Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 919: Father vs Mother (3)

Not only because this time, the Philippine Garden is very important to Muhammad, but also because this garden is devoted to his longing for the future, there will be his future home with Ning Xiaofei, he hopes his children will be born there. Where I grew up...

Hanging up the phone, he quickly got up and went to the master bedroom but didn't see Ning Xiaofei. He was busy running downstairs but only saw Liu Wei.

"Last grandma told me to tell you that there is something to be done at the company, she will take a step."

Helpless, Mu Tianye had to go back upstairs, simply wash and change clothes and go to the Philippines.

Originally, he planned to have a good chat with Ning Xiaofei. How did he arrange this whole thing, so that she would not worry about the money again? There is no need for the incident in the Philippines. He can only go to the scene first. After all, this is the case. It’s complicated and complicated, and it’s not something that can be said clearly on the phone.



In the morning, I participated in a theme event in City A, then returned to the company for a meeting, and rushed to another location in the afternoon to participate in a watch brand event...

Ning Xiaofei is very busy all day.

While in the car, she was busy looking at the contract and modifying the plan.

When I finally got a chance to get out, it was already four o'clock in the afternoon when I left the brand.

It happened that Emma called and said that she had already decided to acquire her company, but not her parent CBS, but herself, but the good news is that she can get another 10 million.

Ning Xiaofei has some accidents, but she does not care so much. As long as the other party is willing to pay, she has no time to care who is buying her company.

Commanding the bodyguard to drive back to the studio, Ning Xiaofei took off his high heels and knocked it with his fist. Because he wore some high-heeled calves in his high heels, although he was tired, his heart was very happy.

As long as the contract is signed, there will be more than one billion credits, and the part that should be paid to Ji Mo and Ye Qiao will be removed. She can at least get about 80 million yuan, which is not a small amount of money.

The car turned into the underground parking lot, and her mobile phone rang again. When she saw the words "Ning Zhiqiu" on the screen, Ning Xiaofei was busy turning the phone on.

"Hey..." She paused, wanted to behave intimately, and was a bit awkward. In the end, she only squeezed out the words "Hello."

"The weather is not very good, the plane is late, where are you, I am going to find you."

At the end of the phone, I know that the autumn sound is mild.

"Don't..." Ning Xiaofei subconsciously refused, realizing that her tone was a bit stiff, and she was busy explaining, "I mean, I am going to find you."

She did not mention this father to anyone, even in front of Ye Qiao, even now, she does not want to know that Qiu really walked into her life, of course, did not want him to go to her company.

"That... well, I am at Kunlun Hotel 1309, come over, let's talk while we eat."

There is a demand for people, naturally can not refuse, Ning Xiaofei immediately promised to come down, "I have something to do here, probably late, it is estimated to take about two hours."

"It doesn't matter, I am waiting for you, don't worry."

"Okay, then you... take a break."

Ning Xiaofei awkwardly said a word, hang up the phone, and then a long breath.

Take the elevator upstairs and return to the studio. Just as soon as I entered the door, the front desk came over to remind me that there was a guest waiting for her in the reception room.

Wouldn't it be better to know autumn?

However, I just made a phone call!

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