Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 481: Large court "Pneumatic Breathing"

Mu Tianye licked his lips, raised his left hand to catch the chin of the **** the side of the body, and pulled her little face with a little force. Ning Xiaofei only felt a black shadow in front of him, the next second, the man’s lips had Overwrite.

He didn't like her, but he unknowingly opened her lips and explored the soft sweetness of the teeth.

Here is the park, surrounded by adults and children, who is kissing her here?

Ning Xiaofei struggled subconsciously, and both the palm and the chin were unable to escape by his grip. He took the opportunity to entangle her flustered tongue, and the man’s kiss was calm and lingering.

The lips and teeth are entangled. On the back of Ning Xiaofei, the cold hair is erected, and the body does not tremble consciously.

Worried, shy... I was swallowed up by his kiss.

Until the man's lips and tongue left, her brain was still in a state of confusion and chaos, and softly leaning against the backrest of the wooden chair, some of them could not return.

"Uncle, what happened to the aunt?"

Around, the tender voice sounded.

Ning Xiaofei was shocked, sitting up in a panic, pulling clothes - okay, he was still modest, but kissed her without further action - looking at the little things that didn't know when they appeared in front of themselves.

It was a little girl of about three or four, holding a marshmallow bigger than her little head in one hand, looking at her and Mu Tianye with a pair of **** eyes with a small head.

"I... I... I'm fine!"

Ning Xiaofei’s face burned up, and the first time he was intimately in the crowd, but he was seen by a small child. It’s really...

"Why did that uncle help you with artificial respiration?"

The little guy stared at his big eyes and questioned.

Artificial respiration?

Ning Xiaofei's lips were pumped.


Just as she hesitated to know how to explain to such a small little thing, Mu Tianye, who was sitting on the side, had turned to the body.

Ning Xiaofei is only afraid of his stinky temper. He will be unhappy because he is disturbed by a child. He is about to stop. He listens to the man's gentle opening. "Uncle is not giving artificial breath to the aunt, we are kissing."

Ning Xiaofei turned his face and turned his face. Why did he treat such a small point with such patience?

Little girl is a bit confused. "The last time I saw my father and mother, is they kissing?"

"Of course." Mu Tianye nodded. "A man kisses a woman, indicating that he loves her very much."

The little girl's eyes widened, revealing a thoughtful look. "Then my father loves my mother."

Then she smiled at the little mouth with marshmallows and seemed very happy to know about it.

"Niu Niu!"

Not far away, a young woman rushed over and pulled the little guy's arm and looked at Ning Xiaofei and Mu Tianye with apologies. "Sorry, the child didn't bother you?"

Ning Xiaofei was busy returning to her and smiling, "Oh, nothing!"

The mother took the little girl away, and the little guy politely turned back and waved to Ning Xiaofei in their direction.

Raising her right hand and waving her hand far away, Ning Xiaofei took back her eyes and looked at Mu Tianye.

"Can't see it, you really like children." ”

"It used to be annoying." Mu Tianye watched the little girl's back. For a moment, he regained his gaze, and the black scorpion fell on Ning Xiaofei's face. "We also have a daughter."

In Mu Tianye's previous cognition, this kind of thing is a synonym for trouble and confusion. When he saw this creature, he always stayed away.

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