Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 783: My image is completely destroyed by you (3)

Walked lightly to the end of the sofa and helped her take off the shoes on her feet. He took off his suit and wrapped the slim body of the girl. She lifted her from the sofa with a little effort. Be careful. Go out of the meeting room.

Zhou Tao saw it at a glance and was busy getting up and helping him to open the inconvenience chair.

Everyone stood up, they were very interesting and did not say anything. Seeing Mu Tianye holding Ning Xiaofei to go, everyone was busy sending it out, Zhou Tao raised his right hand and pressed the scorpion. "You, don't send it." !"

Everyone smiled and stopped, and he was busy chasing it and helping to press the elevator.

An hour later, Ning Xiaofei moved from the company's sofa to her own big bed, and settled her on the pillow. Mu Tianye gently pulled back her arm.

Sitting on the side of the bed, watching her sleep sweet face, he did not hold back, bent down, kissed on her differential lips, stole the scent and was about to get up and take a shower, did not expect the little girl suddenly opened.


Mu Tianye turned his face and saw her half-squinted and staring at him. It was certain that after him, her lips were light.

"Tell you, I just had a dream."

Her voice still has some sand, and it is obviously still in a state of chaos.

"What did you dream of?" Mu Tianye sat back on her side and asked.

"Daughter." She pulled his palm and hugged it into her arms. "I gave you a daughter."

The man laughed and bent down to kiss her on the forehead.


Ning Xiaofei smiled again, closed his eyes, and suddenly fell into a dream.

This feeling went straight to the next morning, opened his eyes, looked at the familiar room, turned his face and looked at him behind Mu Tianye, she looked puzzled.

"When are you going home, and when will I go home?!"

"I brought you back last night."

"Hold?!" Ning Xiaofei wrinkled his eyebrows. "You...you brought me back from the company?"

The man nodded.

"That... did they get off work at the time?"

The man shook his head.

"All... who is?!"

"Ye Qiao, Ji Mo... It seems that everyone is here, and I don't know all of your employees."

"No!" Ning Xiaofei suddenly became red-faced. "Why don't you wake me up!"

She is the boss of the company, she is taken back from sleep, or in front of the employees of the company, think about how shameful, in the future, how to use the identity of the boss to manage people!

Mu Tianye just smiled, and she reached out and squeezed him.

"Hate, my image is completely destroyed by you!"

Think about it, she slept like a pig, and she didn't know if she was taken out. I don't want to be a joke across the company...

The man did not hide or not, let her toss, the big hand stretched out from her waist, hooked her waist, drilled in from the hem, gently stroked, and soon she calmed down, the kitten was half-finished On his body, enjoy closing his eyes.

"Tell you, I had a dream last night!"

He laughed, "What did you dream of?"

"I gave birth to a little daughter, so cute, my eyes are so big, my eyelashes are so long and long, I will call my mother..."

The man smiled more and more, and the palm of her back was tightened, and her whole person was held in her arms, her face was lowered and buried in her neck.

"is it?!"

Feeling that his movements are eager, Ning Xiaofei's face is red.

"You...you don't have to go to work?!"

"It’s okay to go later."

He said as he kissed her neck.

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