Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 468: Never let others buy

Qin Zhaoyang's eyebrows jumped very lightly, and looked at Chen Ziming with a slanting look. Then he laughed out loud.

"Mr. Gu is really too self-effacing. If Gu Feng is not Seoul, how many companies worth mentioning in A?"

Everyone laughed, but in the dark, they all had their own minds.

Mu mother also followed the lips and raised the cup, but did not drink.

On the whole table, there is no laugh, only the West City.

Holding a smile, Qin Zhaoyang’s eyes fell on the face of Xicheng. “Since Mr. Xicheng is now in charge of Gufeng Group, I don’t know what you think about this cooperation?”

He suddenly threw the problem on the West Side, and Gu Wenhou and Gu Yu both looked at it with some concern.

Xicheng has no need to say more about nature since childhood, but this kind of talent is more expressed in music talent. He has just experienced Gu Feng, and his experience is limited. Can he handle the veteran of the market like Qin Zhaoyang?

Xicheng slightly leaned back. "I remember when I was sensible, my father often said to me, 'Strong self, can't be defeated'. I have always agreed with my father's point of view. Gu Feng has just started in the construction industry. Too fast expansion is not suitable for the current Gufeng."

This sentence is no different from rejection.

Gu Wen was slightly frowning, but he was somewhat appreciative in his gaze.

Although this sentence is straightforward, but ... did not give Gu's shame.

Gu Yu slightly wrinkled his eyebrows and quickly swept over Qin Zhaoyang, then fell on Mu's mother's face and took the initiative to open the subject.

"Madam, do you want to add some more wine?"

"No need." Qin Zhaoyang raised his left hand and gently took the glass in Mu's mother's hand. "She is not very comfortable in the past few days, and should not drink too much."

"It turned out to be the case." Gu Yu smiled. "So try our raisin souffle?"

It turned out that the food delivery staff had already brought the dessert over, and everyone’s topic returned to the dessert, and then turned into the grape planting technique, and no one mentioned the cooperation.

After the meal, Gu Yu took three people to visit the wine production workshop, but also did not forget to take two bottles of wine for many years to give Mu mother.

When the three left, the family of three went together downstairs.

Watching the car go far, Gu Yu smiles gradually, "it seems that Goldman Sachs is really coming this time!"

Gu Wenhou’s expression is also deep. “Yes, not only the sons come back, but even Qin Zhaoyang personally came over. It is estimated that it will not stop if it is not up to the goal.”

Aside, Xicheng frowned, his face was a little unpleasant.

"what happened?"

Notice that his expression is wrong, Gu Yu whispered.

"I just didn't expect that Ziming Brother would do Goldman Sachs now." Xicheng's tone was a little disappointing.

Gu Yu chuckled. "This is his job. Before he passed me through the bottom, it was very rare."

"Yeah!" Gu Wenhou turned around and took a pair of children forward. "Goldman Sachs will definitely be a hurricane, and Gu Feng is now fledgling... Xiaohan!" He stopped and looked at Xicheng. "This time... you must be careful."

"I know." Xicheng nodded. "I will be steady and steady, not to touch the limelight of Goldman Sachs."

Gu Wenhou smiled with a smile. "Dad is very satisfied with your performance today. Gu is a step by step for the Gu family. After going through the storm, I can't let others buy it!"



Not so serious, but it is a small cyst cut, a few stitches, thank you for your concern~! ~

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