Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 407: In the future, you will take the initiative

Only then did he notice that he was still wrapped around him like a koala in the most embarrassing gesture. Ning Xiaofei had a red face and was busy retracting his hands and feet.

Touching the gang, she sorted out the scattered clothes, wrapped her suit on her body, and Mu Tianye reloaded her to adjust the back of the chair.

"Sit here and move, I will take you home!"


Without the embarrassment just now, her voice is low like a mosquito.

Simply sorting out himself, Mu Tianye pulled the door and jumped out of the car, and then sat back in the driver's seat and started the car to go home.

Sitting in the back chair, Ning Xiaofei recalled that he had just kissed and announced the attitude of sovereignty. The more he wanted to be more shy, he could not help but quietly look at him.

That guy, would you think she was very silver? !

As she lifted her head, facing the heavy black man in the rearview mirror, she was busy looking away.

"Husband, actually... that... I... just..."

In the front seat, Mu Tianye took the car into the fast lane and faintly interrupted her nonsense.

"I don't mind, women occasionally overbearing."

This dead man is fine and he is seen through!

However, what is occasional?

She raised her face in dissatisfaction.

"On what occasions, you are a macho!"

The man licked the ink.

"Okay, you will... take the initiative!"

Ning Xiaofei clearly heard the smell of cockroaches from the "active", and immediately glanced at him with a small tooth.

"Think beautiful!"

Of course he wants to be beautiful, and not only now, but also the future - she and his future.

Or, not only him and her, but also their children.

Mu Tianye regained his gaze and focused on driving. He always turned into a straight lip, but at the moment he unconsciously bent upwards and made a beautiful arc.

On the back seat.

Ning Xiaofei didn't bother him any more. He leaned back on the back of his chair and tightened his suit jacket. Her face also had a smile.

Other men and women are married after dating first. Her order seems to be a bit wrong, but it doesn't matter. In the end, she always has the same goal.

Caressing the wedding ring that he sent her, she moved in her heart, then raised her lips.



Early the next morning.

Ning Xiaofei got up early as usual, put on clothes and went out to see the man who was already working in the study room. She was distressed and helpless.

He is the pillar of the company, too many things to be busy, she can not share, can only give him as little trouble as possible.

Not wanting to bother him, she was lightly prepared to close the door, but Mu Tianye behind the desk had raised her face.


Ning Xiaofei pushed the door open and walked to his desk. The man immediately put down the documents and pen in his hand and took two paper bags from under the table and handed it to her.

The paper bag is heavy, Ning Xiaofei opened the bag and put out the set of pale pink suits.

The masters from the big names are elegant and not old, and full of affinity, which is very suitable for her temperament.

"this is?!"

"When the game is worn." Mu Tianye held a small paper bag on the table. "There is jewelry here."

Ning Xiaofei raised his lips and said, "Thank you husband."

He is so busy and still thinking about preparing for her, she is naturally moved.

Mu Tianye raised his big hand to caress her little face. "Go wash it. I will read this document and send you to the scene after breakfast."

The man who fell in sight at the desk work, Ning Xiaofei came over and kissed him on his cheek, and then turned and slipped out of the study.

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