
Chapter 1040: People leave and animals stay

Yang Yannian stared at the light emitted by the Demon Suppressing Bell, not surprised or angry, but instead smiled, "This is what it looks like.

The Flowing Fire Golden Bell was taken off his hand and hung in the air. Grandmaster Pang Shan continued to change the magic formula with his left hand. The demon-suppressing bell instantly grew from a few inches to more than three feet. The thumb and little finger of his right hand were straightened, and the other three fingers were bent in a "six" shape. A section of the little finger holds the edge of the magic clock.

The sound of the bell was loud and spread in all directions. The light on the body jumped erratically. The golden bell of flowing fire rotated rapidly around the body of the bell, trying to remove the light.

The sound of the bell was thrilling, and Qin Lingshuang felt dizzy. Her soul was in the same body as the dragon demon, and the fusion was naturally not as strong as that of a normal person. She threw away the bronze mirror with her right hand, kept changing the magic formula, and used the Patriarch Tower to cast spells to protect herself.

The bell also shook out a person. The magic on Mu Xingqiu disappeared, and he stood behind Qin Lingshuang. When the dragon demon took a look at himself in the mirror, the image in the mirror gave a hint, so he slowly flew over and handed over the Patriarch in his hand. tower.

"It turns out it was you." Yang Yannian saw Mu Xingqiu and finally understood that the treasure was not wrong, "Is it you who sneaked into Nanhai Forest?"

"Just take a stroll." Mu Xingqiu stood side by side with Qin Lingshuang in the air, caught the bronze mirror she threw away, quickly wrote a charm on it, and also launched an attack on Yang Yannian.

Most of Yang Yannian's energy at this time was used to remove the light from the Demon Suppressing Bell. The bell's attack was not particularly powerful, so Mu Xingqiu and Qin Lingshuang were able to take the offensive without any scruples. Although the sneak attack failed to defeat the enemy immediately, they A rare opportunity for both of them.

After a while, Yang Yannian summoned a new magic weapon, all of which were ninth-grade treasures or above. After reaching seventeen items, he finally stopped. These magic weapons kept rotating around him and the Demon Suppressing Bell, providing protection at the same time. Also cleaning the Demon Suppression Clock.

Mu Xingqiu and Qin Lingshuang joined forces and used a sneak attack spell, but they still couldn't completely win over the Demon Suppressing Bell, let alone break through Grandmaster Pangshan's protection. They could only suppress the sound of the bell, so that they could no longer hear the sound.

"You don't know how to use the Taoist treasure at all." Yang Yannian was relieved, "Mu Xingqiu, you were mistakenly brought into the Nanhai Forest by the Patriarch's Tower. Qin Lingshuang, in your hands the Patriarch's Tower is just a powerful magic weapon.

Mu Xingqiu came to his senses, turned around and asked, "Do you recognize the strange words in the secret book of Taoism?"

"Those are demonic characters, I recognize some of them."

Mu Xingqiu summoned a small incense burner from the treasure bag, "A Taoist priest named Shi Hanyuan gave it to you."

Qin Lingshuang returned the Patriarch's Pagoda to Mu Xingqiu and took the small incense burner, "You hold it for a while."

"Okay." Mu Xingqiu put away the bronze mirror and began to write talismans and sacrificial talismans on the Patriarch Tower. The power immediately doubled. The ringing of the demon-suppressing bell was restricted to a range of seventy steps, causing the air to tremble slightly. Mu Xingqiu Qiu's talisman stopped here and could not go any further. Yang Yannian was still cleaning the Demon Suppressing Bell in an orderly manner.

"You want to learn magic to control the Patriarch Tower now? Maybe there is a way. Let's see who of us is faster in a quarter of an hour." Yang Yannian did not underestimate the enemy. Qin Lingshuang had the inner elixir of the Rimang realm and learned several things in a short time. Advanced spells are possible. If he sets a quarter-hour deadline, or Qin Lingshuang learns to control the Patriarch Tower, or he cleans the spells on the Demon Suppressing Clock, the chance of winning will be greatly increased for whoever is first.

Mu Xingqiu's duty was to interfere with Yang Yannian's purge and buy as much time as possible for Qin Lingshuang.

The talisman formed white light and emitted. Using the Patriarch Tower as paper, the power of the talisman doubled. Even so, it was still far from exerting the power of the Taoist treasure. Mu Xingqiu looked inside the tower and found that the talisman could only use a small amount of mana. , has no effect on those forest-like large numbers of spells.

Mu Xingqiu and Qin Lingshuang were clearly holding a magical weapon in their hands, but they couldn't pull it out of its sheath. This was their weakness.

Qin Lengshuang held the small incense burner and concentrated on reading the Taoist secrets collected by Shi Hanyuan. Apart from levitation in the air, she did not cast any spells and relied entirely on Mu Xingqiu's protection.

Yang Yannian was silent for a while, saying it was a quarter of an hour, but he didn't want it to take that long. He wanted to win quickly. It was not easy to win Kun Chaos appreciation. If the victory was too difficult, he would lose his hard-earned status.

Finally, the light on the Demon Suppressing Bell began to fade away, and the sound of the bell began to expand outward again. The speed was not very fast, but very steady, and Mu Xingqiu's talisman could not stop it at every step.

"It's strange that the Patriarch actually allowed you to escape from the Devil's Cave." Yang Yannian was able to speak again. The quarter of an hour had not passed yet, so he had plenty of time.

"I don't need anyone's permission." Mu Xingqiu didn't remember what happened in the Devil's Cave, but Shou Que remembered some. She didn't go into details, but she never hinted that their escape had anyone's permission or help.

"That's because you don't know it. Everything is planned by the ancestor. No one can be an exception to everything."

