Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 989: It’s all fake! (1)

Pushing Mu Tianye away, Meng Zhaoyang controlled his teeth and did not go to see Chu Xinning. He stepped back two steps and sneered at the mother and child in front of him, then raised his left hand.

"Is it? I will soon divorce her. This stupid woman thought that I really loved her, and even refused to ask me for a penny, and took the initiative to return all her stocks and bonds to me... "Qin Zhaoyang laughed twice. "This is really what I want. In this case, all my property can be handed over to me and the beautiful child, and you... I want to get my penny! Today, I I will tell you here, tomorrow, I will go to your father's grave and tell him this, because he is a complete loser like you. He will lose to me and you will lose to me. Goldman Sachs entered A city, all my ideas, I just want to ruin you and destroy everyone related to Mossian. Yes, everything is because of your father, because I hate him, so... I want Revenge him and retaliate against all of you! Ha..."

At the end of the day, he laughed and laughed, and one hand pressed hard to hold the painful liver. The shirts were soaked in sweat.

"Mu Tianye, haven't you always been clever and clever? If I didn't tell you this, would you never think of it? You hate your mother so much, because I want you so, your father hates her, it is me. Arranged by hand... All the people of your Mu family, but the object that I play with! This is not finished yet... You have to be careful, protect your Ning Xiaofei, otherwise... Maybe that day, I will... ..."

Qin Zhaoyang’s words were not finished, and the chest had been hit hard by Mu Tianye. Then he fell to the ground like a broken kite and fell to the floor.

When he said the name "Ning Xiaofei", he had already encountered the final bottom line of Mu Tianye.


Qin Zhaoyang coughed fiercely. This fist, under the wrath of Mu Tianye, also made full effort to shock his lungs. He even took pain in the whole liver, and almost coughed when he coughed. The general pain, feeling sweet throat, he subconsciously raised his hand to cover his mouth and nose, clearly felt warm liquid on the palm.

"Aono!" Ning Xiaofei hurried down the steps, hugged Mu Tianye, who was about to rush forward, and pushed him aside. "You calm down!"

"Zhaoyang!" Chu Xinning climbed up from the ground and rushed to the first time to hold Qin Zhaoyang's arm. "How are you?"

"Get out of the way!" Qin Zhaoyang pushed her away, and closed the palm of the hand full of blood, clenched into a fist, and the right hand stood on the floor and staggered and stood up. "You wait, everything is not finished yet!"

Fighting the last effort to say this threat, he turned around, and he had some dark eyes, stepping out of the apartment door step by step.

Despite the efforts to support, when I went to the foyer, I couldn’t help but slammed into the decorative gallery.

Taking a deep breath, standing straight, he bit his foot and walked out the door.


Chu Xinning climbed up from the ground and chased the door.

"Stand up!" Mu Tianye screamed. "At the moment, you still have to control him? So... you really fell in love with him?"

He was held by Ning Xiaofei. He didn't dare to mess with her, but he still didn't want to chase Qin Zhaoyang.

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