
Chapter 1028: Not moving

The mountain peak is towering, and the side facing away from Huangfu City has a gentler slope. Mu Xingqiu arranged his treasures here: a wicker basket was placed on a flat stone, with a layer of coarse cloth on the lid, and thirteen magical artifacts arranged in a circle. , like a small magic circle.

The appearances of these magical instruments are very ordinary. The flowing fire golden bell is as elegant as fire in the hands of the high-level Taoist priests. Now it is just a dim copper bell that seems to have not been polished for a long time. The pleated iron ruler is more like a crudely made iron bar. The blacksmith who made it didn't put much thought into it. He found it irreparable and threw it away, but it became a magical weapon of the Taoist tradition.

Ten talisman masters stood on the top of the peak, and the leader was the lion-riding Mao Bupo. They were nominally here to guard the border, but in fact they were monitoring this so-called "treasure appraisal meeting."

Mu Xingqiu nodded to the talisman master, Mao Bupo remained proudly motionless, only his lion opened his mouth wide and yawned.

Five people from the Ancient God Sect gathered around Mu Xingqiu, all of them uneasy. Whenever there was a sound, they turned around nervously, fearing that some Taoist priests would come out to kill them.

"Is this good?" Lu Guizhen asked this question countless times, "Even if it is really sold, it will offend Yun Xinghui. See what they mean, the previous negotiations don't count. One hundred pieces of six-grade or above magic I’m afraid we don’t have enough equipment anymore.”

"It doesn't matter. Didn't the casual cultivators say they also recognize Taoist priests?" Mu Xingqiu didn't care at all.

"Rogue cultivators...can't be trusted." Lu Guizhen whispered. Some casual cultivators had already flown in but did not land. They were all watching from the air. "Yun Xinghui has been established for two years, and everyone can see its strength. Rogue cultivators You are capricious, today you surrender to this one, you know how to kneel down and worship that one..."

"Let's also learn from the old chief. Whoever can prove that he is truly connected with the Taoist priests will get three of them if he can arrange a meeting. Whoever can resolve Di Yuanfu and Shi Gen For people’s dissatisfaction, six items are enough.”

"What about that one?" Lu Guizhen pointed to the wicker basket. The Nascent Soul inside had not been moved for a while.

"That one is reserved for negotiation. Don't give it away casually. There may be someone with great ability who can persuade the Taoist priest to give up this thing."

Mu Xingqiu's disapproving and relaxed attitude really annoyed Lu Guizhen. Everyone just cast spells or offered talismans to fly up to the mountain. Only General Mu and Luo Xiaoliuer climbed up, pulling grass and rocks all the way. Although they were not blushing Not panting, but his strength has fallen to the lower level.

"General Mu, I hope you can understand that this disaster is not small. Taoist priests love to vent their anger on others. If they say that they will kill a thousand ancient religious believers the day after tomorrow, it will only be more, not less, and everyone's lives will be lost." But it’s still hanging.”

"Believe in the ancient gods." Mu Xingqiu patted Lu Guizhen's shoulder and yawned, "You guys watch here, I'm going to take a nap, and wake me up if someone offers a suitable price."

"Sleep, sleep? General Mu, we can't bear to see these treasures..." Lu Guizhen became anxious and grabbed General Mu's arm, "General Mu, no need to say more, I understand, I will announce the handover of the teachings later." The position of leader is absolutely true, even if I am asked to quit the Ancient God Religion, I will not say anything.”

Lu Guizhen thought that General Mu was trying to compete with him for position. Seeing that the situation was getting more and more chaotic, he really didn't want to be the leader anymore, because he was afraid that the Taoist priests would not recognize his withdrawal.

"Don't worry, you decide who will be the leader. I'm not even a believer, so I won't compete for this position." Mu Xingqiu smiled and remembered something, "By the way, this is a treasure appraisal meeting. Don’t be too angry about buying and selling. I will make another rule: There are fourteen treasures here, and whoever can pick them up will get them without any price. "

Lu Guizhen was stunned, Mu Xingqiu strode away, walked around the mountain peak, walked into a patch of grass, and really went to sleep.

"It's obviously thirteen, why did General Mu say fourteen?" a believer asked blankly.

"There is also the Nascent Soul in the basket." Lu Guizhen stared at Mu Xingqiu's back until he disappeared, then suddenly turned around and said to Luo Xiaoliu'er, "You will preside over the treasure appraisal meeting."

"I... can't do it? I'm a clumsy person with a slow tongue..." Luo Xiaoliu'er was startled. He had a low status in the church and could not afford such a responsibility.

"You don't need to say anything, just watch. General Mu appreciates you, which means you can do it. I'll go..." Lu Guizhen pointed half a circle and landed on the several talisman masters on the top of the mountain, "I'll go meet with Yun Xing Let’s talk about it again, be prepared for any emergencies, well, be prepared for any emergencies, this matter is very important, I must go in person..."

Lu Guizhen did not sacrifice the talisman, but walked up with his clothes in hand. No matter what, he had to arrange an escape route for himself first.

Luo Xiaoliu'er had no choice but to do it. Fortunately, he was not the only one left, but before he could ask for help, the believers had already reacted and rushed to catch up with Lu Guizhen, humming and humming. Excuses, in short, they all thought of more important things at the same time.

Luo Xiaoliu'er was the only one left guarding the wicker basket and thirteen items of ninth-grade or above magical weapons. He was worried, and glanced at the place where General Mu slept. He felt a little calmer, and stood with his legs crossed. Ready to do business.

More and more casual cultivators flew in the air. At nearly noon, seventy or eighty people had gathered, riding various magical weapons and magical beasts. Some of them had mounts more powerful than a lion with unbreakable hair. But no one landed yet.

