
Chapter 1031 A fire that can’t be held back

Mu Dong'er's face turned redder and redder, and his expression was ferocious, like a little beast whose food had been snatched from his face. His whip danced very fast, like two entangled red and black dragons spinning around him. Even so, He was still showing signs of weakness, and those five groups of cold light were pressing closer, only six or seven feet away from him.

"Mu Dong'er, don't hold on, apologize to me, and I will spare your life." Shen Jixian finally regained his face and decided to call it a day. This is Yang Qingyin's son, and he will not really kill him.

The bald man was caught between the whip and the cold light, his hands were tied up, he grunted twice, and wanted to take action, but Mu Donger stopped him, "Bald man, don't move, I can beat old man Shen, he wants me to apologize, hum, I Make him kneel."

The Taoist priest's family ties were only so small. If Yang Qingyin were here, Shen Jixian might think more about it. Facing Mu Dong'er, who had never joined the Taoist tradition, his patience was limited. He hummed and urged Han Guang to launch a more violent offensive. , but still abides by the rules and never attacks the bald man.

Baldy and Mu Dong'er were back to back, which was equivalent to blocking part of his attack.

Feifei whispered to Mu Xingqiu: "Don't let Dong'er get angry."



Feifei was thinking about how to tell the truth tactfully, but Shi Gen, who was not far away, had already said, "Fellow Daoist Shen, don't push too hard. Mu Dong'er once became a demon, and I'm afraid the removal of the demonic thoughts is not very clean. Maybe it will come back.”

Strictly speaking, Mu Dong'er was only invaded and controlled by the demon species. He blocked the demon thoughts with his innocence and preserved a glimmer of clarity. However, in the eyes of outsiders, his behavior in the imperial capital was no different from being possessed by a demon. .

Feifei looked at Shi Gen angrily. On the surface, the other party was pleading for Mu Dong'er, but in fact, he was exposing a loophole in public. He could only nod to Mu Xingqiu, "Dong'er won't become possessed, but there is a risk of losing control of his emotions. Just because King Ling didn’t control this too strictly.”

"I see. Mu Xingqiu finally understood why his son was so arrogant. He looked more carefully and felt more and more that Mu Dong'er's spell had another mystery. "It's okay to lose control once in a while. "

"Wh-what?" Feifei was shocked. If this was a normal demon master, he would keep his doubts in his heart, but this was Mu Xingqiu who had lost his memory, "You really...understand... …”

"Seeing too clearly makes you lose the truth." Mu Xingqiu said that magic is completely different in his eyes and in the eyes of others: ordinary people either see nothing or think it is a violent natural phenomenon; what casual cultivators see is The vague floating light, knowing that it was a spell, but unable to avoid or resist; what the Taoist saw were clear spells, which were avoided or received, just like the swords and swords on the battlefield; what Mu Xingqiu saw The scenes were similar to those of ordinary people and casual cultivators, but there was an extra layer of feelings in his heart. They were plucked like strings and played different tunes. He could distinguish good from bad, but he could not say that he "saw" them.

Mu Dong'er's spell is a messy piece of music, with various instruments making endless noises. There is only one exception. It always acts as a background sound, and most people can't hear it at all. However, it never stops, which is always good for sensitive ears. It is existence, suppressing, waiting, to overwhelm all other instruments at the right moment.

Mu Xingqiu was also waiting, even a little excited.

Feifei saw his excitement and stood there blankly, not knowing what to do.

Shen Jixian didn't want to drive Mu Dong'er into obsession, but when he saw Ma Yao's disapproving look from the corner of his eye, he changed his mind, stepped up his offensive, and said: "Little guy, Yang Qingyin has lost control of you, so I have to let you go." I'll do it for you. The Shen and Yang families are both members of the Taoist family and have been married for many years. Even though your surname is Mu, you are still half of the Yang family. I can't let you bring shame to both families."

Mu Donger was so angry that she screamed and danced her whip faster and harder, but she couldn't find the energy to speak.

Yang Kuo, who was watching the battle, soon understood. He didn't like beating around the bush and said directly to Mu Xingqiu: "Ma Yao, the person who supports you will be completely defeated. If you still care about his life and death, hurry up and hand over the Yuan." Ying, tell me the whereabouts of Shi Hanyuan)"

"Don't be anxious. It's not impossible to turn defeat into victory." There was indeed no urgency in Mu Xingqiu's voice. Yang Kuo glared at him fiercely. He didn't know that these two people were father and son, but he also felt that Ma Yao was too unkind and unjust. .

Feifei couldn't help but summon his orb, and Yang Kuo on the other side was also waiting. He looked down on the little demon, but he didn't allow two against one to happen.

Feifei just flashed the orb and immediately put it away again, because he finally saw something reassuring: the five fingers of Mu Xingqiu's right hand gently leaned on the wicker basket, moving and tapping slowly, as if unconsciously The movements are like writing something.

Shi Gen also saw it and said with a smile: "Fellow Taoists Shen and Yang, you have to be careful. If Shi Hanyuan is nearby, you people are like a herd of sheep entering a tiger's den. No one can escape, haha. "

Shen Jixian ignored him, and Yang Kuo said: "If we dare to come, we are not afraid of him. On the contrary, you should prepare more luck for yourself."

