Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 483: You are talking about conditions with me.

Mu Mama did not pick up the water, and the line of sight moved along the palm of the hand holding the water bottle and fell on the face of Qin Zhaoyang at the bedside.

There is obvious fatigue on the man's face, and the blood in his eyes is obvious.

"Thank you."

After taking the water bottle and sending it to the mouth to drink two small mouths, Mu mother held the water bottle for a moment, and when it was about to open, Qin Zhaoyang’s voice had already sounded again.

"Tomorrow I will go to the grave. If your injury is not serious, we will return to the country of M the day after tomorrow."

Mama’s mother turned her face.

Going back so soon, isn't he coming here for the company to enter A city real estate?

Still, he just brought her back to China and then returned?

The finger holding the water bottle tightened tightly, and she finally spoke.

"Can you let Muhammad go?" Mu mother squinted. "As long as you promise me the last thing, I will never come back later, and again... no one from Mu."

Anyone of the Mu family, of course, also includes Mu Tianye.

"So..." Qin Zhaoyang's fingers were on the knees, and his fingers gently rubbed the wedding ring on his left hand. "Are you talking about conditions with me?"

Mum's mother clenched her lips and didn't look at his eyes. "Yes!"

Gaode's capital is strong, and the financial resources are far from Mu's. For so many years, Gao De's projects he wants to win will never be missed. From M to Europe to Asia, where Gao De is going, there is no sorrow.

The company that is being looked at by Gao De has only two choices, either to surrender the management power and bow down, or to be crushed by Gao De until it can be turned over until it is torn into pieces.

The temper of his son’s temper has always been bent, and he will never allow his empire to be established as a colony of others. If he knows that this matter is related to Qin Zhaoyang, his reaction will be more intense, and he will only fight on it. Everything must also compete with Gao De for a broken net.

As a mother, how can I bear it?

What's more, she doesn't want to see these two men fight for you to die.

Qin Zhaoyang clenched his fingers and slammed up from the chair. The chair under his body immediately leaned back and snarled on the floor.

In the quiet ward, suddenly a loud noise, Mu mother was scared by him, the water bottle in his hand, the mineral water inside spilled out and fell on the bed, Mu mother subconsciously raised his right hand to lick, the palm has not touched the water, Has been caught by Qin Zhaoyang.

"Qin total!"


Lin Zifan and Julie, who were waiting outside the door, heard the sound and rushed in one after another.

Qin Zhaoyang glared at Mo's eyes with his eyes, and there was resentment and madness in his eyes. There were complex and deep emotions.

Hearing the voices of the two men behind him, he slammed his throat into the roar of his throat and released Mu's wrist.

"Look at her!"

Dropping these three words, the man turned and rushed to the door.

"Zhaoyang!" Mu mother sat up straight and hurried before he rushed out the door. "I beg you."

She has always been proud, but for her son, she now has no pride and self-esteem.

Qin Zhaoyang squatted at the door for two seconds, then strode out of the door and fell heavily on the door.

Lin Zifan and Julie rushed over together. The two men pretended to have heard nothing and did not see it. Lin Zifan took the water bottle in Mu’s mother’s hand, and Julie took her thin body with water stains and was taken out. In the ward, she took her to the bed and sat down. Lin Zifan took the blanket and covered it to Mu’s mother’s knee.

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