Luo Xiaoliu'er waited for a long time. His fear gradually disappeared and his annoyance increased. He glanced around and said loudly: "Is there anyone who knows treasures in Fuhuang City? Don't you even have the guts to come down and take a look?"

There was a sneer in the air, but still no one came down.

"General Mu said: Whoever can prove that he has a real connection with the Taoist priests and choose any magical weapon. Whoever can arrange a meeting will get three items. Whoever can resolve the dissatisfaction between Di Yuanfu and Shi Gen will get six items. , whoever is more capable can get whichever item he can handle..."

"Haha!" The casual cultivators in the sky couldn't stop laughing. The first few items are forgettable, but the last one is really ridiculous. The largest of those magical weapons is a copper incense burner, which is not more than a foot tall and weighs only dozens of kilograms, not to mention scattered. Cultivation, even ordinary adults can handle it.

"What is Jin Cuo doing? Why don't you just give it to me if you have something good? I can defeat the Taoist priest." Mu Dong'er said dissatisfiedly, walked to the basket, and stood on tiptoe to check the magic weapon.

General Mu was arrogant, and this kid was even more arrogant. He started to say that he could defeat the Taoist priest, and the monk in the air smiled and shook his head.

"Which piece I can take will belong to me?" Mu Dong'er raised her head and asked.

"Uh... General Mu said so." Luo Xiaoliu'er wasn't quite sure.

"Can you take it all?"

"Then...it's all yours." Luo Xiaoliu'er felt even more unsure. He glanced in the direction where General Mu was sleeping, only to see movement in the wind and grass, but no figure of the general, not even the sound of snoring.

Mu Donger snorted and stretched out his arms to hug the wicker basket. Just as he was about to exert his strength, a series of shouts sounded in the air. One said "wait a minute" and the other said "not good". It turned out that they were all afraid of Yun Xinghui's forces. He just kept watching without landing, and he was still very concerned about the treasure. The child came from Zifeng Mountain and had some demonic power. If he really wanted to pick up the treasure, others would suffer a big loss.

"A bunch of cowards." Mu Dong'er ignored the casual cultivator, stretched his arms slightly, and looked up at Luo Xiaoliu'er.

Luo Xiaoliu'er didn't know that he had used too much force, so he smiled bitterly and said: "If you can pick it up, I have to ask General Mu."

Mu Dong'er's face flashed red, he shouted low, let go of the wicker basket, raised his hand to scratch his head, with a confused look on his face, Luo Xiaoliu'er finally understood that the other party had tried too hard this time, and he breathed a sigh of relief. , "Don't be too greedy, just try them one by one."

Mu Donger frowned. People here have no eyesight. Even the hill he held in his arms had to be shaken a few times. However, the basket was extremely strange. It was neither heavy nor rooted, yet it absorbed all his strength in an instant. It was resolved, leaving him unable to exert any energy.

"Bald man, come and try." Mu Dong'er would not settle for second best and take the treasures one by one.

The bald man nodded with a smile, half-crouched and hugged the wicker basket, and said a long "Ah——" in his mouth. His face turned red from suppressing it, and the few hairs on his head stood up. After holding on for a while, he sat down. On the ground, he took a breath and said with a smile: "It's fun." After that, he jumped forward again.

Mu Dong'er was even more confused, "Jin Cu's memory is gone, and the spell can become stronger. Feifei, do you want to try it?"

Feifei smiled and shook his head. He would not challenge the demon master's spells.

The casual cultivators in the sky laughed loudly, and the talisman masters on the top of the mountain also laughed, but no one took it seriously. Mu Dong'er was a child of five or six years old, and his bald head was obviously unclear. These two people didn't take it. Moving the magic weapon is not unexpected at all.

"General Mu seems to be quite capable."

"That's right, otherwise I wouldn't be able to steal the Nascent Soul from the Taoist priest."

The casual cultivators talked a lot, and finally one person couldn't help it any longer. He rushed out of the crowd and shouted loudly: "I'll do it!" He didn't land, but stretched out his right hand to suck the treasure over with magic, and hummed three times in a row. , the arm also moved three times, but not a single magic weapon moved in response.

"Weird." The casual cultivator riding a dragon also raised his hand and scratched his head. Like Mu Dong'er, he didn't feel that these treasures were heavy, but when he cast his spell, it was like a stone sinking into the sea, and no trace came back. Naturally, the treasures would not move.

Now the casual cultivators began to take this matter seriously, and came up to cast spells to seize the treasure. Some even reached out to grab the treasure when they landed.

The bald man was already tired and sat on the edge, winking at the shadowless mirror.

Luo Xiaoliu'er became more and more happy, waving his hands to maintain order, "Come one by one, if a magic weapon really moves, who does it belong to? Just give up if you can't pick it up. Does anyone know a Taoist priest? You don't have to use brute force to get treasures. ”

Some more casual cultivators came over, and almost all of the hundreds of people tried it, without even breaking off any scraps from the wicker basket.

Everyone had no choice but to give up. Seeing that noon had passed, Luo Xiaoliu'er shouted a few more times, and the Sanxiu Bei Immortal who had been flying in the air landed with several companions.

"You want to try it too?" Luo Xiaoliuer remembered that Bei Xianren hadn't tried it yet.

Immortal Bei shook his head, "I know the Taoist priest and can arrange a meeting for you."

"Prove it." Luo Xiaoliuer felt confident.

Beixianren turned around and pointed into the distance, "They are coming."

A cloud of white clouds flew against the wind, and there was a group of people inside. The casual cultivator changed his expression and immediately gave way. Mao Bupo on the top of the mountain tightened his reins and took two steps back.

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