
Chapter 1023 Hungry

Mu Xingqiu abandoned the boat and landed, leaving two talismans on the boat, which transformed into his and Jiang Huo'er's images respectively, and continued down the river. Such magic could not deceive the Taoist priests, but it was enough to deceive the casual cultivators behind him.

At the beginning of Mu Xingqiu, he was a little worried that Jiang Huo'er wouldn't be able to keep up with him. As a result, the little guy ran very fast on two legs and had to turn around frequently to wait for him. However, Jiang Huo'er's legs and feet were not very agile and he fell down from time to time in the grass. , but he was not afraid of the pain. He would roll around, get up, and run. Occasionally, he would lose his temper and smash the tree roots and rocks that tripped him.

He has accepted the name Jiang Huo'er and will react in some way when called. However, no matter how Mu Xingqiu explains, he refuses to stop breathing fire. Mu Xingqiu has no choice but to put out fires everywhere, and the beads he turns into are used to promote Grass and trees grew.

One of them was particularly thrilling. As soon as Mu Xingqiu used the talisman to defuse a ball of flame, Di Yuanfu and Shi Gen flew overhead. The two people did not believe the report of the casual cultivators at all, thinking that boats and other things were just a deception. There was no way the demon was still hanging around, so he didn't bother to search for it, but went directly to meet the chosen patron.

Mu Xingqiu covered Jiang Huo'er's mouth tightly and did not let go until the two Taoist priests disappeared. He did not want to cause trouble and tried to avoid them as much as possible. When he looked down, he saw a pair of ferocious eyes. Jiang Huoer hated being restrained, and the action of covering his mouth seemed to him a kind of torture and threat.

Mu Xingqiu handed him the newly formed beads, "Do you want to learn magic?"

Jiang Huo'er snatched the bead and held it tightly in his hand. The fierce light in his eyes slowly dissipated. After a while, he actually nodded.

"Can you understand me?"

Jiang Huo'er nodded and shook his head.

"Some can understand and some can't?"

This time Jiang Huo'er didn't know whether to nod or shake his head, with a confused look on his face.

"Well, if you want to learn spells, you must first learn to speak. There is no rush in this matter. I have to find a safe hiding place for you, and then I have to go to Duanliu City. This place name sounds familiar, maybe I I've been there before..." Mu Xingqiu said as he walked in the woods. Suddenly he heard a bang behind him and knew that Jiang Huo'er had used the fire beads.

Mu Xingqiu wrote a talisman on the fire bead. It would no longer turn into flames, but into countless feathers, willow catkins and small flying insects. Jiang Huo'er quickly caught up with him, covered in these things. , but there was no anger on his face. After following Mu Xingqiu for a while, he raised his head and shouted one word: "Fire!"

There was no new memory in Mu Xingqiu's mind. He had gotten used to it and was not particularly disappointed. He lowered his head and smiled and said, "Yes, fire, this is the spell you are good at, and it is also your name. My name is Mu Xingqiu, and your name is Jiang Huo'er."


"That's you." Mu Xingqiu pointed at the little guy.

Once Jiang Huo'er opens his mouth, he learns to speak much faster. He never uses "I" and always calls himself by his first name, "Jiang Huo'er... I'm hungry."

Mu Xingqiu scratched his head. He had three treasure bags and a Qiankun bag, which were full of treasures, but there was no food. He had only eaten something for more than ten years. He hadn't tasted hunger for a long time.

"Do you eat fruit? There doesn't seem to be any fruit this season... It seems that I have to ask for food again. Come with me. I remember there is a family behind the mountain. The owner is very hospitable."

Mu Xingqiu still had a very strong memory of what had happened in the past two years. Not far away, he found a hidden path in the forest and walked around it. Shortly in the afternoon, he saw a wisp of smoke from the mountain col. "How lucky you are. Dinner is about to be served at the third child's house."

Jiang Huo'er had never seen the smoke, but knew the meaning of "rice". He jumped up and down and ran towards the mountain col. As soon as he turned around a big tree, he suddenly turned around and jumped into the air. His ankle was caught by a rope ambushed by the roadside. Living.

Jiang Huo'er has one advantage. He never screams when he is in danger. After struggling a few times, he opens his mouth and spits out fire to save himself. He opens and closes his mouth several times without spitting out any smoke.

Mu Xingqiu rushed over, jumped up, cut the rope with the dagger he carried, and landed with Jiang Huo'er in his arms. "This is the result of your unrestrained fire breathing. If you want to learn magic, you must first learn to control it. Do you understand?"

Jiang Huoer's eyes showed a fierce light again. He untied half of the rope around his ankle, put it in his mouth and bit it. He bit it to pieces, spat it on the ground and stepped on it several times.

"You have such a bad temper. Why do I always feel that your eyes are a bit familiar? Losing memory is really troublesome." Mu Xingqiu stepped forward and quietly summoned a few written talismans from his treasure bag. I stayed at this family's house years ago. At that time, there were no traps set up on the path outside.

The rest of the road was relatively safe. After turning two corners, three thatched houses were revealed among the trees ahead. A big man stood at the intersection, holding a steel fork and looking wary.

Mu Xingqiu stopped and asked, "Third brother, am I here at an unlucky time? Or are the customs here different?"

When the man saw the face of the visitor clearly, a smile immediately appeared on his face. He put down the steel fork and said loudly: "It turns out that it's the Rain Master who came to the humble house. Haha, is it so difficult to call me 'Third Brother'? I'm at least older than you." Twenty years old."

