Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 801: I slap a face in the face of Gu Yu (1)

On the big screen, well-made commercials, a brief and intuitive description of the ITV website, the "very three-person" film is also interspersed, and some

There are some pieces of wonderful live broadcasts on the website.

The idea of ​​the atmosphere, like the editing of Hollywood blockbusters... Just a few minutes, it brought unprecedented shock to the reporters of all the fans present.

"Free time to watch, ITV!"

After the last slogan, the big screen was darkened again, and all the light was concentrated on the chairman Taining Xiaofei.

The crowd stunned and then reacted and applauded.

“Thank you.” Ning Xiaofei solemnly bowed to everyone. “Now, please invite my partner and join me to unveil our new platform. Have my best friend, New World Media Company (Ning The name of the company created by Xiaofei) Miss deputy chief Ye Qiao!"

In the applause, Ye Qiao, a purple dress, appeared on the scene, came over and hugged her, and then stood on her left side.

Ning Xiaofei once again said, "Next, I have the most respected mentor, Mr. Ji Mo, the general counsel of New World Media Company!"


Another thunderous applause, the small door on the side of the big screen was separated, and the dark ink of the dark suit also came on stage, hugged with Ning Xiaofei and stood on his right side.

"Before the unveiling, I would like to express my gratitude to the two of them. If there is no such thing, there will be no Ning Xiaofei, and there will be no Ning Xiaofei Studio and New World Media."

Ye Qiao and Ji Mo looked at each other and raised their lips.

"Well, now let's come together to open the door to the new world!"

The three people walked together to the side of the crystal ball behind the podium, looking at each other, placing the palm of the hand on the start button, and then pressing.

The crystal ball lights up, and the big screen is centered on the position of the crystal ball. It radiates thousands of rays to the surrounding area, and then these rays are turned into specific images.

The staff of the media company worked overtime, the network company helped everyone clean up the empty lunch box, cleaned the aunt, stepped on the ladder for the staff at the press conference, and stood at the door security. The fans present and the reporters’ media guests Image...and many of the avatars of netizens who have interacted with Ning Xiaofei Studio...

Seeing the self on the screen, whether it was on-site or off-site, the live broadcasters were surprised and stunned, and no one expected that they would become part of the conference.

"I know that there are still many people who are silently supporting me, supporting the operation of our entire studio and company. We are full of expectations. I can't show everyone on the screen, but I will put Everyone is in mind. With gratitude, work hard, give everyone more choices and possibilities. Free to watch the era, start with me, start with ITV! As long as there is a screen, you can see our program, now At 8:30, we will not see you!"

"Thank you!"

The three people thanked him at the same time, and then left.

If you don't make a fuss, don't pull people's popularity, it's so clean and neat... it just shocks people's hearts.

After stepping down the stage, Ning Xiaofei immediately turned to look at the founder of the website in the background, and now she is the assistant of Qiur Rong and her boyfriend Bai Jie.

"how about it?"

This is the first live broadcast of ITV after it was re-installed, not just a live broadcast, but also a real test for the website.

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