Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 953: You are very different (1)

Quietly glanced at the expression of Gu Yu, Chen Ziming flashed a smile in his eyes. "Light rain, you can rest assured that I will help you all the debts. I will go back to you if you are wronged!"

Just a moment of impulsive offense, he can see that she is not happy, and now is trying to make up for it.

However, Gu Yu obviously did not appreciate this, silently licking his lips and did not say anything.

The car slowly moved forward, and Chen Ziming saw that she was in a bad mood, and she did not rush to open her mouth. While driving, she thought about how to break the current impasse.

The wheel ran over the black asphalt road, and it was not too long to drive to the path leading to the valley home.

Chen Ziming drove the car to the front door and was preparing to go to the doorbell. The rain on the front passenger seat had already whispered.

"I am getting off here!"

He turned his face in a wrong way, and looked at the rain on his side inexplicably.

In the driver's seat, Gu Yu slowly took off his suit and turned his face to face him.

"Zi Ming, I know, you have been very caring for me all these years. I am very grateful. In fact, I have tried it, but... I am sorry, I really can't do it. Not that you are not good enough, just..." Gu Yu took a deep breath. "It's a pity that I have lost the ability to love. So... don't waste time on me anymore."

Chen Ziming helped the fingers on the steering wheel, slowly tightened, and slowly relaxed.

"Light rain, I can wait for you!"

"Zi Ming!" Gu Yu frowned. "How many times do you want me to say, we can't have it, we... still be friends!"

Pushing the door open, she threw her leg out of the door, heavily closed the door, went to the gate, and entered the password for opening the door.

If it is to change to someone else, to do her kind of thing just Chen Ziming, Gu Yu has already been martyrdom to the other side, just thinking about the feelings of so many years, she did not turn his face, plus Ji Jin just tossed At this time, Gu Yu’s patience has reached its limit.

"Little rain!" Chen Ziming got off the car and chased him. He chased the side of Gu Yu at the gate and grabbed her arm. "Do you give me another chance?"

Gu Yu frowned at some impatiently. "You still have to find a girl that is more suitable for you!"

Entering the last secret, she raised her hand and pulled out the palm of her hand from Chen Ziming.

The gates slowly separated, and Gu Yu walked sideways and walked into the Gujia Mansion.

"Light rain!"

Chen Ziming stood at the door and shouted her name. Gu Yu did not stop, and even did not even return to him once.

The black fence door is automatically closed and locked.

Seeing the long back of the girl disappeared in the big house with the lights in the night, Chen Ziming was so angry that he put his fist on the closed door.


The fence door screamed with a warning, and Chen Ziming bit his teeth and turned back to the car.

Holding the steering wheel to restart the car, overlooking the lights in the mansion, Chen Ziming clenched his teeth a little bit.

"What I want, never got it, including you!"

Speaking of this sentence, he stepped on the gas pedal, the car roared and turned around in the same place, and quickly left the door of the valley.

In the three-story bedroom in the mansion, Gu Yu went into the bathroom and watched the mirror with a wry look, and her face was a little bit stunned.

"I won't let you go, absolutely not!"

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