Mu Xingqiu smiled and shook his head, "Don't bully someone like me who has lost my memory. Maybe you are twenty years younger than me."

"Haha, it's possible. I haven't seen you for more than a year, and your appearance has not changed at all." The big man looked at Jiang Huo'er behind Mu Xingqiu in surprise, "Who is this little guy? Is he your lost son?"

The big man turned around and pushed Chai Fei away, inviting the two of them into the courtyard. He glanced at Jiang Huo'er twice, and Jiang Huo'er looked back with vigilant eyes.

"This kid is quite special, Mu Yushi, you won't... come in first and talk about it."

The big man's surname was Kou, Xing San. His parents, brothers, wife and children all died in the Five Elements Catastrophe. He fled alone and went into the mountains to become a hunter. He entertained Mu Xingqiu and obtained several talismans.

The yard is not big, but it is very clean. There are more than a dozen chickens and ducks pacing slowly.

"Third brother, your place has changed a lot." Mu Xingqiu remembered clearly that the last time he came here, the yard was full of firewood and animal bones, like a monster's den, and it was far less tidy than it is now.

Kou San blushed and laughed twice, "I'm married, and I even have a child."

"Congratulations." Mu Xingqiu was really happy for Kou San.

Hearing her husband's laughter, Kou San's wife walked out of the house. She was a young woman who had just given birth and was still a little weak. She was holding a baby in her arms with a shy smile on her face.

Orion's staple food at home was meat, and Jiang Huo'er's taste was exactly right. He didn't touch wild vegetables at all, and ate at least five kilograms of stewed meat with his small teeth. Kou San and his wife were stunned when they saw it.

Kou San met his wife who was fleeing alone while hunting and took her in. The two had a harmonious relationship and were full of hope for the future. There was only one thing they avoided, and that was memories. No one mentioned their past life experiences, as if Never had friends or relatives.

Mu Xingqiu tried hard to retrieve his memory, but they only wanted to look forward.

Mu Xingqiu has come into contact with many ordinary people like Kou San and his wife. This is one of the important reasons why he likes to wander around. The only optimism in this world exists in these ordinary people, and the strong ones are busy fighting. , or defect to stronger people, some simply give up hope and just want to enjoy the last period of survival.

Jiang Huo'er's belly was bulging, and he became interested in the baby in the cradle. He lay on the side and watched carefully. Mu Xingqiu had to use a talisman to protect the baby from being hurt by Jiang Huo'er.

Then he wrote many talismans inside and outside the house. Each talisman had benefits, such as solidifying the foundation, repelling mosquitoes, preventing rain, keeping clean, sharpening iron, etc. Kou San and his wife were overjoyed and kept thanking them.

"Isn't this area peaceful recently?" Mu Xingqiu asked after returning to the house.

Kou San's face darkened, "Weird people have been around a lot lately. Less than three months after my wife gave birth to a child, three groups of evil people with magic skills came in and insisted on looking at the child. Alas..."

Kou San was very powerful and could not defeat the casual cultivators after all. Fortunately, those people left after seeing him without causing any harm to the mother and son.

"Where did Master Yu find this child?"

"It was stolen."

Kou San and his wife looked at each other, showing fear.

"He has no parents. He was first imprisoned by a group of people in the city, and then taken away by a Taoist priest. I snatched it from the Taoist priest."

Kou San breathed a sigh of relief, "If you save people, just say rescue them. Do you have to use the word 'rob'? We were shocked."

Mu Xingqiu smiled, and Kou San said seriously: "He is the so-called Nascent Soul, right?"

"Well, have you also heard the rumors about Nascent Soul?"

"I heard some comments from those casual cultivators. They were very disappointed that my son is not a Nascent Soul. It seems that because of this, they can't participate in any Nascent Soul gatherings."

"Nascent Soul Conference." Mu Xingqiu corrected.

"No, no, I heard it clearly, it's a small meeting, not a big meeting."

"Isn't it the Nascent Soul Conference in Duanliu City?" Mu Xingqiu was a little surprised.

"Duanliu City? I've never heard of it. What they mentioned is...is..." Kou Sanyi couldn't remember it, and his wife reminded him in a low voice: "Fuhuang City is in Jiangbei."

"I know that place. It's where the Talisman Masters live." Mu Xingqiu said.

"You are also a Talisman Master. Why don't you live in Fuhuang City and instead wander around the south of the Yangtze River?" Kou San asked curiously.

"My talisman is not the same as theirs."

"Haha, other people's talismans are used for fighting and killing, and your talismans are used to spread rain and build houses. It's really different." Kou San laughed, "If you ask me, your talisman is the right way, killing here and there. What’s the use of having a talisman when all the people are dead?”

"Anyway, I'm going to Fuhuang City."

"You want to send Jiang Huo'er? This Nascent Soul party doesn't sound like a good thing. Isn't it going to use children to hold a human flesh feast?"

Jiang Huo'er stretched out her hand to play with the baby in the cradle. Her movements were very careful and she didn't mean any harm.

"I want to keep Jiang Huo'er here for a few days, is that okay?"

"Uh... Of course, I don't have much else here, just enough meat tubes."

Mu Xingqiu was thinking about what talisman to use to restrain Jiang Huo'er's power to prevent him from bringing disaster to Kou San's family, when he suddenly heard a cold voice coming from outside, "Ma Yao, don't you even care about your own men?" ? The boy from the Ancient God Sect is in my hands!"

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