
Chapter 1065 Followers

The two of them flew far away without seeing any human beings, but there were many ruins of towns on the ground. The magnificent buildings that were quickly created with talismans and spells disappeared completely, and the houses that were built brick by brick by mortals with their own hands collapsed. There are still many ruins left.

At dusk, they stopped in the center of a small town, which was supposed to be the seat of the government. Many talismans were used when it was originally built. Now that the talismans have failed, there are only solid stones left. Without external help, they cannot bear the impact. Hold your own weight.

The surrounding houses were still standing, and there were overgrown weeds inside and outside the courtyard walls. Mu Xingqiu picked up a stone and threw it into the nearest courtyard. There was a clang, and an unknown little beast was running around in the grass. , causing the weeds to sway.

Qing Lingshuang laughed softly, "You are still so naughty."

"I used to..." Mu Xingqiu remembered Zuo Liuying's reminder and did not ask any more questions. Moreover, he was a little uneasy and was afraid of knowing about his past with Qin Lingshuang. "Is Mu Dong'er's injury completely healed?"

Qin Lingshuang shook his head, "There are still hidden dangers. We must find all nine treasures. I have four, you and Mu Dong'er each have one, and we still need the Siming Cauldron, the Demon Suppressing Bell, and the Demon Drawing Cave. Since you and the successor of Nianxin have escaped, , I don’t know if the Ba Mo Cave is still there, so let’s ignore it for now. The Demon Suppressing Bell was taken away by Xiang Haisheng and is now probably in the hands of Zuo Liuying. Siming Ding is probably in Luanjing Mountain. It is said that a group of people gathered there. The leader of the female Taoist priests calls themselves the ‘Nine Immortals’, I think we should start with them.”

Mu Xingqiu had already inquired about the news and had the same idea as Qin Lingshuang. In fact, the direction the two of them were flying was towards Luanjing Mountain.

"Will they hand over the Siming Ding?"

"We are just borrowing it. If it doesn't work out, we can promise them to give them one more treasure afterwards. I have four, and they can choose from them. I think no Taoist priest can refuse such an offer."

"I really don't know how to thank you."

"When you regain your memory, you will realize that there is no need to thank me."

The two of them didn't really need to rest, but Mu Xingqiu had many doubts in his heart and hoped to take this opportunity to ask, "Do you recognize Zuo Liuying?"

"Well, Zuo Liuying used to be the head of Pangshan's forbidden secret department, and I was his personally selected disciple.

"That's great, I need your advice: Should I trust him? He was very strange. First he told me not to rush to retrieve my memory, and then he told me that it was wrong to combine the three elixirs into one, and asked me to try not to use it. Magic outside of the talisman. But he worked for Kun Chaos and stole many Nascent Souls. I'm really confused."

Mu Xingqiu sighed. It was because of Zuo Liuying that he had always been in a state of confusion and alienated from the world. Even when he saved people during the Five Elements Tribulation, he did not have strong empathy.

He hated this state, it was like a long nightmare, he wished to wake up as soon as possible, but another person warned him to wake up as late as possible.

Qing Lingshuang thought for a while, "I am Zuo Liuying's disciple, but I have never known him. I only know one thing. It is obvious that no one likes him, and is even wary of him and hates him. But as long as Zuo Liuying is willing, He can make anyone trust him wholeheartedly. Even if you scold him in your heart and don’t understand what he is going to do, you will still feel that he is justified.”

Mu Xingqiu spread his hands and said, "Yes, this is what I think about him now. I thought I was under a spell."

"Zuo Liuying does not use magic, but confidence. He has reason to be confident. Over the years, his predictions have always been unexpected, but always successful."

"So I should do what he says?"

Qing Lingshuang stared at him with a slightly serious look, which was an expression the Dragon Demon rarely showed, "No, do what you want. Even when you trusted Zuo Liuying the most, you did not obey his orders." , that is not you, you are Mu Xingqiu, never give up. Just like the mental illusion you used when writing the sealing talisman, the memory will be lost, but the feeling will not, you are still you. "

Mu Xingqiu also stared at her, feeling a strange impulse in his heart, feeling that he could hug her without being rejected. He didn't do it because he had a son and a partner who was supposed to be his wife, and the impulse alone made him feel ashamed.

"I think... it's better to go to Luanjing Mountain first, borrow the Siming Ding, and then go to Duanliu City to find Zuo Liuying.

"Defeating Zuo Liuying is the dream of many people. Even if there is no agreement with Taoist Hongshan, even if he is not the spokesperson of Kun Chaos, I still hope to have the opportunity to fight with him." Qin Lingshuang showed a trace of hope.

Luanjing Mountain is in the southwest, and Duanliu City is in the north. Qin Lingshuang looked north, but she couldn't see that far with her third eye, and the appearance of Duanliu City appeared in her mind.

"There is also Demon Lord Zhengfa. You have also practiced it, right?"

Qing Lingshuang nodded.

"I don't trust Mr. Yishi. He said it would take three hundred years for him to turn into a demon, but Yin Buchen was controlled by him not long after he practiced. I think the sooner this problem is solved, the better." Mu Xingqiu paused. He now has no reservations in his trust in Qin Lingshuang. This is a trust that arises spontaneously and does not even require memory as a basis. "I originally wanted to practice using the methods of the demons, but there are as many as 100,000 demons." , Nowadays, there are only a few people who know how to rectify the method of Demon Lord, so I thought of another way, which is not very mature and is just my random thinking. "

Qin Lingshuang smiled slightly, "Maybe Zuo Liuying didn't let you retrieve your memory just because of these random thoughts. Tell me, you are the only person in the world who has the strength of Fu Rimang but no corresponding memory. You may have strange ideas."

