
Chapter 1052 Invincible

The Patriarch's Pagoda is one of the nine great treasures of the Taoist tradition. The Taoist priests who were lucky enough to get it held it respectfully with their hands, but Mu Xingqiu held it with his backhand, and the top of the tower rushed down, as if it were a dagger he had caught conveniently. , the posture is quite unsightly, even the demon clan opposite finds it ridiculous.

"Fan Wang, no, Jin Cu, what's going on with you? Turn your elbows outward, and instead of helping us, are you helping two Taoist priests who are about to die?" Qi Wuye said with a smile, looking at his brothers, Everyone was ready and he had nothing to worry about.

Di Yuanfu and Shi Gen were indeed on the verge of death. Their inner elixirs were taken away and their abdomens were severely injured. They relied on their physiques acquired through hundreds of years of practice to prevent them from dying immediately. However, their breathing was heavy and their faces were rapidly aging. It was obvious that they were hopeless.

Mu Xingqiu couldn't save them, nor did he want to. He was only confused about one thing, "You all want to serve Kun Chaos, why do you want to kill each other?"

Qi Wuye snorted, "This is not called cannibalism. We have already been appreciated by our ancestors. The two of them are just wishful thinking. If you have to use an analogy, we are doorkeepers and they are beggars who come to beg for food. As a result, Even our jobs have been taken away from us.”

The demons laughed, and there was no color on the faces of the two Taoist priests. Di Yuanfu was shocked and horrified, and could not speak. Shi Gen said in a trembling voice: "You will not be proud for long, the Patriarch... the Patriarch's grace will not last long." It will always exist, and Daotong Tower serves as a warning.”

Qi Wuye's face darkened, revealing a look of extreme disdain, "Even if you are about to die, you will not wake up. Of course, the grace of the ancestor will not always exist. You must constantly strive for it. Grace is a spur. You are walking slowly, even Standing still, do you still expect the Patriarch to be like before? When the Taoist Tower collapsed, some people died and some lived, and the living were smarter than the dead. Among the surviving Taoist priests, some were hiding, some were blaming others, and some were looking for another way to survive. The latter kind of people are smarter. You two are considered smart people, but what the Patriarch needs is the smartest among smart people. It doesn’t matter whether they are human beings, like us.”

Qi Wuye was very proud and kept looking at the "Rice King".

Shi Gen stayed there with nothing to say.

"I admired you very much in the past." Qi Wuye was still full of thoughts, but he was not concerned about the two Taoist priests. "The land of demons and the country of sacrifice spread the word about what you have done and what you said. I really wanted to follow you through life and death. What a pity, I missed the invasion of the demon species, and also missed the capture and release of the Patriarch.

All the monsters chuckled, and the two monsters who were waiting for the inner elixir were a little impatient, "What are you waiting for? The Rice King can't really be eaten, his tricks are all outdated, kill him, Another demon pill, whose turn is it?"

A demon clan member shook his head, "It's my turn, but I don't want Rice King's demon pill."

"Hey, you must repay your kindness." Qi Wuye glanced at the monster coldly, "Fan King, I give you one last chance, either join the gang or turn around and walk away. It has nothing to do with you here. Act like a hero. The time is over, even if you bring together all the monsters and humans in the world, it will only make it easier for the Patriarch to kill. Now everyone only competes on one thing, to see who can survive longer, whether the Patriarch favors him or not. Will it last? So what? While the favor is still there, you should kill as many as you can. Either way, you will die sooner or later. What difference does it make in whose hands you die? "

"Is Kun Chao really that powerful? You are so scared." Mu Xingqiu really doesn't remember. Although rumors about the founder of the Taoism can be heard everywhere in the past two years, it is difficult to tell the truth from the false. He will I have forgotten all my personal experiences in the past, so I always feel that everyone has exaggerated Kun Chaos strength.

Qi Wuye was stunned for a moment, and then said angrily: "You ask me this? You and the Patriarch had a fight in the imperial capital. No, you were captured alive before you made a move. It's not a 'fight', but you are against the Patriarch's strength. You should know better than me. Even if you were not convinced at the time, the Five Elements Tribulation two years ago should have taught you how powerful the founder was, right?"

Shi Gen, who was lying on the ground, suddenly spoke again, "It's no use. The more you talk about the ancestor, the more he wants to fight. He is just such a person, and he is not the 'Food King' of your demon clan, ha... Shi Gen spat out a mouthful of blood, "You'd better run away quickly, everyone who encounters him will have a bad ending."

The lukewarm look of the "Fan King" always angered the demons more than Shi Gen's instigation. Qi Wuye had already spoken out what was in his heart, raised his head and roared, once again showed the shape of a bull monster, and threw away He wore a bamboo hat and a long robe, strode towards his target, and wanted to topple his former idol.

No matter what the Taoist said, in his eyes this was the King of Rice.

Other demon clans cast natural spells at the same time, but to their surprise, there were no spells around them that could resolve them.

Mu Xingqiuzhen used the Patriarch's Tower as a dagger and stabbed Qi Wuye. The Minotaur was not even afraid of spells, let alone a small tower several inches long. "King" also made a hole.

The force of the collision was like the weight of a huge mountain. Mu Xingqiu was pushed back several feet, but he was not impaled.