Mu Xingqiu bit the tip of his tongue and spit out a small piece of blood. The blood condensed into two small beads in the air and fell on his left and right hands respectively. He let go of the Patriarch's Pagoda and let it float in front of him. He dipped his hands in blood and used more blood on it. Write talismans and ritual talismans quickly.

Mu Xingqiu has always used blood as ink. The blood flows in his fingers and consumes very little. If he wants to increase his power, he must make sacrifices.

The blood talisman quickly seeped into the tower, and the light of the talisman stabilized the position again. The bell stopped again, less than twenty steps away from Mu Xingqiu. The air vibrated slightly there, and only the third eye could see clearly.

"Did Zhao Chuye teach you Taoist talismans? Sure enough, there are some skills." Yang Yannian hummed in a low voice. A bell broke through the talisman's interception. Mu Xingqiu heard the bell. This sound was different from before. It did not come through the ears. , but directly entered the mind. At first it was like a mosquito chirping, and in the next moment it was like thunder. With a bang, the Niwan Palace was almost shattered.

Mu Xingqiu had to follow the lead. In this way, it was not the bell that was approaching him, but him that was approaching the bell.

The vibrating air was not far away, and Mu Xingqiu knew that once he entered it, he would not be able to hold on for long. He glanced at Qin Lingshuang out of the corner of his eye. She was concentrating on reading the Taoist secrets in the incense burner and showed no sign of waking up. She believed in Mu Xingqiu and left her safety completely to him.

There was only a thin layer of light left on the Demon Suppressing Bell. Yang Yannian had stabilized his position and could launch a counterattack. He hummed again, and rushed out with the second bell, like a fearless young general, single-handedly Break into the enemy camp.

There was another bang in Mu Xingqiu's mind. This time he was prepared and absorbed part of the sound. The Patriarch Tower only moved forward six or seven inches. But Yang Yannian's attack was not over. He began to recite a verse in a low voice. The air around him vibrated more and more obviously, even with the naked eye.

The bells rushed over one after another. Mu Xingqiu's talisman light could only block the army, but could not stop these brave and skilled chargers. The roar in his mind continued, and the Patriarch Tower was getting further and further away. He could only Follow it step by step, otherwise you won't be able to write the talisman on it.

When the Patriarch was only three steps away from the shaking air, Mu Xingqiu decided to change his fighting method. If he continued like this, he would definitely lose. Now he had accumulated a lot of mana in his meridians, and he was eager to turn it into a spell and leave. His body was a powerful force, but Mu Xingqiu didn't have many fighting methods available to him.

He uses these powers to fly.

As the mountains and rocks collapsed, Mu Xingqiu pushed the Patriarch's Tower and took the initiative to break into the array of bells. The roar came like sea water. Compared with it, the sound that sounded in his mind before could only be regarded as a gurgling stream. Mu Xingqiu Xingqiu gritted his teeth and endured it. He split the maddening sound and rushed in front of Yang Yannian in an instant. The rotating magic weapons didn't even have time to intercept it.

It was very quiet here, but there was still a lingering sound in Mu Xingqiu's mind, which made his blood boil and his skin burst.

Yang Yannian was slightly stunned. He didn't expect Mu Xingqiu to rush in front of him. Then he remembered that this was Mu Xingqiu's usual trick.

At this moment of thought, Mu Xingqiu raised his fingers still stained with blood and wrote a talisman on Yang Yannian's face and chest.

"You..." Yang Yannian, like a normal Taoist priest, would first protect the three fields and meridians when facing danger, and then launch a counterattack, but Mu Xingqiu's talisman surprised him. It was not an offensive talisman.

Mu Xingqiu used Yang Yannian as paper and wrote two flying talismans. This was the fastest flying technique he had ever learned.

Yang Yannian just understood what was going on. He spat out a word and flew into the sky. After reaching a height of three hundred feet, he turned into a meteor and flew towards the southeast at a high speed. He couldn't control himself because he His body is the paper of these two talismans, which provides a lot of power.

The person left, but the magical artifact stayed.

Mu Xingqiu grabbed the Patriarch's Pagoda with his right hand and held the Demon Suppressing Bell with his left hand. The other seventeen magic weapons flew up to follow their master, but they could not break through the bell formation. After a moment, the bells gradually weakened, and those magic weapons It also lost all trace of its owner and stopped in the air, neither flying nor spinning.

Yang Yannian was sent away, but he was not injured. On the contrary, Mu Xingqiu paid a high price for breaking through the bell formation. The roar in his mind transferred to his ears, and he set up camp there, refusing to weaken. The blood in his body continued to boil, and he continued to There is an increasingly drastic trend.

Yang Yannian would be back soon. Mu Xingqiu did not dare to rest or use too much force. He held the Patriarch's Pagoda in his right hand and used his index finger to write the talisman on the Demon Suppressing Bell. The speed was relatively slow and every stroke was very careful. He could no longer He was squandering blood and ink as he did before.

After finishing writing the three talismans, the Demon Suppressing Bell shrunk to over a foot high. Mu Xingqiu could no longer write, and the blood in his body seemed to be gushing out.

A stream of coolness poured into Mu Xingqiu's heart from his heart, just like a long drought followed by sweet rain, extinguishing the boiling blood.

"Thank you." Mu Xingqiu turned around and said.

Qing Lingshuang's eyes flashed with surprise, and she immediately returned to normal, "Are you ready to fight again?"

Mu Xingqiu nodded and glanced at Mu Dong'er who was not far away, "Can he move?"


"Then don't wait here. If you want to fight, fight to the end." Mu Xingqiu handed the Patriarch Tower to her.

Qing Lingshuang smiled. This was still the same person in her memory, and she could still understand his thoughts immediately, "Okay, let's go to Nanhailin."

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