Mu Xingqiu was almost embarrassed. When he was walking around Jiangnan and writing talismans, he had received a lot of gratitude and praise, but none of them were as comfortable as Qin Lingshuang's few words. He was like a student being praised in public by his teacher, "You Both I and I absorb spells and convert them into mana, and I think there may be a way."

"The deeper the demons practice, the stronger their physique will be. The stronger the constitution, the more likely they are to become a demon. My idea is to do the opposite and release the demon cultivators..."

“Then absorb it when necessary.”

Mu Xingqiu was very happy, "That's right. Do you think it's feasible? I've forgotten all the methods of practice. Just thinking about it, it might be a dead end."

Qing Lingshuang did not answer immediately. She thought carefully for a while and suddenly pointed to a clump of weeds not far away. There was a rustle in the grass, and what ran out was not a small beast, but a human figure.

Yin Buchen crawled out of the grass and knelt on the ground. The expression on his face was both crying and smiling, "Don't do it, it's me."

"What are you doing here? Where is Mr. Yishi hiding?" Qing Lingshuang asked coldly, her little tenderness only showing up when she faced Mu Xingqiu alone.

"I pushed him here myself."

"Do you know how to track teleportation?"

"Ah? Teleportation... this, Laojun took me teleportation, then threw me down and walked away by myself. I will catch up the rest of the way." Yin Buchen immediately changed his statement, with a look on his face A flattering smile, a wet, soft smile, "Are you a Taoist Qin or a Taoist Long?"

Qin Lingshuang did not answer.

"It should be Taoist Qin. You may not be familiar with me. Dragon Demon recognizes me. My name is Yin Buchen. My relationship with Taoist Master is extraordinary. It is very, very extraordinary. We once lived and died together, side by side. Fighting, fighting together in the dragon's pond and the tiger's den, it's like... just like father and son..." Yin Buchen noticed that Qin Lingshuang's eyes were getting colder and colder, and his voice was getting lower and lower.

Mu Xingqiu looked at Yin Buchen and said, "You never said these words when we first met."

In Fuhuang City, Yin Buchen transformed into a human old man and talked with Mu Xingqiu. He regarded him as a late-born descendant and did not mention his former friendship at all.

"Because I heard that Dao Zun has lost his memory, so... Dao Zun, Taoist Qin, please take me in. I will be a servant. I am good at this. Don't let me go back to Lao Jun. I don't want to be a living demon weapon. He will play to death." I!"

Qin Lingshuang said coldly: "What is the purpose of Mr. Yishi sending you here?"

"Laojun just threw me down without saying anything. I guess he wanted to show friendship." Yin Buchen got up, his wet eyes flashing with a cunning and pitiful glimmer, "I have an idea. Since We have all learned the Demon Lord's method and are in danger of turning into demons, why don't we find a way together? I can change faster, so I can..."

"No need. We don't need slaves or another son." Qin Lingshuang glanced at Mu Xingqiu and cast a spell to lift the two of them into the air.

Yin Buchen became anxious, his mind was spinning rapidly, trying to find a reason to stay with the two of them, and suddenly an idea flashed, "Mu Dong'er!"

"What's wrong with him?" Mu Xingqiu asked, and Qin Lingshuang paused.

"Mu Dong'er is a beast master, and so am I. We can keep in touch for a long time. Since the Five Elements Tribulation killed a large number of humans and monsters, this connection has become smoother. I guess it's the reason for the increase in beasts in the world. I don't believe it. Ask the dragon demon, she knows."

Qin Lingshuang was silent for a while and said to Mu Xingqiu: "The beast master does have this ability, but the beast has abandoned him and belongs to Mu Dong'er. He is not a real beast master."

"It's easy. I can recruit another strange beast at any time, for example..." Yin Buchen still had some demonic power in his body. He pointed to the nearby grass, and an unlucky gray rabbit flew out and landed in his hands. His legs kicked wildly, and Yin Buchen said with a grimace: "I, I will establish a connection with it now. It seems that no one has tried ordinary beasts yet, so it just starts with me."

Yin Buchen stared at the gray rabbit as if casting a spell, but out of the corner of his eye he was peeking at the two people in the sky.

Mu Xingqiu glanced at Qing Lingshuang and said to Yin Buchen: "You can follow and let the rabbit go. There will be a chance to encounter strange beasts in the future."

Yin Bushen was overjoyed, "Thank you, Taoist Master. Taoist Master is a good person... Taoist Qin is also a good person. The Battle of Duanliu City was really... I didn't participate in the war, but I have heard of it. Do you really want to throw away the rabbit?" I’m also good at cooking and can use it to stew meat.”

Qin Lingshuang flew away with Mu Xingqiu. Yin Buchen hurriedly threw away the rabbit and followed, slowly reducing his magic power. He found that Qin Lingshuang's flying skills also extended to his body. He felt relieved and said casually: "It is said that the Spirit King is a He led his army out of Zhefeng Mountain a month ago and is heading south. We are about to meet again. Dao Zun must be very happy, right?"

Mu Xingqiu didn't even realize who the Spirit King was right away. Qin Lingshuang glanced at him, his expression unchanged, but Yin Buchen was so frightened that his face turned pale and he didn't dare to speak anymore. He began to believe that this Taoist Qin was an extremely difficult and powerful person.

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