Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 982: Qin Zhaoyang visited (2)

He is not wrong with her divorce. She should even be grateful to him for giving her freedom. She will have the opportunity to stay in this city that she has been yearning for in her lifetime. She can have a chance to see her son and see the future grandson...

However, why did God want to be so to him? When he thought that he might sleep on the operating table, he would never wake up. Chu Xinning’s heart was like being cut a little by a rusty blunt knife. As if the whole five internal organs and six lungs were pulled, the pain could not be added.

Not far away, the security guard looked far away at Chu Xinning's car with a left-turning light. He took a few steps in the same place. In the end, he came over and gently slammed her window.

Hearing the sound of knocking on the window, Chu Xinning was busy raising his face, quickly pulling the paper towel to wipe off the tears on his face and sliding down the window.

"What do you want?"

"It’s a little worried to see you haven’t started the car for a long time.” The security guard bent over to look at her face. "Are you okay?"

Just when he came over, she saw that she started the car. After turning around, her car had not yet gone. Because it was a hospital, the security guards were worried about the patients who came to see a doctor or what happened, so I came over and asked.

"Oh, nothing, thank you, I... I will leave soon!"

Holding the steering wheel, she reached for the reverse gear, stepped on the gas pedal, and the car slowly started to reverse. The security guard stood next to help her look at the car next to her, reminding her to turn the steering wheel to the right.

Looking through the mirror, I thought it was to see if there was a car on the left side, and the line of sight swept past, but noticed two familiar figures.

Chu Xinning stepped on the brakes and turned to look at the entrance of the inpatient building. I saw that Lili had stepped down the steps and helped to open the door. Qin Zhaoyang took the last step and was bent to get into the back seat of the car.

The man is wearing a suit and his clothes are neat, so he looks like he is ready to leave the hospital.

Chu Xinning looked in his eyes, and suddenly Liu Mei was wrinkled.

To this extent, I am not waiting for surgery in the hospital. What else does he have to do, and it is difficult to delay the operation?

In a hurry, she reached out and turned off the car engine, pushed the door open, and wanted to chase after the question.

"No, how do you park your car here!" The security guard came over helplessly. "What are you doing?"

The half-drawn car has not yet fallen out, so the car parked here, how can other cars go after a while?

Chu Xinning has a mood and he explained, stepping forward to stop Qin Zhaoyang's car.

"Ms., madam!"

The security guard thought that she was going to go, and was busy chasing him to stop her. "This is really not good. If you don't want to go, you should move the car to the side, or else affect others..."

"I..." Chu Xinning was forced to stop and watched Qin Zhaoyang's black Mercedes-Benz car start. She only eagerly raised her voice, "Qin Zhaoyang..."

There are still more than ten meters in distance between the two sides, and there are cars and windows separated from each other. It is not clear.

Qin Zhaoyang vaguely heard the familiar voice, and suddenly turned his face to look at the car, only to see a dim light in the night, where there is the shadow of Chu Xinning.

"Mr.?" Julie turned her face in confusion and looked at him with his gaze. "What?"

It must be that he got it wrong, how could she come to the hospital.

"Nothing." Qin Zhaoyang regained his gaze. "Let's go to Lanting Apartment."

Mu Tianye’s case, Qin Zhaoyang, of course also checked, knowing that he has been living in Lanting Apartment recently, even if Mu Tianye does not want to see him, he still has to go home.

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