Mu Xingqiu grabbed a long horn with his left hand, and the Patriarch's Pagoda in his right hand pressed against the other horn. Qi Wuye tilted his head, moving one horn up and down, as if it was stuck while rubbing it, and could not move at all. .

The incident happened unexpectedly. None of the demons, including Qi Wuye, spoke. Only Shi Gen sneered intermittently.

"What kind of spell is this?" Qi Wuye was confused as it failed to work after three consecutive attempts.

"A little talisman."

"Hey, Fu Lu is not that powerful, and I haven't seen you write anything...Has Zuo Liuying come to see you?"

"Zuo Liuying?"

"That's right, he is the Patriarch's butler. Anyone with unique spells will be visited by Zuo Liuying. Either you will be loyal to the Patriarch with him or be killed. Your spells are enough to win the favor of Zuo Liuying, the Patriarch. ”

Mu Xingqiu pushed Qi Wuye away, "I will also give you a chance. Let's go back to your hometown. Since you think Kun Chaos is invincible, stay away and don't come closer."

Qi Wuye did not admit defeat, his furry face was full of anger, especially his eyes, which were as wide as two lanterns. He roared and charged forward again. This time, the two horns were shining with light, and the hair on his body was also full of anger. Various colors of light shine through, and the cultivation pills he swallowed are revealed at this moment.

Mu Xingqiu did not retreat, and did not even use his left hand. He raised the Patriarch Tower with his right hand, stabbed the long horn again, and withdrew at the first touch.

Qi Wuye's forward charge was unstoppable, but he was defeated by this slight touch. He flew backwards, knocking down his two companions, and flew some distance before falling into the grass, screaming in agony.

A whole horn and several cultivation pills were left on the ground, and the light on the pills was rapidly weakening.

The group of demons were shocked. They had been casting natural spells, but in the end they didn't even feel the opponent's moves, let alone resolve them.

Qi Wuye climbed out of the grass and returned to his human form. He was naked, trembling with his arms folded. A small horn on his head was gone, and blood covered half of his face.

A demon hurriedly sent the robe over, but the bamboo hat could not be worn.

"The Patriarch will come to find you." Qi Wuye said in a trembling voice.

"Well, if he doesn't look for me, I will look for him." Mu Xingqiu put away the Patriarch Tower.

"Haha, you are still the rice king, the real rice king." Qi Wuye wiped a handful on his face, turned around and left. The other demon tribes were stunned for a while before following him.

"Stop following me." Qi Wuye flew into the air, "The Patriarch will not forgive losers. You can live for two more days if you go your own way, but if you stay together, you will be killed in one fell swoop."

The group of monsters still chased after him, and two monsters bowed hurriedly to Mu Xingqiu before leaving.

Shi Gen turned his eyes and said, "Why don't you tell them the truth? You are a human Taoist priest, not a monster."

"You recognize me?"

"Before, I thought you were that horse demon, but now I know who you are, Mu Xingqiu, you are Mu Xingqiu, the Mu Xingqiu who destroyed wherever he went, ha...ahem...you never pull it out Did you escape from the Demon Cave? Or did the Patriarch let you out?"

"I have forgotten everything from the past."

"Well, this seems like the Patriarch's style. Do you really want to challenge the Patriarch?"

"Is this a challenge? According to what I have seen and heard, the battle has started since the moment of the Five Elements Tribulation. It's just that Kunchao is too far away and we can't see it, just like ordinary people can't see Taoist priests casting spells."

"You challenged it once, but the result was a complete failure."

"I'm not challenging him because I can beat him." Mu Xingqiu paused, "but because I don't agree with his approach and don't like the 'future' he is creating."

Shi Gen laughed, then coughed, and it took him a while before he could speak again, "Di Yuanfu, did you hear that? There is still a true Taoist priest left in this world."

Di Yuan obeyed without saying a word, as if he was already dead. After a moment, he said coldly: "Because he has lost his memory and has no idea how powerful the ancestor is and what he is doing - just like a mad dog."

"Mad dog... do you know why the two of us died? Because it was too normal, the founder looked down upon it, and I was incompetent. Why did the Taoist tradition collapse? It was also because it was too normal. As long as it helps practice, even the nearest You can’t see the threats in front of you.”

Shi Genqiang supported his upper body, panting violently, with the last light flashing in his eyes, "Can you say to me, 'The fire will never be extinguished'?"

Mu Xingqiu hesitated for a while, then took Jiang Huo'er down from the air first, and then the two inner elixirs, "The Tao fire will not be extinguished."

Shi Gen fell down and kept muttering the words "The fire will never be extinguished", gradually becoming silent. Beside him, Di Yuanfu had already died before him. "Like a mad dog" was the last thing he said. A few words.

Mu Xingqiu woke up Jiang Huo'er with a slap. The little guy was about to spit out fire as soon as he opened his eyes. When he saw the face of the person who came, he swallowed it back.

"I have to write a farewell letter to Kou San and his wife. Don't let them worry. I also have to abide by the agreement and go to Fuhuang City. It seems that I have to fly again. Jiang Huo'er, do you believe that Kun Chaos is invincible?"

Jiang Huo'er seemed to understand this sentence, raised his head and spit out the fire that was held in his throat, and flew into the sky.

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