
Chapter 1050 The oriole is behind

Di Yuanfu still hasn't summoned the magic weapon. He knows the details of this Nascent Soul. No matter how angry the other party looks, he won't care.

"Be careful, you will completely destroy this place." Di Yuanfu put his left hand on his back, stretched out his right hand, bent his fingers, and pointed his palm at Jiang Huo'er, "If you like this, that's fine, you are no one's prisoner now. , Mortals have imprisoned you and abused you, you should take revenge. "

Jiang Huo'er seemed to understand what he heard. Seeing the Taoist priest's indifferent and relaxed demeanor, it really aroused the hatred and anger in his heart. The mark on his forehead became redder and redder, as if blood was about to drip. Finally, he opened his mouth and spit out a ball. fire.

The power of this fire should not be underestimated. Otherwise, Di Yuanfu would not have used him to fight Shi Gen in Laoyue Mountain. However, Jiang Huo'er had never learned magic, had almost no control over his own power, and did not know how to do it. The tactics used by the enemy to deal with each other, the flames spit out can be clearly seen by the naked eyes of mortals, and they go straight without subtle changes at all.

He is like a brave warrior who can charge into battle, climb a city and cut down flags, but he cannot form a formation. Although he is powerful, he is also very easy to be seduced by the enemy until he falls into a trap.

Di Yuanfu made a magic formula with his right hand and moved his fingers slightly. When the fire was five or six inches away from him, it suddenly changed direction, turned at a right angle, and hit the pile of firewood not far away with a bang. Kou San worked hard to chop it out. The block of wood immediately burned, and the flames jumped up two or three feet, as if oil had been poured on it. The fire refused to let go. It rushed forward and ignited the fence wall again. It moved forward quickly, and soon turned a circle of fence into a It has become a wall of fire, and after a while, even the house will not be saved.

Kou San and his wife were shocked. The wife picked up the baby in the cradle, and the husband protected the mother and child. They looked around, but there was no way to escape.

Jiang Huo'er was also startled, and felt guilty. She no longer dared to spit fire casually, clenched her two small fists, and still refused to admit defeat.

Di Yuanfu walked towards Yuanying slowly, "Have you felt your power? Yes, you are born different from mortals. You and I are the same kind of people. Mu Xingqiu gave you to mortals just to restrain you. Power, and I will release them and strengthen them. Vent, Nascent Soul, vent to your heart's content, the whole world will be your fire!"

The Taoist priest stopped, stretched out his arm and slowly pressed it on the head of Yuanying, with a sarcastic smile on his face, "You disappoint me, the living Taoist priest has woken up from his illusory dream, does the reincarnated Taoist priest still care about the old rules of Taoism? ?”

Jiang Huo'er was angry and afraid of accidentally hurting her home again. The mark on her forehead was as red as charcoal, her little face was also red from holding back, and a ball of fire stuck in her throat and refused to spit out.

His palms almost touched his hair.

The wife opposite suddenly let out a scream and hurriedly shut up, but Di Yuanfu had already noticed something was wrong. He stretched out his left arm and held a copper seal in his hand. At the same moment, three groups separated from the burning fence. A small fireball, not much bigger than a fingernail, hit the Taoist priest from behind silently.

This attack was very sudden, without any warning, and the surrounding fire just covered up their signs. If Kou San's wife had not screamed, Di Yuanfu would not have had time to cast a spell to protect himself. Although the copper seal was displayed, he only protected Mita, and his back was still hit hard. He grunted and took three steps back instead of falling forward.

Jiang Huoer didn't understand what was going on at all, but he instinctively knew that this was an opportunity. The fire ball that had been held in his throat for a long time erupted from his mouth like a stressed volcano. Hit him in the chest while walking.

Di Yuanfu exited the third step and flicked his right hand on his chest to extinguish the flames. His eyebrows were raised and he was filled with anger. He seemed to be about to kill him. Kou San could no longer sit back and watch. No matter how powerful Jiang Huoer was, he was still a child. He was fostered. Here, he was responsible, holding a steel fork in his hand, and strode over. The wife was holding the baby, with a worried look on her face, but she did not stop the husband.

Her worries were unnecessary. Di Yuanfu stood still just because he wanted to save face. After a while, Kou San just ran three or four steps when the Taoist priest suddenly roared, jumped up, and instantly flew into the air nearly a thousand feet, turning into a Tiny black spots.

Mr. and Mrs. Kou San and Jiang Huo'er looked up, admiring the Taoist priest's ability to reach heaven, but also happy that they had escaped.

"It's the talisman left by Master Mu Yu!" Kou San said excitedly. The circle of fire lit by Jiang Huo'er was steadily devouring the pile of wood blocks and fences, almost burning them to ashes without crossing the line. The house was safe, and even the chickens and dogs in the yard were not hurt.

The Taoist priest's cry was still echoing in the air. His wife ran over, holding the baby in one hand and holding Jiang Huo'er in the other. "What should we do next? Will the Taoist priest come back?"

Kou San raised his head and looked up, "He screamed very energetically... Wait, I remembered, Master Mu Yu left me a life-saving charm, saying it was..."

"Go find it quickly!" the wife urged eagerly.

Kou San ran towards the middle room. Jiang Huoer looked at the black spots in the sky. He could see them more clearly. He stamped his feet a few times, as if he wanted to fly.

Kou San's wife lowered her head and said, "Don't fly. You can breathe fire at such a young age. How can you do it when you grow up? Alas."

Kou San rushed out of the house, holding a pile of paper charms in his hand and searching hurriedly.

