, it was busy.

When Gu Yu frowned into the elevator and was about to redial, Gu Wenhou’s phone had already entered.

"Where is that bastard?"

"Dad, calm down!"

"Calm?" Gu Wenhou's tone is violent. "Do you still calm me at this time? I said long ago that we are absolutely not allowed to enter a door as a daughter-in-law. You will get the **** back to me." Come!"

Because of the previous scandal, Gu Wenhou had already sent out a temper. Later, listening to Gu Yu explained that it was just a misunderstanding, and Xicheng took the initiative to go home to help.

Originally thought that his son had grown up and gradually became sensible, and he thought that he would suddenly sing this out. Gu Wenhou, who is a father, is naturally angry.

Xicheng and Xuyang’s phone couldn’t get through, and he simply called the phone to Gu Yu.

"You should calm down first. I will find out this matter for you. This is definitely a matter of fact. I assure you that Xiaohan will never marry her."

"It's best, otherwise, you will let him never come back!"

At that end, Gu Wenhou hung up the phone angrily, and Gu Yu once again called Xu Yang's phone to dial in. This time, the phone was finally connected.

"Let Xiaohan answer the phone?"

On the other end of the phone, Xu Yang looked at the West Side on the back seat and handed the phone to him.

"Gu total phone."

Xicheng reached out and took the phone, and waited for Gu Yu to ask, he had already taken the initiative.

"My father will explain to him, this thing, my sister does not care."

"You are a mess!"

"I know what I am doing!" Xicheng was calm. "After a while, I will dissolve the marriage contract."

When he made this decision, he already guessed what kind of hurricane there would be, and the father’s scolding sister’s incomprehensible journalists’ madness... everything was as early as expected in Xicheng.

Gu Yu was silent for a while before asking softly.

"For a Ning Xiaofei, do you think it is worth it?"

Sideways, watching the sky far away from the window, Xicheng tone calm.

"This is the mistake I made, I should make up."

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