Shi Gen smiled and was not angry, and sighed, "It's strange. I didn't think the heart of a Taoist priest was important at first, but now I understand that it is the face of a Taoist priest. Look, once it's gone, even us Taoist priests who pay attention to it will lose their sight." They are just as disgusting as ordinary people."

Yang Kuo wanted to be angry but also suppressed his anger. The expression on his face became very strange. Shi Gen smiled more calmly. He only regretted that he was not a Taoist priest of Mind Mind and could not gain more benefits from this kind of provocation.

"If you know what's going on, let Baldy come back. It's too dangerous for him to be there," Feifei said.

The bald man leaned closely against Mu Dong'er. He disliked the five groups of lights spinning around the two of them more and more. He frowned and almost couldn't help but get angry.

Mu Xingqiu raised his hand to wave, and was just thinking about how to speak, but the bald man had already seen his gesture, and flew over without saying a word. Five groups of cold light were like a densely woven gauze. He didn't care at all, and raised his hand to block it. In front of his face, the cold light hit his body at least a hundred times in the blink of an eye, only causing him to shake slightly a few times without leaving even a red spot.

This finally explains why the bald man escaped easily. The resistance of the demon clan to spells is naturally stronger. If you use demon weapons to train your body, it will naturally be stronger. The Taoist tradition has special spells for the demon clan. The five spells issued by Shen Jixian Hanguang is not.

Yang Kuo still looked at the bald man twice. Even if the Taoist priest cast his spell at will, not many monsters could block it. This silly monster was really evil.

The bald man didn't pay attention to other people's gazes, flew straight to Mu Xingqiu, and said with a smile, "Why don't you go up and fight?"

Mu Xingqiu returned the smile. Although he had no impression of this face, he didn't feel it was completely unfamiliar. Even his strange question didn't feel abrupt, "It's not my turn yet."

After all, Feifei could not completely trust Mu Xingqiu, who had lost his memory. Bald Man had also been recruited back, leaving him with no support at the front. He watched Mu Dong'er's every move and suddenly said: "He can't hold on anymore!"

Mu Dong'er had received a stern reminder from his mother to control his emotions and not let evil thoughts take advantage of him again. However, he was arrogant and could not bear defeat, let alone words, and the anger in his heart grew stronger and stronger. , even the bald man didn’t know he was leaving.

Before Feifei finished speaking, Mu Dong'er let out a low roar, which was completely incompatible with his age and his usual voice, more like an adult liger.

On the top of the mountain, the legs of Fu Lu Master Mao Bu Po's lion mount gave way and he threw its owner off. Mao Bu Po reacted quickly and stood up immediately with his hands on the ground. His face couldn't help but turn red. Fortunately, few people noticed him. The Fu Lu on both sides Shiquan pretended not to see it, Mao Bupo kicked the limp lion hard, and continued to watch the fight.

Mu Dong'er let out several low roars one after another, but the whip in his hand slowed down, and five balls of cold light immediately attacked in front of him.

Shen Jixian pointed his sword forward and said sternly: "Admit defeat, boy!" Since the other party was going to be possessed by a demon, he naturally had to use the art of exorcism. The bronze mirror in his left hand shot out a beam of light and shone on Mu Dong'er's forehead.

The exorcism that was supposed to be immediate had no obvious effect. Mu Donger held back her breath and her face became increasingly red. The whip in her hand stopped dancing and hung down softly. The mirror light shone on her forehead, and the cold light kept hitting her body. , but he didn't move, his lips were tightly closed, his eyes were wide open, as if he was frozen there.

Those cold lights didn't appear to cause any harm, but they were actually impacting Mu Dong'er's meridians. If this continued, it would soon cause irreparable serious internal injuries and even kill the target. Shen Jixian didn't want to kill anyone, especially since this was Yang Qingyin's son. , but you can’t just give up, "Silly boy, who can you be like? Do you have to be as stubborn as your father? Hurry up and admit defeat!"

Mu Xingqiu was slightly startled, and moved his fingers faster on the basket. He was not completely letting it go. If necessary, he would come to the rescue.

Mu Dong'er could no longer hear other people's words, nor could she feel the pain in her body. There was only one thought in her mind - to let out the turbid air that had been suppressed for a long time.

He opened his mouth and spit out a ball of fire. It was neither extraordinary fire, nor the fire of the Five Elements, nor the fire of Taiyin, nor any of the magical fires of demons, casual cultivators, and talisman masters. He has obtained a kind of fire, which is based on Dao Fire and mixed with many kinds of fire. It has grown with him over the years, becoming more and more difficult to control and becoming more and more powerful.

With a bang, the five cold lights and the mirror light were scattered. Shen Jixian, who was intent on exorcising the demon, was caught off guard. He screamed and only encountered the incoming fire once before he fell to the ground.

Mu Dong'er's target was not just Shen Jixian. He turned around casually and sprayed out another ball of fire towards Mu Xingqiu and others.

Mu Xingqiu finally heard the performance of the hidden instrument, and it was indeed a blockbuster. He was about to take out the talisman he had prepared for a long time and suppress the music again. Suddenly he felt dizzy and almost fell down. Something surged like a tide. came into my mind, but they came at the wrong time.

The fire was coming.

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