Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 963: Cherish the people in front of you (3)

The assistant stood in front of the desk and frowned. "This...maybe...the public has not reacted yet. After all, today is the first day of business. Our various aspects of propaganda are only starting today, maybe we will wait a few more. day……"


Chen Ziming slaps a picture on the table.

"Await another few days, I will wait for a few days and I will be pushed by the chairman of the board. What do you want me to do?!"

It was rejected by Gu Yu last night. Today, I waited for a long time and waited for such a depressing news. Chen Ziming’s temper finally could not stop.

The assistant was scared by his sudden pat on the table, and it was only a matter of ten seconds before he reacted.

"Chen...Chen Chen, I am sorry, I...I am not..."

"Get out!"

Chen Ziming, what is the mood to listen to him nonsense here, and he interrupted him.

The assistant was smashed in the throat, turned and quit outside the door. When the door was closed, he did not forget to glance at the door panel. He did not have any concern about his boss Chen Ziming. Instead, he was willing to look forward to seeing Chen Ziming being mudi The moment when Amano squeezes out.

Chen Ziming in the table certainly does not think that his own hands will have such an idea. In fact, he does not even want to care about what the assistant thinks.

Over the years, he has been sitting at Goldman Sachs, trying to find ways to take the companies that the company is fancy, and let the other party work for Goldman Sachs. The companies that can enter the Goldman Sachs are of course delicious flesh. Once they complete the acquisition, they will be very Get on the right track and start making money for the company.

Therefore, Chen Ziming has always thought that he is a very capable person.

In fact, even now he has not realized that he is not really good at running him.

From small to large, it has always been windy, rainy, and his conceit is far better than ordinary people.

After squatting back and forth several times in the office, Chen Ziming did not think of any effective means. When he went to the desk again, he suddenly stopped and turned and walked out of the office.

The assistant cleaned up the documents after the table and saw him coming out, busy getting up, and Chen Ziming kept walking outside the door.

"Prepare the car, I am going to Muhammad. In addition, you inform Mu Tianye and go to the company meeting immediately!"

"Good!" The assistant was busy grabbing his bag and the phone.

After 45 minutes, Chen Ziming rushed to the top office of the Mu's Building. The top executives of several companies in the office were there, but Mu Tianye was not seen.

"What about Mr. Mu?" Chen Ziming stepped into the seat, and his tone was unpleasant.

Everyone at the table looked like an unspeakable face, no one said anything.

The assistant was awkwardly holding the lips. "I have already called the notice. The call was received by the assistant Zhou. He said that Mu will arrive right away. Could it be a traffic jam on the road?"

Chen Ziming originally wanted to use the title to play, and set up the majesty. When he thought that his assistant sang this way, he completely eliminated his momentum, and his heart was unhappy and unable to attack. He could only look at the assistant and then announced that Mu Tianye would not meet immediately.

"This time, when everyone comes over, I want to talk about the project in Xinghuai County." Chen Ziming looked around and relaxed his tone. "Oh, there is something I have to say... Given my work will be very busy, I am afraid that I will not be able to stay in the company in the future, so I am going to choose a vice president from among you as my spokesperson for Muhammad."

There must be a brave man under the reward.


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