Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 696: Bless me, I will give you a daughter.


Chen Ziming asked.

"When... of course it hurts..." Ji Jing squinted. "When I was young, I accidentally broke, and I am a man... I am still the first time!"

Chen Ziming flashed a sneer in his eyes. He was not able to check the details of Ji Jing’s bottom. He even tried to have a baby, and dared to say that he was the first time? !

"Good, I like clean women!"

Ji Jing is only a piece of chess he temporarily uses. Now he is just a tool for his desire to dispel his desires. Naturally, he is too lazy to expose.

Raising her hand and holding her body down, he took her possessively, but his eyes were closed, and he thought of Gu Yu in her mind. She had scented hair, slender and soft waist...

Ji Jingwo is not comfortable in a small space, but still cooperates to make a very satisfying look.

Originally worried that Chen Ziming is not so easy to get started, it seems that there is no difference with other men. After tonight, she is a step closer to Chen Jiashao’s grandmother.

Ning Xiaofei, one day, I will also step you under your feet.

Thinking of this, Ji Jing is getting more and more performance.

"Zi Ming, you..."

As soon as he heard out, Chen Ziming blocked his lips.

He didn't want to hear the sound of Ji Jing, destroying his imagination.



Lanting apartment, study.

Mu Tianye sat at the desk, but his eyes did not fall on the documents, but looked up at Zhou Tao across the table.

"You take the monitoring of the party tonight and see if you have taken it."

"Okay." Zhou Tao immediately agreed. "I will call the manager over there and I will inform you later."

Mu Tianye used his fingers to point his temples and lifted his face for a moment.

"How is the arrangement of Xiaofei Studio opened?"

"I and Zhou Ying have carefully discussed, and Miss Ning will see the hotel without problems."

"Okay." Mu Tianye raised his wrist to see the time. "You go back to rest early!"

Zhou Tao left his heart and left. Mu Tianye held his head and thought for a moment, and got up and went out to study.

In the bedroom, Ning Xiaofei has already showered, leaning against the bed and stroking the lower abdomen with one hand.

"I don't know if you are a little star or a small sun. If you are a little star, Guanyin Bodhisattva, I asked you to be so spiritual last time. I must bless me to have a lovely daughter this time. I will do more good things in the future..."

The door was gently pushed open, and when Mu Tianye entered the door, he saw Ning Xiaofei’s hands clasped together, and he was stunned at the bedside, and he could not help but raise his eyebrows.

"What the hell?"

Ning Xiaofei returned to him with a sweet smile. "I am praying that Goddess of Mercy will bless me to give birth to a daughter."

Mu Tianye laughed and sat sideways on her side. "Do you want a child like this?"

Ning Xiaofei nodded - she didn't want to, but she already had it, of course, she could only go with the flow.

Mu Tianye squeezed her cheeks. "So, I have to work hard."

"No, not today!"

She immediately shrank back, didn't know before she was pregnant, and now she has to control a little.

The man raised his eyebrows, "Is the relative coming?"

"No, I am just... a little tired!" Ning Xiaofei accompanied him with a smile. "Husband has to endure for a few days?"

Mu Tianye’s face was infected with concern. “Is it right? Is the stomach still uncomfortable?”

"No, I..."

Just halfway through the words, the chest suddenly turned into a burst, Ning Xiaofei was busy closing his mouth, waving his hand and fleeing to the bathroom.



good night.

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