The applause sounded again, and many of the audience were deeply impressed by the ground.

“What does Professor Li want to say?” Shang Ya smiled and asked the third tutor.

"I am also deeply impressed with this topic." Professor Li, who is over half a hundred years old, also sighs with a look. "Now the mobile phone is developing at a rapid pace. It is really very convenient. I have never played a smart phone before, since my daughter went abroad. I just started learning to use WeChat to learn to brush my circle of friends, just want to see what she usually does. I think the phone should be a double-edged sword. As a professional host teacher, I don’t really Very good Ning Xiaofei. After all, news and hosting are two different professions. However, in the few minutes just now, she conquered me with her strength. Ning Xiaofei, I want to give a compliment, no, point 32 Like!"

Everyone laughed again.

“Thank you!” Ning Xiaofei once again thanked him. “Thank you, Teacher Li.”

Ruo Ruoxi raised his right hand. "So, how will the Xicheng tutor review this time?"

"I just want to say!" Xicheng Yang Yang held the right hand of the mobile phone. "Just the 50519th vote is my vote, Ning Xiaofei, now... I am your fan!"


Screaming in the audience.

Compared with the praise of Ji Mo, compared with the feelings and recognition of Professor Li and Shen Jie, Xicheng’s move is more direct and more powerful.

The national idol, super male god... take the initiative to admit that he is a fan of a small newcomer, this is a kind of recognition!

"Ning Xiaofei!"

Under the stage, someone called out her name.

Ning Xiaofei immediately recognized the familiar voice and could not see his face, but she could hear that he was on the stage, not far from her.

The man who just woke her up was him, the man who supported her silently in the dark.

Without his shouting, if he didn't think carefully, he had already conducted an emergency drill for her before the game...and there was no one who was standing on the stage at this moment and was favored by everyone.

Then, there are countless people responding.

"Ning Xiaofei!"

"Ning Xiaofei!"

The cluttered voice gradually turned into a rhythm, and thousands of people called the name in unison.

"Ning Xiaofei, Ning Xiaofei!"

"Thank you!"

She bent again and squatted down the stage. Despite her efforts to control, her throat was blocked and her eyes were filled with tears.

"God, this is the game, this is clearly the special scene of Ning Xiaofei, I have to announce that I am also your fan." Shangya is very good at controlling the rhythm of the game, pulling everyone's weight back to the game itself. "At this point, the whole game will be over. Let's count down and end the vote. 10, 9, 8...1, stop!"

On the big screen, the number of votes is fixed.

Ning Xiaofei ranked first with 56,908 votes, and Ye Qiao 44,0 votes ranked second...

"Don't tell me, the ending is already obvious. Now there are the top ten players who asked us to enter the decision! Second place, Ye Qiao, third place, Xu Chuqing..."

Since the music, Ye Qiao and other top ten players have come on stage.

After taking office, the first thing Ye Qiao did was to embrace Ning Xiaofei, and she didn’t care about the image and she fell into tears.

"Dead gimmick, you just scared me, what the **** is going on, who put the phone into the table?"

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