"Put the fork down," my wife reminded.

Kou San immediately threw away the steel fork and looked up. The black spots quickly grew in size, but the screams had stopped. The Taoist priest was really going to come back.

"Found it." Kou San shouted, swinging the life-saving charm left by Master Mu Yu with his left hand. Once, twice, the paper was still paper, without any change.

"Don't worry, there's still time." The wife stopped urging.

Kou San took a deep breath. He was not a talisman master, and he did not have the Fire Sacrifice Seal on his back. He panicked. The effect of the talisman was even worse. He had to calm down first.

Kou San swung the life-saving talisman again. The paper talisman did not burn to ashes, but came out of his hand and hit the ground like a stone. It made a bang sound. Thick smoke rose and spread quickly, covering the entire small courtyard. My eyes were filled with confusion, and the Taoist priest in heaven could not be seen.

Kou San hugged his wife's shoulders and waited anxiously for the result.

"Ah." The wife called out.

"What's wrong?"

"There's something...Jiang Huo'er is missing...Jiang Huo'er!"

Kou San let go of his wife and groped around. He only heard the crowing of chickens and the barking of dogs, but Jiang Huo'er was nowhere to be seen.

Slowly, the smoke dissipated. His wife and children were still there, the house was still there, and everything at home was almost unchanged. The fences around him were gone, but instead were a circle of thorn bushes - Kou San's home was moved to a strange place. place.

Jiang Huoer disappeared.

"What's going on?" Kou San was a little anxious.

The wife's face turned pale. She was the one who held Jiang Huo'er's hand just now, so she felt responsible. "It seemed like a hand reached in and snatched Jiang Huo'er away in one fell swoop."

"Where did the hand come from? In the air or on the ground?"

The wife shook her head. The smoke was too thick and she didn't see anything. She just felt that Jiang Huo'er was being pulled.

The couple looked at each other, not knowing what to do, let alone how to explain it to Master Mu Yu.

Dozens of miles away, separated by two hills, Di Yuanfu finally cast a spell and made a big hole in the ground. Then he landed with his feet on the ground and found that the surrounding area had become an empty space with no people or houses, and only the flames around him were still there. It was burning and was about to be extinguished at this time. I couldn't help but feel angrier. I was about to fly again to find the whereabouts of Kou San's family. A slightly sarcastic voice came from outside the fire circle, "Why bother being so serious with mortals?"

"The Nascent Soul is in their hands." Di Yuanfu suppressed his anger.

"Hey." The surrounding wall of fire quickly extinguished, and Taoist priest Shi Gen walked slowly over, holding the sleeping Jiang Huo'er in his left hand and holding a sword in his right hand, "Fellow Daoist Di, you are too careless, knowing that Mu Xingqiu's talisman is It’s powerful, but it’s still a trick. You should take away the Nascent Soul from the beginning, and there’s no need to talk nonsense.”

Di Yuanfu's face turned red, and then he discovered a problem. Originally, the two of them had agreed that one would be on guard outside and the other would come in to seize the Nascent Soul. However, it turned out that it was Shi Gen who took the Nascent Soul, which made him suddenly embarrassed. The already weak joint relationship between the two became even more fragile.

Shi Gen laughed and said, "Fellow Daoist Di, don't take it too seriously. Who hasn't won or lost yet? Besides, this isn't our first defeat. Let's go. It's not a good place to stay here for a long time. We have to find a backer who can keep Nascent Soul alive." "

Di Yuanfu coughed awkwardly, "Have you decided who to find?"

The two of them had previously taken refuge with Xingshan Grandmaster Zhao Chuye, but he was killed and they had no choice but to find another family.

"How about the three masters of Nanhai?" Shi Gen said. He didn't know that Nanhai Lin had changed hands.

Di Yuanfu shook his head, "It is said that the three masters are refining the living elixir. If you join them, you may be sent to supervise the furnace. Now the furnace supervisor is different from before. They are rushing, and the person who supervises the furnace may..."

"I understand. Well, Shi Hanyuan's whereabouts are unknown, Zuo Liuying is unreliable, and the lives and deaths of other masters and Taoist priest Fu Yuemang are unknown... It seems that we have only one choice left, are you willing?"

Di Yuanfu frowned, "Fellow Taoist Shi, are you talking about the Nine Immortals of Jingshan Mountain?"

"There are at least two Taoist priests among them who serve Yuemang. They are strong enough, but... they are both women. Daoist fellow Di, are you willing to sacrifice your face?"

Di Yuanfu looked at Shi Gen coldly, finding no more meaning in the other person's eyes, and nodded reluctantly, "Okay, find the couple before leaving, and don't leave anyone alive."

Shi Gen secretly laughed in his heart, put away the magic sword, and was about to fly into the air. His expression suddenly changed, and he summoned the magic sword again, and said sternly: "Di Yuanfu, you started early enough."

Di Yuanfu was stunned, "What are you talking nonsense about?" Suddenly his face changed, "It's not me, it's... it's..."

More than a dozen men in black robes walked out of the bushes. The bamboo hats on their heads covered most of their faces. One of them pushed up the edge of the hat, revealing an obvious demon face. He said in a hoarse voice: "Thank you two for finding Nascent Soul. Hand it over."

Di and Shi also looked at each other in astonishment like Kou San and his wife. It was rare for a group of monsters to dare to attack a Taoist priest. The most incredible thing was that the magic around them was actually very powerful.

Hundreds of miles away, Mu Xingqiu, who was flying in the air, realized that the talisman he left for Kou San had been activated, and he immediately increased his speed even faster.

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